Chapter 215

The boss with staring eyes looked at Yang Chen with an unbelievable expression. He didn’t expect his own attack to be easily resolved.

When he was shocked, Yang Chen clasped one hand on one side of his body, clasped the opponent’s neck, buckled him back in his own arms, and grabbed him so as not to cause excessive movement.

The black shadow boss looked at Yang Chen, conditioned reflex generally screamed “Ah”.

Yang Chen felt a strange touch in his hands, a little dazed.

This feeling is obviously telling Yang Chen that the other party is a woman, a female thief.


When Yang Chen was a little dazed, the man in black screamed.


Accompanied by the scream, the breath of the female thief burst open.

In fact, the two of them were deliberately restraining their fight just now, not wanting to cause any movement to attract the Xuanzhong faction.

However, now Yang Chen’s hand seemed to have turned on the switch, instantly making the female thief go crazy.

The Spirit Power on her body burst out almost unreservedly.

The breath was pouring towards all directions like ocean waves, everything around it instantly turned into powder under this force, and many treasures were smashed out in a frantic manner.

And the entire treasure house was trembling frantically with this power, almost collapsing.


However, at the moment when the treasure house was shaking, countless runes lit up in the whole treasure house. Obviously, the formation here protected the treasure house so that the treasure house did not collapse.

But Yang Chen didn’t move in the face of the sudden strength, and at the same time the Spiritual Qi in his body continued to circulate crazily, trying to suppress the female thief.

“Beast, don’t let me go!”

The female thief felt that Yang Chen had not been shaken by her power, and even wanted to suppress her, which made her extremely annoyed.

This bastard, even holding her there at the moment, Damn it extremely.

And Yang Chen is also in an embarrassing situation at the moment that it is not to let go or not to let go.

Don’t let it go, obviously a bit shameless.

Let it go, the other party will definitely not let him go.

At the moment when Yang Chen was embarrassed, the female thief moved, her body was like a swimming fish, becoming extremely slippery, and then she broke away from Yang Chen’s claws with a “swish”.

“What a great Movement Technique!”

The female thief suddenly left, and Yang Chen was immediately shocked.

The woman obviously used a Movement Technique technique, and this Movement Technique was so mysterious that he couldn’t grasp it.

After the female thief escaped from Yang Chen’s capture, her body swept into the air and said angrily: “Shameless scum, go to death!”

Whoosh whoosh!

While the female thief was talking, her delicate body turned around in the air, and in an instant countless darts flew out. All of these darts were shining sharply and extremely sharply.

These darts are obviously refined by special means, and each one is extremely lethal.

At this moment, such a large number of darts are gathered into a rainstorm, and they are extremely powerful. The average first rank cultivator of the Holy Spirit may be unbearable.

“Unexpectedly, you female thief, your strength is really not weak!”

Faced with the torrential rain of darts, Yang Chen couldn’t help but speak.

This female thief, Yang Chen thought she was stealing and committing three abuses, her strength was not very strong.

However, a shot at this moment is like a torrential pear flower, extremely sharp, powerful, and not weak at all.

“Now I know it’s too late, let me die!” When the female thief heard Yang Chen’s voice, she immediately shot back.

At the moment when her voice fell, her body also drifted to another place, completely ignoring Yang Chen. She felt that this strike was enough to take Yang Chen’s life.

So no longer pay attention to Yang Chen, but quickly glanced around, looking for something.

When Yang Chen faced the torrential rain of darts, with a big wave of his hand, a huge palm print was immediately condensed, and then pushed out violently.


A palm fell, and the power of the vast sea burst out instantly, blasting all the incoming darts, and then all smashed to the ground with a crackle, and some even penetrated deeply into the ground.

Not only that, Yang Chen’s palm strength continued to suppress the female thief after breaking the dart torrential rain.

“Why is this beast so strong!”

The female thief felt Yang Chen’s palm, her complexion changed abruptly, and she couldn’t help but burst out.

But her body moved again, turning into a swimming fish, and disappeared in place with a “swish”.


A palm bombardment fell, the power overflowed, the entire treasure house shook crazily, and even many treasures turned into powder under this palm.


Seeing this scene in the air, the woman couldn’t help cursing, “If you destroy the slate, my old lady will fight you!”

While speaking, the woman’s body flashed again, turning into a “fishing”, swimming fast in the air, seeming to be looking for something.

“What a powerful Movement Technique, the body seems to have entered a phase space.” Yang Chen looked at the woman’s body swimming at this moment, and saw the mystery of the woman’s Movement Technique.

At this moment, the woman turned into a fish swimming in the air, her graceful figure was constantly twisting, showing extremely temptation.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that when the woman is swimming, her body seems to be shuttled in another space, which is difficult to capture. Attacks on it have little effect.

When Yang Chen was observing, the woman suddenly moved, left the phase space, and landed abruptly, grabbing a yellow slab about three feet long and one foot wide on the ground with one hand.

When Yang Chen saw this scene, his brows condensed immediately, and a sword light slashed over.

The female thief was rummaging here, completely disregarding other things, only looking for this slate, which must be an extremely treasured thing.

After cherishing, it is right in front of you, do not grab white or grab.

The female thief picked up the slate, raised the corner of her eye, revealing the color of joy, and then she was about to leave with the slate.

However, at this moment, Yang Chen’s sword light had already arrived.

The female thief felt the sword light coming, and suddenly felt an extreme crisis, and her body movement turned into a fish again, ready to escape.


However, she still slowed down a bit, the sword light came down, and the yellow slate was cut in half diagonally under the sword light.

The woman’s boss with staring eyes watched that half of the slab flew towards Yang Chen, and finally fell into Yang Chen’s hands.

“Asshole, wait for me, the old lady will definitely come back to find you!” The female thief screamed at Yang Chen, and her body turned into a swimming fish and merged into the phase space and fled.

“There is a thief, there is a thief invading the treasure house, come catch the thief!”

The female thief rushed out of the treasure house, and then a voice spread through the entire Xuanzhong faction through her Spirit Power.


Yang Chen suddenly scolded when he heard this voice.

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