Chapter 203 Big Elder is gone!

Seeing the little white snake sinking into practice, Yang Chen nodded and didn’t stay any longer.

Turn around and walk to the own recliner.


That night.

Moonlight is bright.

Yang Chen, who was leisurely in the rocking chair, seemed to feel something, suddenly stiffened, and slowly straightened up.

“It’s finally the day.”

Yang Chen breathed out slowly, looking at the Universe Sect in the distance.

The next moment.

Body shape flashed.

The whole person suddenly disappeared in the same place.

Mo Yan Attic.

It was midnight, taking care of Mo Yan’s servant, lying in the outer room, sleeping soundly.

Yang Chen passed the servant, came to the back room, slowly opened the door of the room, and walked in.

The screen is blocking, seemingly nothing.

Everything in the room is completely hidden under his Divine Sense.

In Yang Chen’s perception, the vitality of Big Elder Mo Yan was rapidly expanding, even burning.

Yang Chen’s mood is difficult to understand.

This state of Elder is abnormal.

The vitality is just a little bit, and it starts to burn rapidly, this is a glorious reflection.

Elder Mo Yan is one of the few people who can make Yang Chen feel a little turmoil.

Just like Yun Qingyan back then.

Both of them are pure people.

It’s just that people can’t love or hate it.

Both of them have dedicated their lives, even their lives, for the sake of Qiankun Sect.

Even if Yang Chen was originally the successor cultivated by the two together, when compared with Qiankunzong, he did not hesitate to imprison Yang Chen.

Everything is for the world.


Yang Chen sighed lightly.

He bypassed the barrier and walked over slowly.

Under the circumstances, Mo Yan’s condition is better than ever.

His head does not faint, and he wakes up from his deep sleep.

He understands the own state at this time.

Regarding this, I have already looked away.

In Qiankun’s life, it slowly emerged in his mind.

Just as he fell into the memory, a sigh awakened him.

Looking at the walking figure, Mo Yan shook his mind for a moment.

“It’s you, kid Yang!”

“It seems that I underestimated you!”

Mo Yan’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Yang Chen coming by with a little surprise and smiled.

At this moment, Yang Chen’s mental state, as well as the inadvertent aura on his body, made Mo Yan understand everything.

“It seems that what Yun Qingyan left for you back then is not bad, otherwise it would not allow you to cultivate to such a situation.”

Mo Yan laughed blankly.

At this moment, Yang Chen’s breath flashed by in front of him.

Let Mo Yan see Yang Chen’s strength.

Grand Great Master!


Grand Great Master Realm.

This is the strength that Yang Chen revealed after thinking about it.

Mo Yan’s life is for the universe, and at the end of his life now, he is also worried about the universe.

Therefore, Yang Chen demonstrated the strength of the Grand Great Master.

Let him go without worry.

as predicted.

Seeing Yang Chen’s strength, Mo Yan not only guessed that Yun Qingyan left Yang Chen the resources for cultivation, but also relaxed his whole expression.

“Big Elder, do you have anything else to say?!”

Yang Chen was silent for a moment, then slowly asked.

“Hahaha, what else do I want to say…”

Since Yang Chen showed off the strength of the Grand Great Master, Mo Yan’s expression was cheered up.

“With you and Yanhua in Qiankun Sect, you will definitely know Wu You, and even surpass before. So, what can I not worry about!”

When Yang Chen came to show off his strength at this moment, he had already explained a lot of things silently.

Therefore, even in the face of the coming of the deadline, Mo Yan’s heart is happy.

Mo Yan looked at Yang Chen with satisfaction, and said with some certainty: “The Grand Great Master behind Yanhua is you!”

Mo Yan remembered that he had discovered that there was a Grand Great Master behind Yan Hua. At that time, he thought it was a member of the Martial Forest who had been taken over by Yan Hua, but now he suddenly realized that it was Yang Chen.

This makes Mo Yan feel better.

Yang Chen was silent.

Mo Yan sat up slowly, looking at Yang Chen and said, “Don’t feel resentful about what happened back then, let alone resent the universe. If you want to resent, please blame me.”

Yang Chen looked at Mo Yan, suddenly a little surprised.

It is said that time is like flowing water, and Martial Forest is like dyeing vat.

People who go in are people, but what goes out is uncertain.

But at this moment, Mo Yan is as usual.

As if never changed.


Yang Chen was silent inside.

This is pure man.

For the own goal, ignore it.

Anyone can give up, and if necessary, he can also.

“You have become a Grand Great Master. To you, death is useless. You can go in and out freely. But, I hope you can look at Yun Qingyan’s Face and support Yan Hua a lot. After all, he is also your junior, you two brothers back then The relationship is the best…”

Looking at Yang Chen, Mo Yan smiled brilliantly.

The words in the mouth are even more non-stop.

Up to this moment, he was still trying his best to evacuate Yang Chen’s possible complaints.

till the end……

“Okay, kid Yang, thank you for coming to see me, this old man, and for giving me a ride. I’m very happy…”

Mo Yan’s life fire began to weaken.

The voice, the look is not as proud as before.

The whole person began to become weak at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Boy Yang, go back, and send it away. Let the old man go by himself for the last time!”

Mo Yan Elder waved weakly.


Yang Chen looked at the big Elder whose vitality was already lacking, and sighed leisurely, and said: “Big Elder, do you have anything else to tell!?”


Mo Yan smiled slightly, and said: “The old man is an old guy. This era is yours. Under your leadership, the universe will be stronger. The old man will not rely on the old to sell his old. So, where is there to tell.”


Seeing Mo Yan’s silence for a while, Yang Chen nodded and turned to leave.

Close the door and fly onto the roof.

Standing on the top of Mo Yanda’s Elder attic, Yang Chen quietly looked at the moon.


A breath of life was completely silent and dissipated.

Yang Chen turned around, flew back to his death place, avoiding the moonlight.

the next day.

Qiankunzong was sad because of the death of Mo Yanda Elder.

And Yan Hua also took the time to come to death.

Walking into the dead, stepping up the threshold of the courtyard, Yan Hua saw Yang Chen.

At this moment, Yang Chen was lying quietly on the rocking chair, looking at the sky, motionless.


“…Big Elder is gone!”

There was silence.

Yang Chen didn’t react at all to Yan Hua’s words.

Just quietly looking up at the sky.


Yan Hua opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he sighed and stopped speaking.

Turn around and walk out.

In Martial Forest, separation of life and death is already common.

But this does not mean that they are not sad.

Regarding Yang Chen, Yanhua didn’t know what Senior Brother thought, but sadness was absolutely indispensable.

Because of the withering of life, this world is becoming more and more lonely.

The death of Elder Mo Yan made the Universe Sect busy.

Preparations for the funeral of Elder Mo Yan lasted for seven days.

In the past seven days, a lot of people have come from Rivers and Lakes.

There are friends of Elder Mo Yan, as well as other Sect people.

Rivers and Lakes are huge, and Rivers and Lakes are far away.

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