Chapter 145 7 Threat of death!

Almost out of instinct, Ye Fei’s hair swelled and felt extremely dangerous!

Ye Fei even felt the threat of death!

“Get down and get on it” Ye Fei reflexively got up, hugged Bai Ruoxi, and threw Bai Ruoxi down!

Immediately afterwards, a dull gunshot sounded without warning.

Before the gunshots came, Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi had fallen down. Bai Ruoxi’s bright eyes showed a slight panic, but they calmed down quickly.

Bai Ruoxi is not a zigzag woman after all, although Bai Ruoxi did not scream in surprise, but her face was slightly pale.


These two words appeared in Bai Ruoxi’s mind. She immediately realized that this was three assassinations.

The question is, is this assassination aimed at Ye Fei or Bai Ruoxi?

Several thoughts came to Bai Ruoxi’s mind, but between life and death, she couldn’t take care of that much.

Ye Fei hugged Bai Ruoxi, and the two of them rolled over, and the first thing to do with Fei was to find a shelter.

The gun just now came from a sniper in the distance!

If it weren’t for Ye Fei’s quick response, death’s sickle must be greeted him.

You must find a cover, otherwise Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi will become live targets for snipers!

Ye Fei squinted, calm and calm, realizing that the crisis is coming. At that moment, it was almost the closest to the god of death since Ye Fei’s crossing.

If he was a little careless just now. Maybe it has become a corpse in a county.

Fortunately, Ye Fei’s current strength value is extremely strong, and through systematic transformation and enhancement of his physique, Ye Er K’s five senses are also extremely powerful.

Ascension, he could foresee the coming of the crisis just now.

“Run, go to the woods ahead!” Ye Fei half-stretched and half embraced Bai Ruoxi, three steps and two steps, and then he pulled Bai Ruoxi to a forest not far away.

Ye Fei knew that there were snipers among the assassins, and this wood was a good cover to avoid snipers shooting.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi rushed to the woods quickly, Cai Fei pulled Bai Ruoxi out of the irregular zigzag pattern. This is also the most effective hiding

Ways to avoid snipers

The two of them had just arrived at the edge of the forest, and from the corner of their eyes, they caught a glimpse of Taoist Shadows suddenly appearing next to them, and they rushed towards Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi!

The man is dressed in black and is a male. The figure does not look tall, but he is very strong. He covered his face with a mask, leaving only a fierce pair

Ruthless eyes are out.

The man’s eyes were full of killing intent, and he held a three-sided knife in his hand.

The groove is used for bleeding, this kind of knife is extremely dangerous, and the stabbed sergeant may die because of excessive blood loss.

It’s another killer, and a professional killer!

Ye Fei’s heart shuddered, and he immediately made a judgment.

In addition, two assassins appeared in the past. Someone used a sniper rifle in the distance. The other person was assassinated in close quarters, and the target was Bai Ruoxi!

This killer came for Bai Ruoxi!

Bai Ruoxi’s cheeks were slightly pale, and she was obviously aware of this.

The assassin quickly approached the three-sided knife and slammed towards Bai Ruoxi, accompanied by:-With strong winds, Bai Ruoxi even felt the threat of death approaching.

It’s too late to say, then soon

Only to see Ye Fei also outrageously shot at this time.

The assassin wearing a mask came and turned fiercely, Wang Lingdao turned, and violently stabbed Bai Ruoxi, as if he was determined to win, and he was bound to take Bai Ruoxi’s life!

At the same time, Ye Fei stabilized his figure, flew his feet, and suddenly only heard the sound of the air breaking through the air. Ye Fei, this foot is heavy.


This foot sinks at a very fast speed, and kicks directly at the killer’s heart!

The astonishment flashed in the murderer’s fierce eyes, and he obviously didn’t expect Ye Fei’s reaction so fast, and his strength was even more terrifyingly tyrannical.

Ye Fei kicked the assassin’s vital part, if-kicked, the assassin would definitely be hemiplegic.

The killer noticed something bad. Change the action at the moment, roll sideways, avoid spitting out this-= feet.

Ye Fei didn’t take his strength and kicked a small tree next to him.

Just listen to the click-sound that the small tree was kicked off directly by Ye Fei.

The assassin caught a glimpse of this scene, and suddenly felt cold in his heart. He really met a master. If this kick hits him, his life is definitely gone.

Immediately, the killer made a judgment immediately. He changed the target of the attack.

Although the main target of the killer was Bai Ruoxi. But as long as there is interference from Ye Fei, it will be difficult for him to complete the assassination. So this killer

The hand decisively locks the target first, Ye Fei, who is only capable of fighting. 0 One

As long as Ye Fei is killed, Bai Ruoxi must die too!

The assassin’s body rolled, avoiding Ye Fei’s critical attack, and then rushed towards Ye Fei, the three-sided blade in the assassin’s hand.

Sharp and unmatched, they stabbed at Ye Fei one after another.

Ye Fei had already reacted. He knew that the power of this three-sided knife was amazing, and he must not be stabbed by the three-sided knife, otherwise even Ye Fei would be seriously injured.

Ye Fei’s figure quickly dodges, avoiding the slashing and stab of the triangular knife.

This assassin was also extremely fast with a three-sided knife. Almost all his knives were aimed at the vital parts of Spit Fei. The knives were deadly!

Fortunately, Ye Fei was very responsive, and only heard the three-sided knives in the air making continuous wind noises, and Ye K-yi dodged.

During the fight with this killer, Cai Fei was also very calm.

Ye Fei knows very well that as long as he is slightly careless, his life is definitely hanging by a thread.

The opponent was an organized and planned assassination, obviously carefully prepared.

There is a sniper in the distance, and a fierce killer is buried nearby. Under normal circumstances, even if Bai Ruoxi has a bodyguard by his side, it’s just too much fortunate.

The two assassins came at Bai Ruoxi, but Bai Ruoxi had never encountered such an assassination in the original book.

Ye Fei’s thoughts changed sharply. Through his fight with the mask killer and the simple judgment of his mind, the identities of the two killers were actually revealed.

Ye Fei can almost conclude that these two killers should be the killers sent by the Violet Organization!

Such a 3.0 well-trained killer should be the Violet organization from the East Sakura country!_

Ye Fei’s thoughts turned sharply, but his movements did not stop at all. Ye Fei fought the killer in close combat, so there was no need to worry about the sniper in the dark for the time being.

After all, first Ye Fei already had the forest as a shelter, and Ye Fei fought the killer in close quarters, and the sniper had lost its effect at this time.

While avoiding the assassin’s fierce offensive, Tufei finally caught a gap.

He started to fight back!

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