Chapter 118 Luo Weiyu’s leg is healed!

Hearing the system prompt from his ear, Ye Fei smiled.

This experience value has grown very comfortably!

Ye Fei knows very well that this increase in experience value is due to Su Qingzhu. In a blink of an eye, 300 experience points are credited to the account, Ye Fei now

The experience value of Zai has reached 1900 points. _

The increase in experience value is still second.

The key is Su Qingzhu’s subtle changes.

Su Qingzhu’s feelings for Ye Fei gradually piled up, and his attitude towards Tu Fei has changed from his initial indifference to his current gentleness.

She raised her head and looked at Ye Fei. The two of them were intertwined with light, and they flew until they could see the slightest affection in the clear moonlight that covered her.

In front of other men, she was still as cold as Su Qingzhu, but in front of Ye Fei, the ice and snow melted and was no longer cold.

Such Su Qingzhu. More feminine. More attractive than before.

Su Qingzhu’s dancing is getting better and better, and several dance moves in the song “Genie” show her long legs.

It’s very attractive.

Ye Fei was pleasing to the eye, admiring the beauty that only he could see.

Su Qingzhu was swept by Ye Fei’s eyes. Although his heartbeat speeded up, his dance movements didn’t stop, just not so standard.

finally. Finished one song.

After the dance, Su Qingzhu was obviously relieved, and then said, “I’ll change clothes first.” This uniform made her wear very awkward.

Ye Fei, but stopped her: “Don’t worry, it’s over so soon?,

The two faced each other in April, and Su Qingzhu’s blush spread bit by bit.

Su Qingzhu looked at Ye Fei. He took the initiative and quickly touched Tufei’s face with a zero, “This way:-is it all right?” This is Su Qingzhu.

The most limited.

Ye Fei laughed, “That’s it?”

With that, Ye Fei held Su Qingzhu with one arm, and closed the door of the room with the other hand.

Su Qingzhu seemed to feel something, her cheeks flushed even more.

Ye Erfei moved further. Su Qingzhu’s body trembled and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, showing her inner tension.

She understands what Ye Feik is going to do.


Su Qingzhu was hugged by Ye Fei before he could speak.

For a long time, Su Qingzhu only felt that he was about to breathe. Ye Fei was also nervous and at a loss when he saw Su Qingzhu’s star eyes half-closed at this time.

Su Qingzhu faintly knew Ye Fei’s purpose. She saw the man’s eyes, suppressed the shame in her heart, and whispered, “Ye Fei

Me, it’s not convenient for me today.”


Ye Fei was startled, seeing Su Qingzhu’s hand clutching the sheet, her body trembled slightly. It is caused by tension.

Ye Fei understands it heartily. He also knew what Su Qingzhu meant by inconvenience. It seems that Su Qingzhu is coming to the moon. this

It’s really unfortunate.

It seems that his support is only a waste. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of it

Su Qingzhu whispered, “Wait until my end is over.”

Ye Fei’s heart was shaken when he heard it, and Su Qingzhu lowered his head with his face, and the corners of his mouth were divided into two moving scenes, and the corners of his mouth evoked a smile.

Su Qingzhu’s performance in front of him is really like a little woman in love. She definitely mustered up the courage by saying this.

Ye Fei held her little hand and didn’t speak much.

Su Qingzhu came to the moon, which was only a few days away, and he could still afford it.

Su Qingzhu buried his head on his shoulders and snuggled Ye Fei. Feeling the warmth of the moment. Leaning on the man’s shoulder, Su Qingzhu’s heart

There is no discomfort, but full of joy.

Surprisingly, Su Xiaokun waved his hand. Rejecting Su Qingzhu’s support, he smiled;

Pressure on Su’s Several of our Su’s drugs have entered the normal review and registration stage. I believe it will be listed in China soon

Su Xiaokun was obviously in a very good mood and his face was red.

The spirit is also quite refreshing.

Su Xiaokun’s news is very well-informed. Lei: Ming just got this deal done, and Su Xiaokun received the notice.

Seeing his grandpa’s face full of joy, Su Qingzhu couldn’t help but said in a low voice, “This is all Ye Fei’s credit, yes.” Su Qingzhu said simply

It’s the matter of making a cow in the morning.

Knowing the cause and effect, Su Xiaokun was stunned. In fact, he had already guessed, but he was surprised when he heard Su Qingzhu say this.

Ye Fei. really did it!

In just one morning, he actually moved the Lei family?

Su Xiaokun sighed with emotion, “Jiu is really scary for the next generation, Xiao Fei, you actually relieved the pressure of the Lei family, it’s really unexpected.

Su Xiaokun was deeply shocked. He thought that even if Ye Fei could solve the Lei family’s pressure, it would definitely take a lot of time and effort.


But now, it’s just one morning. Is the matter resolved satisfactorily?

Su Xiaokun couldn’t believe it. Even Ye Fei’s father, Ye He, personally shows up, and even uses contacts, it’s impossible to be so easy.

To solve the pressure of the Lei family.”

But Ye Fei did it

Ye Fei this kid. Indeed, it can only be described as unexpected.

Ye Fei smiled slightly: “Su’s matter is resolved, so I can rest assured.”

“Yes, thanks to you this time, otherwise the Su Clan will probably hurt your nerves and bones. Now that something is wrong, my old bones will be relieved.” Su Xiaokun’s heart was too rocky. Extraordinarily comfortable.

Su Xiaokun is pleased to see Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu standing together, the two are exceptionally matched.

With Ye Fei there, (good promise) he can rest assured. Even if he is gone one day in the future, his granddaughter will have to rely on


Su Xiaokun stayed at Ye Fei for lunch. Dining at the Su’s Villa, the argon gas was also pleasant.

After eating, Ye Fei did not stay in Su’s house for a long time.

Because he has another important thing to do.

After this period of time, Luo Weiyu’s leg injury has recovered very well and has basically recovered. She is discharged from the hospital today!

That’s right, Luo Weiyu is about to be discharged from the hospital!

And Ye Fei is also going to pick up Luo Weiyu. He wants to give Luo Weiyu a big surprise at the first time.

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