Chapter 207 Deva is dead!

It can be said that Qiankun Sect has actually been revitalized.

Originally, Yanhua’s goal was to become a Grand Great Master himself, and then at least to make the Sect of the Universe Sect famous and real.

But at this moment, Sect has a saint directly.

This is more than revitalization!

It just jumped up.

From the tail of the crane, it has become the strongest Sect except for the Shaolin Temple.

The top ten Sect can be ranked second.

At this moment, Yan Hua lost his motivation.

Because the goal of his own struggle has been surpassed.

Originally only asking for five or six, the result is now second.

Suddenly it far exceeded expectations.

The key is……

“I work hard, I am second, if I don’t work hard, I am second…”


Yan Hua smiled bitterly and pressed her eyebrows.

This is really…


The next moment.

Just when Yan Hua’s mood fluctuates greatly.

A little brilliance emerged.

Suddenly fell into Yan Hua’s body.

Yan Hua paused for a while, her expression stunned.

Soon after that, it eased down.

“Don’t let people go to death during this time!?”

“Even I can’t go.”

“Why is this?!”

The second day.

Han Dynasty.

The early days as always.

“If you have something to tell, you will leave the court if you have nothing to do.”

The Grand Duke screamed.

“Chen, there is this play!”

As soon as the Dagong’s voice fell, a middle-aged man stood up.

His Majesty the Han was taken aback.

Some curiously looked at the man who stood up.

Tingwei, Zhao Wufang!

As a court veteran, Zhao Wufang is in charge of the judicial organs of the world, and can handle non-major cases alone.

In usual times, Zhao Wufang was rarely seen at a court meeting.

Because if Zhao Wufang started to play, it might be no small thing.

“Zhao Aiqing, what’s the start?!”

His Majesty the Great Han is sitting in distress, and said solemnly.

Not only that, His Majesty’s majesty, even the ministers underneath, are quiet at this moment.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wufang.


There have not been any major cases recently, and there have been no unreasonable, false and wrong cases. Why did Zhao Wufang play it! ?

One after another curious, the eyes of inquiry fell on Zhao Wufang.

However, Zhao Wufang did not change his face, and bowed to His Majesty the Han.

“Your Majesty Kaizou, the minister has a play!”

Zhao Wufang said solemnly.

After speaking, he slowly straightened up.

Looking ahead, he pondered for a while and then said: “The minister is in charge of criminal cases in the world. In recent days, a strange thing has been discovered. Some are uncertain. Your Majesty needs to decide.”


His Majesty the Great Han was taken aback immediately, a little surprised: “Why can’t you be sure!?”

Zhao Wufang is a general in his hands.

Moreover, he knew that Zhao Wufang was a very sensitive and determined person.

But it was such a person, and at this moment, he said to the court just because of something he was uncertain about.

This immediately aroused the curiosity of His Majesty.

Other ministers are also curious.

They were officials in the same dynasty for so many years, and they knew exactly who Zhao Wufang was.

The look of Zhao Wufang now makes them curious.


Zhao Wufang took a deep breath, revealing the number of cases that have been reported to various state capitals in his heart.

“The minister has recently sorted out cases in various state capitals in the world. Among the figures reported by the state capitals, there is a case of data that has increased rapidly in just a few days. The minister has never seen such a phenomenon, and there is fear of misfortune, so I hope your majesty will decide.”

Zhao Wufang’s voice was loud and loud, then he bowed and raised the memorial above his head.



very quiet.

Everyone stared blankly at Zhao Wufang, who was holding the memorial in the middle of the Great Hall.

More cases? !

What case? !

His Majesty Han was also taken aback.

Then his brows frowned slowly.

More cases? !

This is not a good thing for the dynasty.

The increase in the number of cases means that the hearts of the people in the world are unstable.

At this moment, His Majesty the Great Han passed through his heart about the situation in the world.

Unfortunately, I didn’t notice what went wrong.

“Present it!”

His Majesty said in a deep voice that the Grand Duke will soon fetch the memorial.


His Majesty looked at the memorial in his hand, and the heart raised in his heart slowly relaxed.

“Zhao Aiqing, you scared me!”

Your Majesty said relaxedly.

“Your Majesty, you…”

Zhao Wufang saw that His Majesty finished reading it so quickly, and was a little worried that he didn’t understand the implicit meaning, so he immediately began to persuade him.

But these words were interrupted by his majesty’s wave.

“I understand what you mean.”

His Majesty raised the memorial in his hand and said heavily: “I am the 36th prefecture of Kyushu in Han Dynasty. There were no more than a thousand quarrels and fights in one day. However, in this recent period, the number of newspapers from various prefectures has increased tremendously. In a short period of time, there were more than 1,800 pieces, almost doubled.”

“Zhao Aiqing, you are worried about the instability of the people!?”

His Majesty looked at Zhao Wufang and said with a slight smile.


Zhao Wufang looked at His Majesty’s expression, and was a little confused for a while.

Your majesty is not a faint person.

On the contrary, very ambitious.

It shouldn’t be that you don’t see the implicit meaning behind this.

So since it’s not that you can’t see the depths, why do you look like this? !

Could it be…

Is there anything I don’t understand? !

“Ha ha!”

His Majesty looked at the roots of Zhao Wufang’s entanglement, immediately laughed twice, and then explained: “Zhao Aiqing, I don’t know something, this world has changed!”

There has been a change! ?

What changes? !

Not only Zhao Wufang, but also the other ministers in the Great Hall, they all pricked their ears at this moment.

As the ministers of the Central Government, if the world has changed, how could they not know.

But even so, His Majesty even said that there have been changes. Is it possible that they are all blind and deaf! ?

“Heaven, man, absolute, road!”

His Majesty, the man sitting above, said word by word.

Not everyone knows these four words.

After all, the changes in Deva’s road to unity can only be felt when Martial Dao Cultivation Base reaches the saint Realm.

And these ministers, although all martial arts are in their bodies.

But unfortunately, there are very few Great Master Realms.

Naturally, I can’t feel the shock of the rules of heaven and earth, nor can I feel the severance of the road to Deva unity.

“Dare to ask your Majesty, I don’t know this… What does Deva mean?!”

A military minister stood up and asked hesitantly.

Although his family has been military commanders for generations, the person with the highest Cultivation Base in the family is just his grandfather, the Grand Great Master.

It is now even more dead.

In this world, it can be called immortal now, Deva, generally speaking, it is the holy Realm.

Therefore, this is a secret event.

In this world, Martial Dao Cultivation Base can be an enemy of a country.

And for a family to last long, force is indispensable.

And sometimes the secrets in Martial Dao can allow a family to take the lead.

The Han Dynasty, but there are saints.

At this time, the devastation that your Majesty said must have been told by the saint.

They usually don’t have access to this kind of news.

Now that I have the opportunity to listen, my ears are naturally pricked up.

Since His Majesty said it, he was not prepared to hide it.

“A certain change has taken place between heaven and earth, and the path of Deva unity…broken.”

Your Majesty said lightly.

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