Chapter 149 Don’t think too much about it!

When Ye Fei saw Bai Ruoxi’s right ankle swelling, he could probably judge her current situation.

Bai Ruoxi’s ten-thousand ** is caused by the dislocation of the ankle bones. No wonder it was inconvenient to walk just now. He could only be supported by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei said, “I’ll help you fix your bones, so bear with me.”

Bai Ruoxi lightly tapped her head and said, “Well, you can come.”

Bai Ruoxi put her calf in front of Ye Fei, she turned her head and did not look at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at the white and tender feet in front of him, the skin like jade feet, gently shaking in front of Ye Fei, it turned out to be a little cute and cute.

Ye Fei grabbed Bai Ruoxi’s ankle.

Bai Ruoxi’s body trembled slightly, feeling the warm hands grasping her feet. Two warm currents seemed to hit her ankle

Although Bai Ruoxi had prepared, she was still a little caught off guard. She clearly felt the temperature of Ye Fei’s palm and the masculine masculine atmosphere on her body, making Bai Ruoxi’s cheeks hot for a while, and her heartbeat could not help speeding up.

At the same time, Ye Fei grabbed Bai Ruoxi’s ankle, and he suddenly exerted force.

Suddenly, Bai Ruoxi felt a piercing pain hit, and the Wang Zhu on her forehead fell, her complexion slightly pale, her silver teeth clenched.

With only a crisp sound, Bai Ruoxi’s ankle was fixed by Ye Fei.

The pain after bone dislocation is heart-breaking, and Ye Fei is forcibly setting the dislocation bone, the pain is self-evident.

Bai Ruoxi clenched her silver teeth and insisted on not yelling.

Bai Ruoxi’s character-Xiang Jian is strong, she was able to take over the Bai Group with one person at the beginning, resisting all the pressure, her character can be seen.

Ye Fei looked at Bai Ruoxi. I saw Bai Ruoxi’s black hair hanging down like silk, and her slender willow eyebrows set off her starry eyes

After coming out, the cheeks are rosy and the lips are moist and moving.

Ye Fei put down the jade-long calf. In a low voice: “Okay, you can move around and try.”

Bai Ruoxi nodded lightly when she heard the words, she moved-the lower ankle still felt the piercing pain, but the ankle was already able to move normally, and it was no longer swollen as before, or even unable to move.

“Well, it’s done. Your medical skills are very good.” Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly, and then stretched out, she lightly admired.

Ye Fei smiled and exhorted, “Don’t exercise too hard at will, otherwise it will still be a little troublesome.”

“Well, I see.” Bai Ruoxi closed her feet obediently and didn’t move.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi both fell silent, and they were both silent and silent for the time being.

After a while, Bai Ruoxi first said: “The assassination of the Violet Organization was directed at me, this time I am causing you.”

Speaking of the Violet Organization, Ye Fei squinted his eyes, the chill in his eyes.

Zhan Chuang Xiao

The assassination of the Violet Group completely angered Ye Fei. Ling Bu

The Violet Organization is in the original book

“A strong and secret killer organization, the Violet organization’s methods are extremely cruel. Nothing.

Do not use the extreme.

Fortunately, the headquarters of the Violet Organization is in the East Sakura Country, otherwise the Violet Organization will definitely not only send two killers this time.

Ye Fei squinted and said, “We are allies, so He Lai Lian Yi said. It’s just that the Violet Organization failed this assassination. We must

Give them a warning, lest Violet really think we are soft persimmons that can be pinched at will. ”

The Violet Organization, like Chen Luo, is also on Ye Fei’s must-do list.

For this kind of organization that can threaten him and have a great contradiction with him, Ye Fei certainly does not want it to exist in this world!

“What do you mean” Bai Ruoxi whispered.

Ye Fei said, “The sniper should have fled, he must be caught, it is better to catch him.”

It’s a pity that Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi were trapped in this cave and couldn’t catch the sniper in time. But despite this, as long as tomorrow

Out of trouble, Ye Fei thinks that the probability of catching the opponent is also great.

After all, Yan belonged to the Ye family and the Bai family, and it was not too difficult for the two to work together to catch a killer.

“After we get out of trouble, the first thing is to catch that sniper.” Bai Ruoxi said decisively. Violet tissue is also

One of the real culprits of Bai Ruoxi’s father’s death, Bai Ruoxi spared no effort.

“Well, I think so too.”

Ye Fei agreed.

The dark night enveloped everything, the torrential rain was falling, and there was no tendency to stop at all. At the same time, the cold wind poured into this cave, making people shudder.

If it weren’t for the relatively high terrain of this cave, it would have been flooded by rain.

Rao is so, the inside of the cave is also very humid, the two are very uncomfortable, especially Bai Ruoxi, her clothes are almost completely wet.

Although she looked embarrassed, she still couldn’t stop her beautiful face, she was still beautiful and unparalleled.

Ye Fei saw Bai Ruoxi’s appearance, but he couldn’t help laughing.

“What are you laughing at?” Bai Ruoxi stared at Ye Fei’s body for a while.

Ye Fei blinked and said, “I’m just thinking that no one has ever seen you so embarrassed, let alone, it is indeed the first white and rich beauty in Yandu. It is also surprisingly beautiful in this state.”

Ye Fei is relaxing the atmosphere.

As night and rain approached, the weather became colder and colder. Ye Fei also noticed that Bai Ruoxi was shaking slightly because of her cold body, so Ye Fei spoke to ease the atmosphere.

Bai Ruoxi’s pair of stars, like stars and fixed on Ye Fei’s body, said, “Yandu is second, Bai Fumei?”

“Well, that’s what they call you.” Ye Fei shrugged.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Bai Ruoxi’s mouth. She looked at Ye Fei and said, “Actually, you are also very handsome now.”

“It always feels like we are talking about each other in business.” Ye Fei smiled.

The two chatted without a word, and Ye Fei also noticed that Bai Ruoxi’s cheeks were getting paler and paler, his lips were slightly pale, his body trembled, and his whole body was cold.

When Ye Fei saw this, he sighed, knowing that Bai Ruoxi was cold all over.

If this continues, Bai Ruoxi will definitely catch a cold or even a fever tomorrow, and illness is inevitable.

Ye Fei’s physique is different from ordinary people. He can tolerate the cold, but Bai Ruoxi can’t resist it.

Thinking of this Ye Fei’s body moved slightly, he approached Bai Ruoxi and took the initiative to hold Bai Ruoxi in his arms. He felt that Bai Ruoxi’s body became stiff in his arms, and then softened again, = a faint fragrance lingered between Ye Fei’s mouth and nose.

Bai Ruoxi’s hands and feet were cold.

Bai Ruoxi only felt that the man’s full-feeling voice rang in her ears, “Don’t think too much about it, it’s just that it’s easy to keep warm, otherwise you will definitely have to give birth tomorrow_”


Bai Ruoxi’s voice was so small that almost only he could hear the mountain.

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