Chapter 219

What’s more, it can release a profound space and turn it into a heavy prison, locking all living creatures in it.

This is a peerless Cultivation Technique that integrates offense and defense. It is quite subtle.

Except for the Void Xuanzhong Jue, the recorded things are of no use to Yang Chen, but the practice experience in it can be used for reference.

“Not bad.” Yang Chen collected the Void Xuanzhong Sutra, ready to choose a time to continue to study it.

After leaving the Great Hall, he looked up to the east, where a dim light was already exuding.

“Presumably the news of the demise of the Xuan Chong faction will soon reach Tianyong City, and the Lu Family should also be Wu You.” Yang Chen looked towards Tianyong City and spoke.

After he finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, the saint-killing spear full of food and drink also fell back into his hand.

However, at this moment, the Holy Spear did not show the sixth light pattern. Obviously, this treasure of the Profound Cultist still cannot be compared with the fleet of the Holy Snow Palace.

After Yang Chen collected the Holy Spear, he swept his body and left the Tianluo Mountain Range.

As for Tianyong City, Yang Chen naturally didn’t plan to return.

The Xuanzhong faction has been destroyed, and the Lu family is naturally safe, and of course Lu Shuyun is also safe.

For the Lu family, Yang Chen consciously has nothing to owe him, so there is no need to return to see Lu Shuyun again.

Now, the most important thing for him is to go to Mingjiao and meet Ye Qingqing and his party.

Soon after Yang Chen left, many cultivators in Tianluo Mountain rushed towards the Xuanzhong faction.

The Xuanzhong faction launched a large formation to fight Yang Chen, and the volatility caused was so great that it almost affected the entire Tianluo Mountain Range.

The forces and cultivators in the Tianluo Mountains have all come to see what happened.

However, when they saw the scene inside the Xuanzhong faction, they all took a breath of air.

“Is this all gone?”

“Yes, that’s the corpse of the head of the Xuanzhong Sect, and Elder of the Xuanzhong Sect…”

“What the hell happened? The Xuanzhong faction was destroyed…”

The voices of these people trembled. They saw the corpses of the Xuanzhong faction all over the field, and all the people in the Xuanzhong faction became corpses at this moment.

Such a scene is all telling everyone that the Xuanzhong faction has been destroyed by others.

And this news spread all over the Tianyong City and the Tianluo Mountain Range.

There was a huge storm in an instant.

There are many families and sects in the Tianyong City and Tianluo Mountains, and among so many forces, the Xuanzhong faction is the strongest.

It is precisely because of this that Xuan Zhong sent this area to act arrogantly and domineeringly.

However, this arrogant and domineering Xuanzhong faction was crushed overnight, so it has caused divergent opinions, and they are all guessing who killed the Xuanzhong faction.

Some people think that it must be the people of the Xuanzhong faction who have offended a certain powerful person, and eventually crushed it.

And this person’s strength is probably very strong. He is probably a person on the list of the Holy Spirit Warriors. After all, everyone knows that there is the formation guardian left by the ancestors in the Xuanzhong Sect. Without the 9th-Rank Holy Spirit Realm cultivator, you can’t even step into it. .

Although the Universe Realm is a great world of cultivation, the number of the 9th-Rank Holy Spirit Realm is not what Chinese cabbage is. Only knowing the 9th-Rank Holy Spirit Realm means that it is possible to step into the Holy Sovereign Realm.

Therefore, the Ninth Stage Holy Spirit Realm is often the core of a force, and may even be an old monster of this force.

If such a character appeared in Tianyong City and Tianluo Mountain, I am afraid that the pattern of this place would undergo earth-shaking changes.

This also made many forces frightened, worrying about whether they accidentally got into such a character.

Lu’s family.

After Lv Shuyun let Yang Chen leave, he was quickly discovered by the family, and was immediately punished by the family.

However, I didn’t expect that after three days, not only did the Xuanzhong faction not come, but her father released her from the dungeon.

When she heard the news that the Profound Chong faction had been trampled down, she was stunned.

The first reaction was what Yang Kai did.

However, after another thought, Yang Kai’s strength could not be so strong at all, enough to beat the Xuanzhong faction alone.

However, she remembered Yang Kai’s words before leaving, but she believed that it was most likely Yang Kai did it.

Therefore, she had been waiting for Yang Kai to return, but after waiting, she found that Yang Kai never returned.

“Big sis, do you think Yang Kai Big Brother will come back?” Lu Linger asked with her big eyes flashing beside Lu Shuyun.

Lu Shuyun shook his head when he heard the words, “I don’t know, maybe I won’t be back.”

“Why, the Xuanzhong faction is gone, Yang Kai’s Big Brother can stay in Lu’s life with peace of mind.” Lu Linger pouted her mouth when she heard the words of Big Sis.

Yang Kai’s Big Brother is the perfect Big Brother in her eyes. It is much better than the annoying brothers in the family. She often tells her some interesting stories and teaches her practice.

“Maybe he has his own business.” Lu Shuyun sighed.

If Yang Kai really took down the Xuanzhong faction, then Yang Kai must be a peerless figure, such a character, the Lu family might be a passerby in his life.


At this moment, Yang Chen, who was in the practice center of the Xuanzhong School, had traveled a long distance for nearly ten days and arrived at the city named Cangyun City.

This city is dozens of times larger than Tianyong City, and this Cangyun City belongs to the Dawei Dynasty.

That’s right, Yang Chen has already entered the territory of the Dawei Dynasty.

After entering Cangyun City, what Yang Chen thought of was to inquire about Mingjiao, to find out whether Mingjiao had something serious because of Lou Qingning’s return.

At the time of Tianyong City, Yang Chen did not ask Lu Shuyun about Mingjiao, so as not to let the people of Lu family know that he might be related to Mingjiao, and at the same time avoid dragging Lu family into Mingjiao affairs.

However, Cangyun City was the site of the Dawei Dynasty, so it is natural to be more cautious when inquiring about Mingjiao news.

So after entering Cangyun City, Yang Chen entered a restaurant and ordered two special dishes from this place.

When Xiao Er delivered the wine and food, Yang Chen took out a piece of Spirit Stones and began to inquire about intelligence.

Because Yang Chen took down the Xuanzhong faction, he had nearly half a million top-grade Spirit Stones on his body, which can be said to be extremely rich.

After taking over Spirit Stones, Xiao Er answered some Yang Chen’s questions, and also let Yang Chen know some things.

The main altar of Mingjiao is located in Shengming Mountain. Xiao Er only knows how far it is from here, and how far it is. Xiao Er can’t say it. In short, it is very, very far.

Because it is far away, there is almost no news of Mingjiao.

However, Xiao Er suggested that if Yang Chen really wanted to inquire about the news, he could go to Tianji Pavilion to inquire.

And this Tianji Pavilion is a peculiar organization.

This organization is spread across the entire universe, and even across the entire world of heavens, and no one knows where the headquarters is.

The Tianji Pavilion is engaged in auctioning or selling rare and exotic treasures, which also includes selling all kinds of information.

Immediately, Yang Chen got up and left, preparing to go to Tianji Pavilion.

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