Chapter 142 Ye Fei did a great job

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi are chatting with no one next to it, which also makes the men around you very envious of Ye Fei, and the beauties are all different.

Staring at Ye Fei. She even dared to wink at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei watched these A’s expressions all over his eyes, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, chatting with Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi didn’t like the excitement a bit, and she subconsciously frowned when she looked at everyone.

“Why don’t you get in the car first, the race will begin soon.” Tufei said.

“Well, then I’ll get in the car first.” Bai Ruoxi was about to walk to the Lamborghini that was spitting out. At this moment, he saw Lei Haoran.

Came with his female companion.

Lei Haoran’s female partner looks pretty, she seems to be a very famous star. It can be regarded as an eight-pointed beauty, even on weekdays

It is a rare beauty.

Unfortunately, in front of Bai Ruoxi, he was completely crushed.

A woman like Bai Ruoxi not only has an alluring appearance, but her temperament is unparalleled. Lei Haoran’s female companion saw Bai Ruoxi,

There was a flash of jealousy in his eyes.

Lei Haoran took the initiative to greet Ye Fei: “Young Master Ye. Long time no see.”

“Master Lei was joking. We only met once at the Dark Night Rose Bar last time, so forget it 2” Ye Fei chuckled.

Ye Fei’s words meant that he knew what Lei Haoran did in the Dark Night Rose Bar, and it was also an implicit warning.

Bai Bao and Yang Zimo also looked at Lei Haoran coldly.

Lei Haoran’s expression changed slightly, but he concealed it well, he laughed, and said with his arms around the beautiful woman. “Really? I remember

There seems to be such a time. The last time I ran into Master Ye at the bar, he didn’t have time to say hello. It’s rare to meet Ye Gongzi here today. = Yes

Why don’t you treat me for a drink?”

Ye Erfei simply refused: “It’s a good idea to drink, and the ways are different.”

Lei Haoran == stunned, and then his expression also went cold: “Ye Gongmao seems to be very cool recently, there is a beautiful woman by his side. Shunfeng

Smoothly. ”

“It’s okay, it’s better than you.” Ye Fei said in a breathless tone.

Lei Haoran was taken aback, and he couldn’t answer these words.

Bai Yu and Yang Zimo beside them couldn’t help but laugh, and Bai Ruoxi couldn’t help but smile. Ye Fei always didn’t play cards according to the routine.

Lei Haoran’s expression was slightly obstructed, but he could stand his temper, and said lightly: “Young Master Ye. In the next few moments, are you interested in racing?”

“Not interested.” Ye Fei refused directly.

He was too lazy to compete with Lei Haoran.

Ye Fei’s current drag racing skills are not polite to say, it is definitely professional. He also knows Lei Haoran’s drag racing level.

This Brother of Chaos Fighter is pretty good, but compared with his current drag racing skills, that’s not enough.

When Lei Haoran saw that Ye Fei was so innocent, he squinted, “Yeah, Ye Gongzi is accompanied by a beautiful woman. This is the competition.

wanted. ”

Ye Fei glance-= glance at Lei Haoran, deliberately glanced at Lei Haoran’s female companion again, deliberately said with emotion, “Yes, there is a beautiful woman next to me

Companion, it’s Mr. Lei, your eyesight is not good, this female companion is not good enough. ”

Ye Erfei sighed with emotion, = Deputy Lei Haoran, your look is too bad.

Lei Haoran frowned and said solemnly, “Young Master Ye, what do you mean by this?”

The meaning of Ye Fei’s words, Lei Haoran, is actually clear. Look-a woman’s taste, you can look at her clothes, items, and first

Decorations and so on can be seen.

The taste of a man depends on his woman.

Ye Fei is ridiculing Lei Haoran’s taste.

Ye Fei ignored Lei Haoran, but slowly chatted with Bai Yu and Yang Zimo beside him, “Between women and women

There is also a difference. Just use the fruit metaphor. Very few women are like cherries. They are not only good-looking, but also rare and precious. ”

Bai Bao smiled and said, “It’s interesting, Shao Ye, are you comparing women to fruits?

Ye Fei’s metaphor is a bit fresh. Not only Bai Yu and Yang Zimo, but also the other son brothers and rich second generations around are very interested.

Listening vigorously.

Even Bai Ruoxi has a pair of beautiful eyes looking at Ye K. He wants to hear what Ye Fei is saying.

Ye Erfei continued: “Some women are like grapes. They look good on the surface, but they taste sour, so they don’t taste good.

“It makes sense.” Yang Zimo smiled, seeming to feel the same way.

Ye Fei glanced at Lei Haoran, and then said, “There are still some women, just like pineapples. They may look good, but they may be better.

Eating depends on luck. ”

Bai Bao and Yang Zimo were more interesting to them, but they couldn’t figure it out. Ye Zfei said these and the female companion beside Lei Haoran

what is the relationship.

Ye Fei freely = laugh, he spoke slowly, pointing at the female partner next to Lei Haoran, “As for the girl next to Lei Haoran,

Companion, if you really want to describe a metaphor, she is a tomato. ”

“Tomatoes? What do you mean?” Yang Zimo–was stunned, curious and puzzled.

Others also looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei spoke unhurriedly and said, “People. Tomatoes mean you think you are still fruit? L”

Bai Ruoxi also covered her mouth and chuckled, Ye Fei, where there are so many fallacies and heresies, it seems a bit interesting.

Lei Haoran’s face turned pale but he couldn’t refute Ye Fei. Compared with Bai Ruoxi next to Tu Fei, his female partner was inferior.

Too much, it’s a world of difference.

Bai Ruoxi’s face covering her mouth and chuckles is very bright and moving, and her smile blooms, which is even more eye-catching like a pearl.

There was a lot of laughter from the younger brothers and the rich second generation present. Lei Haoran was mocked by Ye Fei in public, and Ye Fei mocked mercilessly.

Lei Haoran’s vision for finding a female partner is too bad!

Lei Haoran felt very shameless, but he didn’t have any attacks. Lei Haoran knew that Ye Fei’s force value was terrifying, and Ye Fei fought against Chen Luo.

He also saw the video. He (Mano Zhao) knew that he was definitely not Ye Fei’s opponent.

Lei Haoran immediately walked away, his female companion stomped her feet, stared angrily at Ye Fei, and then quickly followed Lei Haoran.

Lei Haoran hid in his Ferrari in a desperate manner and was furious by Ye Fei.

On the other side, as the drag racing started, Tufei and Bai Ruoxi also entered the Lamborghini.

Bai Ruoxi was sitting in Lamborghini’s co-pilot. She blinked at Tu Fei and chuckled, “You can make Lei Haoran so angry this time.

Qing, looking at Lei Haoran’s sullen look was really relieved. ”

Bai Ruoxi’s sense of Lei Haoran was extremely bad, Ye Fei let Lei Haoran deflate this time, and she could not see it.

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