Chapter 132 Ye Fei will retaliate fiercely!

Ye Fei quickly got what he needed.

Just now when Ye Fei and Chen Luo fought, some people around took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos, and they also recorded the moment when Chen Luo started. The same

Also recorded the tragic situation of Chen Luo being beaten by Ye Fei with a bruised nose and swollen face.

The photographer of one of the videos was a pretty girl, and Tu Fei got this video with little effort.

With this video, it’s easy to handle a

Ye Fei thanked the girl, the girl blushed and shook her head, her big eyes flashed and stared at Ye Fei, she was watched by Ye Fei

He was a bit speechless.

Ye Fei laughed blankly. After getting the video, he walked to Bai Ruoxi’s side.

“Go to my office first, your body injury is not light, I will help you apply medicine.” Bai Ruoxi whispered.


Ye Fei was not hypocritical either. He agreed.

He was indeed injured. 1 It was a head-to-head fight against Chen Luo. Chen Luo’s strength is also very strong. It is impossible not to be injured.


Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi entered the office building of the Bai Group.

Along the way. Bai Ruoxi’s employees continue to have good conversations with Bai Ruoxi, and Bai Ruoxi’s position in Bai’s Group is almost the same.

The right to speak is too great.

Under the leadership of Bai Ruoxi. Soon the two arrived at Bai Ruoxi’s office, located on the upper floor of the Tai Building of the Bai Group.

Bai Ruoxi made a call and ordered the female assistant to get the medicine oil for bone-setting, and then invited Ye Fei to take a seat.

Ye Fei sat on the sofa in the office and looked at the surrounding environment.

Bai Ruoxi’s office is elegantly furnished, with a clear-colored mahogany county, antique, and a calligraphy master hangs in the center.

The characters of “Hai Na Bai Chuan” are written on it, which is quite magnificent.

“Your office is different from what I imagined.” Ye Fei smiled.

Bai Ruoxi was silent for a moment before whispering softly, “This is actually my father’s office. Since his death, this office has hardly

There are changes, and the items are displayed as they are. ”

I see.

The death of her father was an unforgettable shadow for Bai Ruoxi. She vowed to find the real murderer.

The furnishings of this office haven’t changed a lot, and Bai Ruoxi wants to remind herself.

Bai Ruoxi seemed unwilling to talk more about this topic, but she was a little curious about the contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, “You and this Chen Luo

What’s going on?. He seems to hate you to the bone~”.”

“I have ruined his good deeds several times.” Ye Fei briefly explained the reasoning of the matter, from Luo Weiyu’s incident


After hearing what Ye Fei said, Bai Ruoxi had a worse impression of Chen Luo.

Bai Ruoxi whispered, “I never thought that such a person turned out to be the disciple of the genius doctor Wu. It is really just a mere expression. But.

Chen Luo hates you so much, you have to be careful. At that time, Yan Du received the favor of Wu’s genius doctor. ”

Bai Ruoxi kindly reminded Ye Feie

“I know.” Ye Fei smiled, “But now it should be Chen Luo being careful. I don’t need him to deal with me, I will take the initiative.

Pay him. ”

Waiting passively for Chen Luo to deal with himself?

Don’t be kidding, this is not Ye Fei’s character!

“Then how are you going to deal with Chen Luo?” Bai Ruoxi asked.

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows: “You care about me so much?”

Bai Ruoxi’s complexion remained unchanged. Whispered. “We are allies, aren’t we?”

“That’s right. It seems that choosing you to be an ally is the right choice.” Ye Fei smiled, “Chen Luo currently relies on his senior

Duan Qizheng, Qizheng Pharmaceutical is a domestic first-class pharmaceutical company. Duan Qizheng transferred his shares to Chen Luo= part, and also

Let Chen Luo become the vice president of Qizheng Medicine. I plan to start with Qizheng Medicine. ”

Ye Fei must first defeat Duan Qizheng 1

Duan Qi is Chen Luo’s most important helper, and former Chen Luo is the hardest and most iron backer in Yandu. It is Duan Qizheng.

Because Duan Qizheng had been greatly favored by the genius doctor Wu, he was accepted as a named disciple by the genius doctor Wu. Duan Qizheng faced Chen Luo that really

Heart and lungs, ask for money. VIP to others.

If it is not for Duan Qizheng’s support. It’s impossible for Chen Luo to be so prosperous in Yandu!

So Ye Fei must first prepare to defeat Duan Qizheng.”

When Duan Qi is falling, it is tantamount to Chen Luo breaking an arm!

This is the real breaking of his hand!

Bai Ruoxi thought, “I also know that Qizheng Medicine is Su’s biggest competitor. Qizheng Medicine and

Bai’s also has some business contacts. ”

Bai Ruoxi and Duan Qizheng also have business contacts, so Bai Ruoxi is fairly familiar with Qizheng Medicine.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Luo approached Bai Ruoxi, because the two had cooperated.

“If necessary, I can help you deal with Qizheng Group.” Bai Ruoxi said softly.

Ye Fei’s mouth curled up. “Actually I already have a plan.”

Bai Ruoxi was slightly surprised, Ye Fei thought of how to deal with Duan Qizheng so quickly? It seemed that he was also prepared.

Bai Ruoxi is really curious, how does Ye Fei deal with Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng?

After all, Qizheng Pharmaceutical is Xuanhuang’s first-class pharmaceutical company in China, with a market value of tens of billions.

The door, but also, should not be underestimated.

What should Ye Fei do?

Ye Fei saw Bai Ruoxi’s curiosity, he deliberately sold it off and said, “Before this, Chen Luo will be disgusting and disgusting.

“You mean that video?” Bai Ruoxi asked.

“Yes.” Ye Fei’s mouth curled up, “Chen Luo has a small heart and takes his face extremely seriously. This video

If it spreads to the Internet, he will see his embarrassed and ugly side, and he will definitely be smashed by Deshiqiao. ”

Bai Ruoxi couldn’t help but smile. Although Ye Fei’s description is a bit exaggerated, it is true.

= 8 This video was posted on the Internet, _Chen Luo couldn’t be pissed off!

This is also the purpose of Ye Fei=’s beginning.

He took the initiative to provoke Chen Luo this time. It was also the result of his careful consideration!

= Come, he wants to test the strength gap between himself and Chen Luo, and want to see how much the strength difference between him and Chen Luo (good money) is


The result made Ye Fei very satisfied. Although he took advantage of his inadequacies this time, Ye Fei’s strength was almost the same as Chen Luo’s.

The soil points are close to the group.

In addition, Ye Fei wanted to take the opportunity to make Chen Luo lose face in front of Bai Ruoxi. The possibility of Chen Luo and Bai Ruoxi was completely cut off.

The result also satisfied Ye Fei. Bai Ruoxi had no favors with Chen Luo from the beginning.

At the same time, Ye Fei also got this video of Chen Luo’s embarrassment, just to retaliate against Chen Luo!

It’s time to take the initiative and let Chen Luo suffer.

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