Chapter 181-The Arrival of the Saint

In fact, as soon as Yang Chen became the Realm of the Martial Forest myth, he rushed to the sea of ​​knowledge and prepared to assist Luo Xian to take down the dark shadow.

But he suddenly discovered that the shadow was directly preparing to escape when he first moved.

The shadow is very weird. Even if Yang Chen achieved the Martial Forest myth, he didn’t see through the shadow. Yang Chen didn’t know whether he could stop the shadow if he escaped. Therefore, Yang Chen stopped entering the sea of ​​consciousness and started to extract the black shadow with the secret method. The source of consciousness of shadow.

While intercepting Sombra and forbidding him to go out of the sea, while extracting the origin of Sombra’s consciousness, the dark shadow was helpless under the attack of Luo Xian.

“I want to see what you are!”

Yang Chen extracted the source of the dark shadow, and secretly said inwardly.

At this time, the sun was already three poles, and noon had arrived.

Yang Chen’s thoughts moved, and he already shouted in his heart:

“System, sign in.”

This is completely instinct!


The habit of signing in for 20 to 30 years has become instinct.

According to past experience, the system will definitely reply at this time: [Sign in successfully! 】

But unfortunately, I waited for three seconds and didn’t wait for a reply from the system.

Yang Chen froze for a moment, and then realized that the own system is still being installed.



The installation is continuing.


Yes, that’s right!

Since Yang Chen broke through to the Martial Forest myth Realm, there have been sporadic holes in the barrier between heaven and earth around him.

From time to time, wisps of silvery white inexplicable energy penetrates the hole into Yang Chen’s body, and these energy will continue to increase the installation progress of the system.

Yang Chen slowly opened his eyes and stared at the sky, with inexplicable gazes and faint expressions in his eyes.

As if seeing the depths of the sky and the earth.

“It is this diaphragm that blocks the installation of the system!?”

Yang Chen moved inwardly and had some guesses.

With a move of his fingers, a wisp of black mist was absorbed into the energy ball in his palm, and Yang Chen had expectations for the system in his heart.

The system he always disliked was a system that was not fully installed.

This gave Yang Chen expectations, what the full version of the system would be like.


Qiankun Great Hall.

Mo Yan Elder sat in the Great Hall, dozing off from time to time.

His source of life is running out, and his body will often be weakened.

Everyone knows that Mo Yan Elder is close to running out of oil and the lamp is dead.

But today, Mo Yanda Elder was still invited to the Great Hall.

“It’s like this now. Let’s talk about our opinions!” Law Enforcement Elder glanced at Mo Yan, and then spoke first.

Regarding the rumors of Qiankun Youxian that was raging in the Rivers and Lakes at this time, everyone in the Qiankun Sect also received the news.

Because of this, everyone is at a loss.

There are immortals in the universe! ?

What a joke!

Don’t they know what the Universe Sect is like! ?

The only other person in the Grandmaster, is now exhausted and will not be able to support it for a few years.

Sect Leader is young and promising, he is still a talented arrogant, but his age is a bit lower now. Although he is considered to be the strongest among the Great Masters, he is still far away from the immortal.

“I’ll come first!”

When everyone was whispering, they thought that Elder would stand up first and say: “We all know what our universe looks like, and there is absolutely no immortal. Therefore, I suspect that the Shaolin Temple has learned the words of the sage Zhizun. Did we understand it wrong? Say there is a saint in our Universe Sect?!”

“Yes, I also think it was misunderstood!?” Elder said again.

“What’s the misunderstanding, ah! What’s the misunderstanding, I haven’t heard anyone say that it was Shaolin Temple’s wisdom that first shot Sect Leader, and then said this sentence later!? Our current focus should not be on Sect Leader. Comfort me!? As for what immortal, what saint, what does it have to do with my universe!? We don’t have any!” An Elder with a temper a bit angry said angrily.

“Yes, that is, what does Shaolin Temple mean?! Do you want to attack my Universe Sect!? Sect can insult my Universe Sect at will if he is the number one in the righteous way!?”

With a few words, the atmosphere suddenly became vigorous.

It wasn’t even a curse.

The Universe Sect is slowly coming out of the decline period, and seeing that it is about to rise, his own Sect Leader is about to rise.

But at this moment, Zhizhi’s shot was no less than breaking their hopes.

It can be said that the inside of Qiankun Sect was full of anger at Shaolin Temple.

However, this anger can only be angered.

After all, the strength is not as good as humans!

“All right!”

Yanhua stretched out his hand and waved, stopping the questioning of the Elders around him, and then continued: “I don’t know the reason, but it’s always right for us to be careful next. As for the Rivers and Lakes rumors… ….”

Seeing the crowd, Elder suddenly raised his ears, he paused, and said, “How can you believe it in the Rivers and Lakes rumors of this kind of thing!”

Old God Yanhua was there and said to Elder.

As soon as these words came out, some of the hopeful wings in Elder’s eyes disappeared.

“Just so, there are so many miracles, alas.”

Elder sighed.

Yan Hua glanced at them, twitched the corner of her mouth, and swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Now I haven’t gone to see the brother, and I don’t know if it’s true, so don’t talk nonsense.

Although Yan Hua looked at the Elder’s feelings of depression a little bit depressed, but still held back and did not say it.

Yan Hua in the crowd was in a daze, subconsciously looking in the direction of the death place of Houshan.

“Should I go find a brother now?!”

Yan Hua muttered inwardly.

Thinking about it this way, he couldn’t stay any longer.

I just want to see Yang Chen immediately, and then ask about it so that I can solve the doubts in my heart.

Yan Hua moved directly away from the crowd.

“Hey, hey, Sect Leader, what are you doing!?”

Several Elders saw this scene and asked in a loud voice in surprise.

But Yanhua is full of hope at the moment, but how can he answer their questions?

But at this moment, a huge breath struck from the mountain gate.

This qi is overwhelming, spreading with grandeur.


Yan Hua paused, then stopped lifting up.

Turning around gently, he looked at the gate of the mountain with some caution.

Not only Yanhua, but the group of Elders also stopped talking instantly, and everyone looked at the mountain gate in shock.

The grandeur is spreading from there.

Not only that, but in the eyes of Yanhua and the rest of Elder, the power of heaven and earth is slowly changing at this moment.

The power of heaven and earth suddenly changed the trajectory of the flow, lumped into groups, and gathered at the gate of the mountain.

This scene can only be felt by a Practitioner who can communicate the power of heaven and earth.

“This…this this…this is…”

Elder struck a sharp spirit suddenly, and tremblingly raised his finger and pointed to the front.

How could the situation and scene in front of him not shock him.

Because it is by no means the Grand Great Master that makes the power of heaven and earth change so.

Although the Grand Great Master is also very strong, there will never be a scene in front of you.

The scene before them can already be said to be telling them a fact.

It is not the Grand Great Master who is here, but the saint! ! !

The saint, turned out to be the saint!

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