Chapter 263: A Treasure That Lives with Heaven and Earth!

“Old pervert?” Luo Qingxian stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then laughed, “Your father, he is indeed lustful, but he also really loves me, otherwise he will not cross the dangerous and exquisite ancient road. , Come to Linglongyu and marry me as your full wife.”

Qin Xueqing did not respond after hearing this.

“You take out the Vientiane Mirror, and let me see what is going on with the person you like?” Luo Qingxian released Qin Xueqing and said.

“Can you see Yang Chen here?” Qin Xueqing was a little surprised.

“The Vientiane Mirror can illuminate the Ten Thousand Realms. With my current strength, I can see the Kunlun Realm.” Luo Qingxian said.

“Really.” Qin Xueqing was immediately excited when he heard the words, and quickly took out the Vientiane Mirror.

“See…See…I have seen the Holy Queen.” After the Vientiane Mirror was taken, Qi Ling immediately said tremblingly.

“Why are you so afraid of me? When Li Luo held him in his hand before and peeped at me, why didn’t you be so afraid of me?” Luo Qingxian looked at the Vientiane Mirror with a faint smile and said.

“That was the order of the holy monarch, I…I…” Vientiane Mirror hesitated and said.

“Locate me the person named Yang Chen, and let me see what kind of man my dear daughter’s sweetheart is.” Luo Qingxian didn’t care too much about the past and said.

“No, I will be blind.” Vientiane Mirror said quickly.

“Will be blind?” Luo Qingxian was puzzled, but she still forced Vientiane Mirror to locate Yang Chen.

However, above the Vientiane Mirror, there was a cloud of gray, and only a vague figure came first.

“No way, no way, my eyes, I’m going to be blind, I’m going to be blind.” The pair of eyes on the Vientiane Mirror was now streaming with blood and tears, shouting again and again.

Luo Qingxian immediately closed the Vientiane Mirror, showing a look of surprise on his face.

“This Yang Chen has something that hides the secrets of heaven. I think he will really be blind.” Wanxiangjing said aggrievedly.

Luo Qingxian’s expression became more and more surprised when he heard this: “It’s really a weird thing, even if it is something that obscures the secrets of heaven, it is impossible to see through at my current level. Isn’t it possible that Yang Chen has the Profound Sky Treasure?”

Qin Xueqing hadn’t been able to see that Yang Chen was very disappointed, but she was not particularly surprised that she knew that Yang Chen had something covering the heavens.

But now that Luo Qingxian said Xuantian Zhibao, she was a little curious: “What Xuantian Zhibao.”

“Treasures that live with the heavens and the earth.” Luo Qingxian said, “I can’t use the universal mirror to position me only if I have the treasure of the Profound Sky.”

“A treasure that lives with the world!” Qin Xueqing was surprised when he heard the words.

Why didn’t she know that Yang Chen had this thing on her body.

“It seems that my son-in-law is very good. Just like your father, there is Xuantian Zhibao beside him.” Luo Qingxian nodded and said with a satisfied expression.

“My father also has the Profound Sky Treasure?” Qin Xueqing asked in surprise.

“Of course.” Luo Qingxian said, “If he didn’t have the Xuantian Supreme Treasure and used the Vientiane Mirror to do so many shameless things, he would have been beaten to death a long time ago, and you would never have been born.”

Qin Xueqing rolled her eyes when she heard these words.

Why is my father such a person?

“Mother, just let me go and let me find Yang Chen, okay?” Qin Xueqing said to Luo Qingxian.

When Luo Qingxian heard Qin Xueqing call her mother, he laughed immediately, and then quickly sullen his face again: “For my lover, would you like to call me mother?”

“Mother…” Qin Xueqing shouted coquettishly.

“No, this is definitely not possible!” Luo Qingxian shook his head and said.

“Why? I can bring Yang Chen here, and I can give you a grandson.” Qin Xueqing said spoiledly.

When Luo Qingxian heard that Qin Xueqing was about to give birth to her a grandson, she suddenly smiled and trembled, but she quickly stopped again and said meaningfully:

“Xueqing, I am for your safety. You don’t know what your exquisite body means. If it weren’t for Daqian Linglong Pagoda and you have my blood, let me find you in time, you don’t know you will What kind of dangers are facing.”

The exquisite body of the nine orifices, Human Cauldron, is the number one in the world. As long as you feel this breath, you don’t know how many people will be crazy.

Qin Xueqing pursed her lips when she heard the words, but she didn’t know what to say.

“Xueqing, stay here and practice hard, mother will guide you well, as long as you have enough self-protection ability, I will let you find Yang Chen.” Luo Qingxian said.

“How long does it take to cultivate?” Qin Xueqing asked.

“At least the Ninth-Rank Holy Spirit is required to comprehend the way of exquisiteness, which means that you have at least half a step in the Saint Monarch realm before the mother can rest assured that you can leave to find Yang Chen.” Luo Qingxian thought for a while and replied.

“How long will it take?” Qin Xueqing asked quickly.

“You still have your talent under my guidance. Well, it won’t take too long. A hundred years will definitely be enough.” Luo Qingxian thought for a while.

“One hundred years!” Qin Xueqing shook her head quickly, “it’s been too long, too long.”

“Sister Qin, what you said is a bit too much, others may not be able to enter the holy monarch realm for tens of thousands of years.”

As soon as Qin Xueqing’s voice fell, the old Buddhist monk who had been silent couldn’t help it.

From the second rank Holy Spirit to the half-step holy monarch in a hundred years, this speed is no longer in all realms, but Qin Xueqing is too slow, anyone who hears it will feel that it is too much.

“Huh?” Luo Qingxian wrinkled her brows slightly when she heard the voice of the old monk.

Immediately, the buddha tower floated out, and then the old monk and Long Xuan in the tower were instantly thrown out of the buddha tower.

“Are you actually abandoning the Saint Cultivation Base and willing to become a tool spirit?” Luo Qingxian looked at the old monk with a look of surprise.

Hearing this, the old monk looked at Luo Qingxian and said quickly: “The poor monk is also a helpless choice, and I don’t have any dissatisfaction with the donor Qin.”

“If you have a different heart, you have been wiped out just now.” Luo Qingxian glanced at the old monk, then his eyes fell on Long Xuan, “A demon dragon, is Xueqing your pet?”

Long Xuan heard Luo Qingxian’s words only endless humiliation, but what about humiliation.

Facing Luo Qingxian, she felt that she was inferior to ants.

Qin Xueqing was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: “My relationship with her is a bit complicated. She is not my pet.”

“It’s not your pet.” Luo Qingxian was a little confused.

Bring a demon dragon by your side, don’t be a pet, what do you do?

“Mother, don’t embarrass her, I have promised to let her go.” Qin Xueqing looked at Long Xuan and said.

She and Long Xuan no longer have any grudges, and Long Xuan has been with her for a long time, plus the teachings of the old monk, they have already let go of their grudges.

Therefore, she didn’t want to embarrass Long Xuan anymore.

“All right, just treat her as your friend.” Luo Qingxian responded casually, and then spoke to Qin Xueqing, “If you really want to see Yang Chen, then focus on cultivation. For a long time, I will try my best to practice.”

Qin Xueqing narrowed her mouth. Although she was unwilling, she still accepted.

“That’s good.” Luo Qingxian said with a smile, and then she asked about Qin Xueqing’s various things, wanting to know all about Qin Xueqing’s life.

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