I set off the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in Tokyo

Chapter 158 What is happening to the earth now!

North America, United States.

The United States is as excited as other North American countries at this moment, but it is a little different because they know about the return of gods. At this moment, the discussion on the Internet in the United States about the return of gods and the revenge of Indian gods has reached its highest point, sweeping like a violent storm. American network.

America, the White House.

Ah Chuan, who was thinking about his assistant's words, didn't have time to think before he looked out the window and saw the pillar of light soaring into the sky in the distance.

The light pillar was so huge that it emitted rumbling divine sounds.

Ah Chuan jumped up from his chair and was so frightened that he accidentally broke the necklace cross in his hand with force.


Looking at the frightening divine power, the towering light pillar like a mountain, which was extremely impactful to the vision and body and mind, Ah Chuan's heart was beating wildly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, the assistant who answered the sudden call had a shocked expression on his face:

"Sorry, just now reports came from various states in the United States, saying that there was a mutation in the exhibits at the Museum of the Indians in Washington."

When the sound came out, Ah Chuan's breath suddenly froze, and he suddenly looked out the window of the White House at the distant beam of light.

Light beam direction...

Isn’t it the direction of Washington? ! !

Ah Chuan swallowed his saliva, sweat dripping from his forehead, and pointed tremblingly at the beam of light reaching the sky outside the window:

"Then...that...couldn't it be...the Washington mutation?"

The Indian Museum, the pillar of light reaching into the sky, and the faint rumbling voice of the gods made the most undesirable speculations pop up in Deachuan's mind.

"Yes, that is the mutation in the museum, and not only that, there are corresponding mutations in ancient ruins in other states in the United States."

As he said this, the assistant's cell phone rang again.

I saw the assistant who answered the phone, his expression changed, he looked even more shocked than before, and he hurriedly reported to Achuan.

"Not only the ancient ruins of our country in the United States, but also the ancient ruins of all countries in North America have undergone mutations!"

"What did you say?!"

Agawa couldn't hold back any longer and rushed out of the office as quickly as possible and came outside the White House.

"This." Ah Chuan raised his head and looked at the sky in all directions, his eyes straightened and he was dumbfounded.

Standing on the lawn outside the White House in the United States, you can see the distant sky in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and there are light pillars soaring into the sky one after another, like giant pillars holding up the sky and the earth, standing on various lands in the distance. Supports heaven and earth.

The scene in front of him horrified Ah Chuan. His legs were stretched out. If it weren't for the assistant's support, he might have collapsed on the lawn like a puddle of mud, without the majesty of a big boss at all.

Ancient Indian ruins revived, and divine totems erupted with eternal divine light. No matter how stupid and unwilling to believe it was, Agawa knew that his most disturbing guess had come true.

"The Indian gods are coming back..."

Gazing at the giant pillars standing in the distance, Ah Chuan felt a chill to his bones, from his feet to his head, straight out of the Tianling Cap.

With this momentum and power, he didn't believe that there was only one Indian god and that the Indian gods were weak.

Ah Chuan shuddered and looked at the broken cross held tightly in his hand, and then at the pillars of light in all directions.

He fell silent.

It’s too scary for an Indian god to ride a horse. Will God really protect us? Can God take care of us?

There is never a moment that I regret more than I do now. Agawa really wants to change his faith to something less personal, but unfortunately it seems that it is too late, as the Indian gods are about to return.

"God bless! Amen! Amen!"

Ah Chuan kept crossing his chest and holding the broken cross in his hand. He had lived for more than seventy years, and he had never felt so panicked.

this moment.

It is not only Agawa who is panicking, but also the top executives of the United States and the American people.

Many American netizens are buying air tickets to go abroad, whether it is to Switzerland, Italy, Africa, or even Iraq.

"Going to the Middle East and facing a hail of bullets is better than staying in the United States and enduring the wrath of God."

An American netizen was slow to respond. When he wanted to buy a ticket to go abroad, he found that all the options he wanted to choose were gone, only the ones in Iraq were left. Despite this, he still bought the ticket.

Just kidding, if you don’t buy it, you may not even have the ticket after a while.

You know, it’s true that there are a lot of passenger planes in the United States, but no matter how many seats there are, they can’t accommodate all Americans, and only a very small number of people can buy tickets.

As for the vast majority of people who didn’t buy air tickets, what should I do?

Waiting to die? Impossible. Creatures like humans have a strong desire to survive.

I saw those Americans who couldn't buy air tickets rushing out of their homes, driving or running towards the nearest church nearby.

"Father! I want to join Christianity. Please baptize my child with holy water!" Organized American netizens held their children and sought baptism from a priest.

There is a saying in Christianity that when a child is baptized with holy water, it means cleansing the soul, and it also means God is protecting you.

For this reason, an unprecedented situation has emerged in the United States.

Thousands of people are pouring into churches across the United States, breaking through the doorsteps, begging to join Christianity.

Obviously, they have the same idea as Agawa and others. The Indian gods really exist and want to return. Faced with this unchangeable fact, they have to find a backer for protection. Joining Christianity and being protected by God is the best decision at the moment.

On this day, the number of Christian believers in the United States reached an all-time high, breaking previous records.

On this day, the American priest had been baptizing children with holy water since the light pillar appeared in the sky. His hands were swollen with blisters. For the first time, he felt that being a priest was a hard job, but he had to be a priest.

Because if you don't do it right, you're dead.

Outside the Earth, the American Space Station.

Being in the universe and not in North America does not mean that the astronauts are not panicked. In fact, they are more panicked.

They are in the universe. If the gods get angry and blow up the space station, they won't even be able to run away. The key is to die in space. Their bodies are floating in the universe and they can't return to the earth. They will truly die in a foreign land.

So there was no need for any deliberation and voting. The astronauts unanimously agreed to worship Christianity first.

What if there is no cross? Just tie two pens into a cross as a cross, or just draw a cross and put it on your chest.

Compared with the astronauts on the American space station who were panicked, those on other space stations were more curious and excited than happy.


The Russian astronaut held a camera and captured a magnificent picture of the earth with a beam of light that was like a sky-splitting gun.

"Hurry up and take a photo. Maybe this picture will become a historic photo. If it spreads, I will become a celebrity, haha."

It seems that one photo is not enough.

He picked up the camera again, preparing to take another ten or so pictures, from the most spectacular and best angle.

Seeing this, other astronauts, not to be outdone, took out cameras to capture this scene that would go down in history.

"Oh my god, you are still slapping your ass there, look over there!"

An astronaut suddenly screamed and gestured wildly.

Everyone looked around, their pupils dilated sharply.


"Oh my God!"

"What's happening to the earth now!"

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