I set off the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in Tokyo

Chapter 336 Are there flowers of the other side in every other world?

The flight lasted a day and a night.

Alegu and the others were a little impatient. As gods and demons, at their speed they could travel around the earth countless times in a day and night, but in this strange world there seemed to be no end in sight and no end in sight.

The most important point is that no matter how you move forward, the scenery is almost the same. If you don’t know, you might think that some kind of ghost is hitting the wall and circling back and forth.

"When is the end? Is it possible that this world is infinite?"

There are gods and demons complaining.

Another god and demon echoed: "Isn't this a real world? It's just an illusion. Let's get lost here and never end."

"It's unlikely. I've observed along the way. The surrounding scenery seems to be similar, but it's not exactly the same. I can be sure that we are not trapped in an endless cycle of illusions, and are indeed moving forward."

The gods and demons beside him retorted.

In such an endless place, all the six gods and demons could do to pass the time was complaining or chatting about the past.

"Look over there."

At this time, the former suddenly spoke and pointed forward.

A hundred miles ahead, the scenery is no longer the same, but has changed.

One, two, three... The mountains and fields ahead are full of flowers, like a sea of ​​flowers. When the wind blows, the sea of ​​flowers sway, red and bright, poignant and spectacular, and unforgettable.

The sea of ​​flowers does not have a variety of flowers, but only one red flower.

The flowers have no leaves, and the petals are like dragon claws, slender and pointed, blooming like an inverted umbrella, as if stained with blood, the flowers are as red as blood.

Thousands of bloody flowers grew all over the fields.

There's something poignant and beautiful that draws people's attention, and it's even more unforgettable and hard to take your eyes away from.

Looking at the flowers, I seem to see my own heart. These flowers are like whisperers and guides in the dark.

Whispering in the ear, murmuring what has been heard in this life, guiding those who see the blood-red flowers to go far away.


In an apartment in Arakawa District, Tokyo, Japan, when he saw this vast sea of ​​​​blood-colored flowers through the vision of six gods and demons, Kamikawa Zun's face was startled, and he blurted out in an instant.


There is no mistake, these flowers look very much like mandala flowers.

Others may not know Mandala flower, but it also has another name - Bana flower.

so similar.

These blood-colored flowers look almost exactly the same as flowers called ‘Wuyi grass’ and ‘Dragon Claw flower’ that are produced in the Yangtze River Basin of China.

There are many legends about this flower among Chinese folk. It is called the other side flower.

According to legend, the flower on the other side is a bright red flower that blooms on the other side of the River of Forgetfulness in the underworld.

When the soul crosses the River of Forgetfulness, it forgets everything in life.

Everything that was once remains on the other side.

Formed a charming flower - the other side of the flower.

There are also legends.

The flower of the other side is a flower that grows on the banks of the Wangchuan River.

The fragrance of flowers has magical powers and can evoke memories of the deceased.

Flowers on the other side, flowers bloom on the other side. When the flowers bloom, you can't see the leaves. When there are leaves, you can't see the flowers. The flowers and leaves don't see each other. I think wrong all the time.

According to legend, this flower is the only flower in the underworld. It only blooms on the Huangquan Road in the underworld, where it blooms in large numbers. From a distance, it looks like a carpet paved with blood. It is also said to be red like fire. It is the "Road of Fire" and the only scenery and color on this long Huangquan Road.

"The long blood-yellow river, the blood-colored flowers, could this be the underworld?"

Kamikawa Zun's deep eyes were shining, and things seemed to be developing in an unexpected direction, which aroused his curiosity.

Facing the fact that this might be the legendary underworld, he was not afraid at all.

Instead, he had more expectations and curiosity. The system had said that there was no extraordinary thing on earth, so why was this world in the mysterious mist so similar to the underworld described in Chinese mythology?

Is there really something extraordinary in ancient times?

Or, someone from China had been here in ancient times, so everything here was passed back to China, hence the legend of the underworld.

Is it possible that there is something else hidden?

Kamikawa-san was thinking about the bloody flowers, and Alegu and the others were also observing the flowers.

"Why do these flowers look so much like... Higan flowers?"

Alegu frowned slightly and stopped in front of the sea of ​​flowers. He did not choose to get close to the sea of ​​flowers, nor did he touch and pick the flowers.

In this treacherous world full of weirdness and danger, a drop of spray can kill a god or demon. Now that flowers as bright as blood appear, God knows if there will be any danger, so it is better to be cautious.


The other five gods and demons looked at him.

Immediately, a god and demon looked at the sea of ​​flowers and muttered:

"Hey, when you say that, it does sound like Higanbana. Wait a minute, that's not right. Lord Alegu, you and I are not from the same world."

The corpses of gods and demons collected by Ashiya Dou and the others were collected from various other worlds, either from the corpses of their enemies, or from the corpses of gods and demons found accidentally.

These six gods and demons come from three different worlds.

Alegu and the god and demon who recognized the flower of the other side came from different worlds.

Generally speaking, different alien worlds have different environments, and the precious medicine and spiritual flowers are also different. Even if they are the same, because of different world cultures, the names of the precious medicine and spiritual flowers are also different, but they all know the name of the flower in the sea of ​​flowers in front of them. Flower of the other shore.

Even Lord Kamikawa was stunned.

He knew about the flower of the other side because it was spread among the Chinese people. How come Alegu and the others also knew about it.

"Including the earth, there are three worlds with flowers of the other side?" Kamikawa whispered.

the other side.

Just as Kamikawa Zun thought, Alegu and the others also realized that it was strange that different worlds named flowers the same way. Could it be...

They looked towards a god and demon named Etu.

Alegu and the other two gods and demons come from the same world. The god and demon Qundolun who previously recognized Bianhuahua and another god and demon come from another world, while Lutu comes from another world alone.

Feeling the attention of the crowd, he responded with an embarrassed face:

"There is also a flower called the other side flower in my life world, but I have never seen this kind of flower. I have only heard of it. I don't know if the other side flower in my world is the other side flower that you call it."

Everyone was stunned.

Are there also Hibiscus flowers?

So the three worlds where the gods and demons are located all have flowers called Bana flowers?

Next to the picture he continued:

"The Flower of the Other Side, which is popular in our world, is said to grow in the place where life and death meet, and this flower is responsible for attracting the souls of the dead. Therefore, the effect of this flower is very useless, and it is only used to repair broken souls.

Since there are many treasures to repair the soul, no one knows where the so-called boundary between life and death is.

Therefore, few people with broken souls would go out to look for Bianhuahua. They would rather find other treasures to repair their souls than find Bianhuahua.

It's really hard to find. If you have the time, you might as well find other treasures to repair your soul, that would be easier.

The reason why there are records of the other shore flower in our world is because in ancient times, people have accidentally found the place where life and death meet, and brought out the other shore flower from there.

It is also true that very few people have seen the Flower of the Other Side, and most of them think that it is just something in legends and rumors. "

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