Chapter 246

However, at this moment, a breeder in the Cub Garden seemed to have noticed the movement here. He walked over and saw the little white cat in Yang Chen’s hands and immediately said, “The cub in your hand?”

“I own, I just suffocated and let it out.” Yang Chen said.

The breeder looked at the little white cat in Yang Chen’s hand and frowned, and found that there was indeed no such cub in the cub garden.

And more importantly, this cub does not have any chains on its body, nor does it have the mark of spirit beast fast, which also shows that this cub is not from spirit beast fast. Even if it is true, it must have been sold.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to not have the collar and mark of Spirit Beast.

The breeder then showed a sorry expression to Yang Chen, and then turned and left.

Yang Chen saw that the breeder was gone, and there was really nothing to go shopping here, and he signed the White Tiger cub at Spirit Beast Zhai, and he had already made a lot of money, so he took the little white cat and prepared to leave Spirit Beast Zhai.

“Get out of the way, don’t stand in the way of the princess!”

Just when Yang Chen came to the exit of Spirit Beastzhai, an extremely rude voice came.

And as this sound came, everyone at the entrance of Spirit Beastzhai immediately dispersed, standing on both sides, leaving a spacious passage in the middle, and Yang Chen naturally stood on the side holding the little white cat.

I saw that in the depths of Spirit Beast, the first beauty of the Dawei Dynasty, Zhang Xueqing, who was still the star holding the moon, walked out.

“Princess, wait a few days, the spirit beast from Ten Thousand Beast Realm will be delivered soon, and there must be the spirit beast you want.” A man accompanying Zhang Xueqing nodded and said with a bow.

“You have said this many times, and I have been here several times, with no gains. From now on, this spirit beast fast, I don’t need to come.” Zhang Xueqing said blankly.

When the man heard the words, he burst into cold sweat, and said again and again: “Princess, no, no, the next batch, the next batch, there must be good ones.”

“Forget it.” Zhang Xueqing snorted coldly.

She is a beast spirit cultivator and needs a good spirit beast to practice together. Now she only has the first rank holy spirit state because there is no good spirit beast.

If there is a good spirit beast, such as a spirit beast with an ancient alien bloodline, her Cultivation Base might already be the fourth fifth rank of the Holy Spirit.

It is a pity that such a spirit beast is too rare, even in the Ten Thousand Beast Realm, it is difficult to find it, even if it is found, it may be difficult to fall into her hands.


Suddenly, when Zhang Xueqing walked to the door, he stopped, and the fascinating pair of eyes looked at the little white cat in Yang Chen’s hands, and then there was a smile on her pretty face, and she said, “You little beast I want it!”

With a smile on Zhang Xueqing’s face, she looked at the little white cat in Yang Chen’s arms and spoke.

When everyone heard Zhang Xueqing’s words, they all focused on Yang Chen, looking at the little white cat in Yang Chen’s hand, it became clear in their hearts that the cub in Yang Chen’s hand was extraordinary.

Beast spirit cultivator has extremely keen insight into spirit beast, and what Zhang Xueqing sees at a glance is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Yang Chen was stunned when he heard Zhang Xueqing’s words, and then said: “This is my cub.”

“Didn’t I make it clear just now?” Zhang Xueqing heard Yang Chen’s words and looked at Yang Chen with straight eyes, still smiling.

Yang Chen looked at Zhang Xueqing’s beautiful face and frowned, “I should have said very clearly just now, this cub belongs to me, and I will not give it to anyone.”


Just after Yang Chen’s voice fell, the onlookers all gasped.

“This person has the courage to disobey Her Royal Highness the princess.”

“Oh my God, don’t you give her the main things for the long-term father? You refused it.”

“Does this person want to live anymore?”

The onlookers were all talking, and they looked at Yang Chen with pity.

Zhang Xueqing, the first beauty of the Dawei Dynasty, the eldest sister of the current Dawei Sage, and the eldest princess of the Dawei Dynasty.

The eldest princess is also indispensable for being able to sit on the Ninth Five-Year Sovereign, so the eldest princess can be said to be extremely respectful of the eldest princess.

And, more importantly, everyone in the Kunlun world knows that the eldest princess has a fiance, and this fiance is known as the Kunlun world, invincible under the holy monarch, and the holy spirit’s unparalleled number one Li Yunxiao.

With such an incomparable identity and background, this eldest princess has never had a trace of scruples in acting within the Kunlun world in the Dawei Dynasty.

Therefore, the Dawei Dynasty, even in the Kunlun world, as long as this peerless beauty wants something, there is almost nothing it can’t get.

Once, the eldest princess fell in love with the snow lotus on the Mingjiao Tianshan. Li Yunxiao held a sword for thousands of miles and set foot on the Mingjiao Tianshan. He did not hesitate to fight with Qilin, who was second in the unparalleled list of the Holy Spirit at the time and the first Shengzi of Mingjiao.

In the end, Li Yunxiao cut Jiang Qilin with a sword, and Mingjiao could only watch Li Yunxiao pick the snow lotus away.

That time, it can be said that it shocked the entire Kunlun world, and it also made the Kunlun world understand what it means to be invincible under the holy monarch.

Li Yunxiao is the invincible person under the holy monarch.

And this person’s fiancee now made such a request, and on Tianhengkong Island, she asked for the cub, but the other party turned it down.

“Heh…” Zhang Xueqing couldn’t help laughing when he heard what Yang Chen said again.

“You are tired of life, don’t hurry up to give the cub to the princess!” The man who was flattering Zhang Xueqing just now shouted loudly.

“This cub belongs to me. As long as it is in my hand, no one wants to take it away, so don’t entangle it anymore, or I will be polite.” Yang Chen gave out the final warning with a cold face.

“You’re welcome? The cubs here are all sold from my spirit beast. You told me you’re welcome. I’ll see how you are going to be welcome!” The man suddenly violently raised his hand. One punch hit Yang Chen’s life gate.


Yang Chen shot his hand like electricity, and instantly pressed the man’s fist in the air, and said: “Don’t treat me as a good temper. This time I block it, and I will die next time!”

With that, Yang Chen shook his hand and pushed the man back. Then he didn’t want to entangle with these people anymore, and left with the little white cat in his arms.

“Can you make a price?”

As soon as Yang Chen took a step, Zhang Xueqing’s cold voice sounded.


Yang Chen answered without answering his head.

“It seems that you are not going to get out of here alive?” Zhang Xueqing said coldly.

Yang Chen stopped, turned his head to look at Zhang Xueqing, who was cold and frosty, and suddenly said sarcastically, “Is this all of your Dawei Dynasty? What do you want from the public? You will kill if you don’t give it?”

Yang Chen himself is the Dayang imperial family, and has extremely strict management of the imperial children. It is not allowed to bully others within Kyushu with the prestige of the Dayang imperial family. If he commits a crime, he will be punished severely. No one can stop the door handling.

Otherwise, with the power of the Dayang imperial family and oppressing others at will, the luck of the Dayang emperor would have long since dissipated.

“What do you think?” Zhang Xueqing said coldly.

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