Chapter 209 Sect Leader is about to make a breakthrough!

This Cultivation Technique, especially the last ten forms in one, is the Buddha Palm form, which is a serious Martial Forest mythological level Cultivation Technique.

However, the creator of the Cultivation Technique, fearing that no one would reach his height, the Cultivation Technique could not be used, and he even transformed this last form.

Changed to allow ordinary Practitioner to practice and perform.

It’s just that, after all, it is a Cultivation Technique involving rules.

Even if it is changed again, there are restrictions.

Later generations want to perform this last gesture, they need to jump into the sky and hit a palm from the sky.

This palm, twenty times the skill.

“It’s a good thing!”

Yang Chen accepted Cultivation Technique with a smile.

Then he devoted his mind to the refining cave sky.

At this time, the rules in the cave sky had been refined by one-fifth.

All this progress is slow, because this cave sky is a primitive cave sky, not only refining the rules, but also refining the projection coordinates.

On the basis of refining all the rules, the projection coordinates should be integrated into the body and cave-sky coordinates.

In this way, the late stage can form a cave to connect with the main world.

Refining the cave sky, and then transforming the cave sky.

At this moment, Yang Chen was already looking forward to how to transform the cave sky.

Everything inside the cave is nothingness.

In addition to being filled with energy, there is nothing fixed inside.

After Yang Chen’s refining is completed, the internal energy and rules will begin to turn into reality in accordance with the wishes of the first master.

At that time, there will be mountains, water, trees, sky, land, and even rain and snow.

But there will be no life in the end.

Life will not be formed so easily in the end.

The Great Hall of Qiankunzong.

Yanhua pulled out a line of white letters on a black background from the bookshelf.

This book seems to have been around for a long time.

And there are traces of frequent turning at the corners.

“Snow Origin Sword”

This is the Saber Technique that Yanhua majored in.

This was passed to them by the Masters of Yang Chen and Yanhua.

The master is a master of both swords and swords, and his sword skills are not bad.

And Yanhua inherited Saber Technique.

Open the Saber Technique cheats, and page after page of little people suddenly appeared on the paper.

One move, one style, vivid.

Of course the moves are dead, but people are alive.

Obtaining this Saber Technique cheat book means that a person Saber Technique can become very powerful.

But this does not mean that people who cultivate can become top masters.

Saber Technique is easy to make, but not easy to master.

As the so-called moon stick year, the sword will last a lifetime, and the sword will be hidden with you.

This just shows that the difficulty of learning a knife is low.

However, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is to achieve success.

Among Rivers and Lakes, the number of people who use knives is the most.

But there are few who can achieve great success with Saber Technique.

Yanhua’s master at that time achieved the level of Great Master with Saber Technique.

Similarly, Sword Technique also achieved Great Master level.

Therefore, it is called a sword and sword.

In this Rivers and Lakes, the Cultivation Base is advanced and can reach the Great Master, but if the technique reaches a certain level, it can also be called the Great Master.

The Great Master here refers to a very high level of skill.

For example, Saber Technique Great Master.

You need to cultivate Saber Technique cultivation to the level of being superb in order to be evaluated as Great Master Realm.

Saber Technique Great Master Realm, although it was difficult to achieve, Yanhua finally achieved it.

This book is losing its usefulness.

His Saber Technique Cultivation Base has reached the status of a master at the time.

Saber Technique Great Master.

Now he can too.

Simply taking the Saber Technique Cultivation Base as an example, in Rivers and Lakes today, no one can easily defeat Yanhua on the Saber Technique.

Because in the Rivers and Lakes, the person with the highest Saber Technique Cultivation Base is nothing but Saber Technique Great Master Realm.

Of course, this is not to say that the highest level of Saber Technique is the Great Master level.

There is actually another layer.

Yanhua slowly turned over the last page of the secret book of “Xueyuan Shendao”. On the last page, there were no illustrations, and some were just a sentence.

“The sword will gather together, refine it, and then break the knowledge of the sea, the one who knows the sea vision, the sword!”

This is a way.

Practitioner practice, if you want to become a Great Master, you need to form your mind. If you want to become a Grand Great Master, you need to open up the sea of ​​knowledge, move wisely, and achieve visions.

But this vision does not mean that you can achieve what you want to achieve.

This is related to the Cultivation Technique attribute.

Generally, this kind of anomaly based on Cultivation Technique is Cultivation Technique anomaly.

In addition, there are other ways to form anomalies.

For example, people who practice Sword Technique completely.

Cultivate the Sword intent at the Great Master level, and when the Grand Great Master breaks open, the Sword Intent is cultivated into a sword.

Take the sword shape as the vision.

In this way, when he becomes the Grand Great Master, this person Sword Technique Cultivation Base will get a great Ascension.

And then God knows it.

In other words, the sword god.

Skills achieve Great Master, if you go further, you can be said to be the god of skills.

The sword is called the sword god; the sword is called the sword god.

Even others, stick gods, spear gods, etc., the same.

If you want to fully reach the pinnacle of skills, you need to achieve the corresponding vision.

This step is difficult.

Throughout the ages, there have been few achievers.

One of the most famous is Lu Ban.

He entered the Grand Great Master Realm solely with his craftsmanship, so he is known as the god of craftsmen.

To say that the most famous and shocking of these is a woman.

A person recognized as a female sword god.

Break through the sea of ​​consciousness, and use the sword as a vision.

Pick three thousand great Qin guards with the sword.

Recorded as “Three Thousand Vietnamese Women” by history

The guards of the former Qin Dynasty had real strength, and they were all blessed by the battle formation.

Even among them there is no shortage of Grandmaster generals.

But even so, she was still traversed by the Yue woman with one sword and one sword.

“There is only one Sword God in the world, but all of them have not appeared in Rivers and Lakes for ten years.”

Yanhua suddenly thought of the people called the Sword God in Rivers and Lakes.

The Grand Great Master Cultivation Base, and the sword is the vision, the strength is almost exploded.

With the Grand Great Master Realm as before, I picked three veteran Great Masters.

Later, it was said to have been conspired, and it fell silent.

I have never heard from him in the past ten years.

“Sword God…”

Yan Hua slowly closed her eyes, her five hearts facing the sky.

The various scenes of practicing Saber Technique so far flashed before my eyes.

The Three Jewels of Spirit, Qi and God, in the final analysis, are actually one.

One is less, and the rest are also affected.

Just like a healthy person all year round, his spirit is very good.

Just as we often use the word qi and blood to describe a person’s health or not.

Weak qi and blood, the body is full of diseases, strong qi and blood, strong body and full of energy.

At this moment, Yan Hua’s thoughts are silent in the memory of excessive prosperity. With each breath, he slows down, matching the True Qi frequency in his body.

Constantly reconcile the mind.

This adjustment is two days.


For two days, Yan Hua sat motionless in the Great Hall.

This phenomenon naturally attracted the attention of everyone in Qiankun Sect.

After Yao Elder watched Yanhua’s current situation, he left the house and asked everyone to surround the Great Hall.

Sect Leader is about to break through!

In a word, everyone in Qiankun Sect was excited directly.

“Sect Leader is really going to make a breakthrough?!”

Reckless Elder asked excitedly.


In an instant three or five Elder stared directly at him. Said: “Don’t speak, I dare to disturb Sect Leader, and the leg will interrupt you!”

The reckless man, who was not afraid of the sky, immediately covered his own mouth.

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