I set off the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in Tokyo

Chapter 186 The King of the Gods Arrives (For the Alliance Leader ‘oujka

Chapter 186 The arrival of the gods (Congratulations to the leader ‘oujkankan’!)

The wind and sand are rolling, the dust is falling, and the yellow sand covers the sky across North America.

"Do you smell anything?"

Someone in North America is waving his nose.

"It seems to smell like blood." Others also smelled it and hesitated slightly:

The yellow sand in the sky seemed to be no ordinary sand, mixed with thick blood, but they were not sure, because the smell of blood in the wind and sand did not have that disgusting bloody smell. It seemed like decay, but not smelly. It had an ancient and odorous smell. Continuous life and death, with life and death.

Soon, a storm of yellow sand swept over, and people heard the clanging of iron tools in the wind and sand. It seemed that this was not a sandstorm, but a uniform army.

As the strong army passed by, the energy and blood surged into the sky, stirring up the sky full of wind and sand and bursts of bloody wind.

The wind and sand made a lot of noise, and the overwhelming sky came. Until they were approaching the gate of heaven, the fans gradually dispersed, revealing the lineup inside.

When people saw this, there were exclaims and surprises from all over the world.


It was not a sandstorm, it was really a uniform and orderly army. When the wind and sand gathered together, thousands of armies appeared in front of the world.

If you look closely, you will see that the creatures that make up the army have strange shapes, with human bodies and animal heads.

"It's not a dog's head, it's a jackal's head."

Some people refuted the former, and their eyes flashed, as if they were very excited. They looked towards the front of the army, where they saw a majestic creature with a head that looked like a dog, but was actually the head of a jackal, and told his origin.

"That's the ancient Egyptian god, Anubis, the god of death!"

Anubis is not the strongest god among the ancient Egyptian gods, but he is the most representative god. Just because of his identity, he is the Egyptian god of death. He is in charge of mummification, bringing in the dead, and judging the dead.

He was the controller of life and death in Egypt.

Seeing the appearance of the Egyptian god Anubis, countless people exclaimed and thought so.

Here comes another mythical god!

Counting the Egyptian gods, four mythical gods have already appeared. Is this a reckoning among the gods?

"The Egyptian gods are coming to settle accounts with heaven."

On the Internet, some netizens typed quickly and posted the reasons why Anubis arrived with his army. Although it was a guess, he was sure that the truth was close to ten.

Anubis said those words, obviously to help the Mayan gods and target heaven.

It is very likely that the gods of Egyptian mythology stand opposite to heaven, which is related to the legendary Exodus of God. God intervened in Egypt, causing dissatisfaction among the Egyptian gods.

as expected.

Anubis arrived with an army of Egyptian gods, looking directly at the gates of heaven.

"Kamenpus, just fulfill Quetzalcoatl's instructions. If Heaven or the Asa Protoss dare to take action, our Egyptian god army will stop them."

boom! !

With the words spoken, Anubiston released the light of the underworld gods, as if to pull the world into the underworld and into death. The breath of life and death covered the sky, and the stars were stained with the dimness of death.

Gray sky, dead stars.

The sight is horrifying, making your soul tremble and shaking your bones.

next moment.

Anubis raised his big hand to order the Egyptian god army. Thor, the god of thunder, also raised his war hammer. The thunder descended, like an ancient volcano erupting, full of destruction. The Asa army charged into the starry sky in terror. Lucifer narrowed his eyes. A smiling smile, the ups and downs and the divine power of the gods.

"A battle between five mythical gods. That's not enough. How about more?"

"Is there a fight? Count me in!"

"Three gods besieging two? Bullying the few with more? Michael, Thor, let me help you."


The stars in the sky exploded in all directions.

Ancient chariots that covered the earth rushed out from the starry sky, with gods standing on them. The leading god was extremely bright, like an eternal king. The golden light was shining, flowing, and as proud and dazzling as an ancient emperor. .

A void in the sky exploded, and gods stepped out, dragons and tigers walked, and a vast and ancient country emerged behind them. Mountains and rivers were endless, hundreds of companies competed for the water, and ancient ancestors worshiped.

A big sky-splitting spear pushed everything across and smashed down, stained with the blood of gods and demons, imprisoned with immortal souls, and exuding eternal unparalleled power. This was the blood of the extremely powerful enemy on the initial battlefield, and was the king over there. Blood once ruled three thousand worlds, but now it is the glory of this sky-shattering spear.

This is a real sky-splitting gun, not the beam of light that the Indian gods returned back in the day, enough to sink the American tectonic plate and penetrate the earth.

Another chariot came out, exuding an age that was dim in time, and crashed down from the sky above the sky. The chariot was too big, towering and huge than the mountains. It suppressed like the Wuzhi Mountain and wiped out all the brilliance around it.

One mythical god after another appeared.


This moment has come, occupying this piece of starry sky, each holding his own.

This scene is not shocking, but it has shocked the past and present, and the future. It is destined to be engraved in history and recorded and passed on to eternity.

Gods come together!

The divine light is beyond the extreme brilliance, and the breath stirs up the heaven and earth, blurring the boundaries between life and death. Decay and eternity coexist alternately, as if this heaven and earth are the ultimate place in the world, representing everything. It seems that the world of the heavens and the world is rioting, and the three thousand great worlds are rioting. The world sinks.

Metaphysicians, theologians and even astronomy, science and other experts are getting sick. They have heart attacks when they are excited. They roll their eyes and foam at the mouth when they are frightened. There are so many myths that they can hardly name them, and they don’t even know them. I feel like I don't have enough brain power to function properly.

Agawa and the others were already convulsing with fear, and some senior officials were so frightened that they had a stroke and fell to the ground. They just wanted to die quickly at this moment, so as not to be wiped out by the aftermath of the gods' reckoning later.

It's the same all over the world. Some old people are so frightened that they can't even lift a breath, and they pinch people frantically. Or young people are so shocked that they lift up their keyboards, and those with stronger strength lift up their computer desks. The rich ones just throw away the antiques in their hands. Scared and smashed.

The younger one stopped crying directly while still in his swaddle.


The sky is filled with gods and terrifying creatures.

At a glance, the eyes are full of gods, and it is impossible to see them all, and the eyes are dyed with divine light.

Praying to gods and Buddhas, praying for blessings. Many people do this to the gods every day. They want to say many things to the gods, ask for many wishes, and even think about what they must do if they can see the gods. However, at this moment, we see them. The sky is full of gods, but I can't say anything and can't breathe.

Gods are so high up in the sky that it is a great honor to see one in this world, and it is all about accumulating virtue and good deeds.

But now I see the sky filled with densely packed gods, as many as stars.

I never thought that there are so many gods and myths, and that it contains so many splendid myths.


Looking at the sky full of gods and terrifying creatures.

The hearts of all living beings tightened.

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