I set off the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in Tokyo

Chapter 133 The world will never forget it

Daji, this name is so rare. Looking at the world, there is probably only one person with this name. But even if there are people with the same name, people know very well that the Daji Abe Nakamaro refers to is definitely not the person with the same name.

The Daji in his mouth is Tamamo Mae!

He is also a great figure in ancient China—Su Daji!

The Su Daji who once single-handedly toyed with the ancient "Shang Dynasty" until it was destroyed and created many shocking legends. Legend has it that the real person is a nine-tailed fox!

A solid hammer.

China has extraordinary beings, myths and ghosts, and extraordinary legends.

"So...that netizen is not missing, he is really blocked."

Netizens screamed loudly.

The netizen who said "Strict Speech Akainu" disappeared after mentioning the evidence that Daji and Yamata no Orochi might come from China. Netizens said that he was silenced before, mostly as a joke, but now it seems Come on, the joke comes true.

Miyagi Nao cried louder, her remaining luck gone.

The White House of the United States.

Ah Chuan learned about Da Ji's origin from the assistant. He was stunned for a moment, then looked at the assistant in confusion, and said in a dry voice with a hot throat:

"Well... how about I change my name to Chuan Jianguo as you mentioned? Then the Chinese people will have a better impression of me."

If Abe Nakamaro's connection with Hua was not evidence that Hua was extraordinary before, now it is a certainty.

Panic, fear.

Ah Chuan's scalp went numb at the thought of offending a country's extraordinary beings. He could only imagine the scene. Thousands of mouthfuls of spit flew out of the sky over China, just like cannonballs, hitting the American soil.

The Statue of Liberty was destroyed, but there are still many places of interest in the United States, such as the Lincoln Statue and the Washington Monument...

At this moment, Achuan wanted to cry. Why didn't the United States have more places of interest? It didn't feel like China was extraordinary enough.

China has such a large population that the United States can be flooded with every mouthful of saliva.

I hate so much in my heart, I wish I could see all the famous places and places in the United States, so that I can vent it to Chaofan instead of venting it on myself.

At this moment, Achuan hoped, extremely hoped that the historical figures of his country were all extraordinary, and that after he was spit on by the extraordinary people of China, these extraordinary historical figures would stand up one by one, reveal their names, and shock the heroes.

He had even thought of the names of extraordinary historical figures.

What about Washington, the Lord of Thunder, Franklin, the electric evil spirit Edison, the magnetic storm demon Tesla, the nuclear chain wizard Fermi, the king of fruit flies Morgan, etc., each and every historical figure, they are all awesome. The boom was extraordinary.

Thinking of the end, Achuan became more and more hopeful as he thought about it, and he couldn't wait to verify it.

"How about digging the graves of these great men? See if there are any bones inside. Maybe they are just like Master Kukai and Master Saicho in Japan. They all pretended to die in history just to cover up their extraordinary existence."

The Japanese Internet is also extremely noisy.

Although there were some speculations about Hua Guo's extraordinary power, the moment it was revealed, it was still extremely shocking.

And just when people were immersed in the fact that Tamamo was Su Daji.

As if sighing or recalling the past, Abe Nakamaro's words seemed to trigger memories, making all creatures in the world numb and intoxicated. They were extremely enchanting and charming, but also endlessly majestic, like the majestic words of the goddess king in the sky. .

"Nowadays, how many people still remember my name?"

This voice did not seem like a response to Abe Nakamaro, nor did it seem like a question to Abe Nakamaro. I could hear the emotion and reminiscence contained in the words, but it seemed like a question from myself.


Even if she didn't know the true meaning, Tamamo Mae's words implied that Abe Nakamaro called her Daji.

She is Su Daji of China! !

The long voice echoed throughout the world.

Abe Nakamaro was stunned for a moment, a little surprised that Tamamo Mae would say this, as if there was some secret in it.

"The world will never forget it."

He looked at the hazy figure of Tamamo Zaomie at the end of the world:

"How can the world forget what Su Daji created and the last nine-tailed fox in Qingqiu."

There is no change at all. Abe Nakamaro stands in this world, and the light of his own Tao spontaneously blooms, mixed with the supreme Tao charm, illuminating this world and bringing vitality and greenery to this world.

It seems to be creating the world, giving revival to all things and giving faith to all spirits.

He is the heaven of this place, the highest. Just standing there makes people want to worship him, without blasphemy, and with boundless awe.

Is it a human being or a god?

People have doubts in their hearts. Abe Nakamaro says he is a human being, but apart from his human appearance, he has transcended the human realm and is more like a supreme god, born in the space between heaven and earth.

Then the rumbling sound of the vicissitudes of ancient times spread, and Tamamo Mae responded.

"You know a lot, but that doesn't mean I will stop."

Abe Nakamaro was slightly surprised.

"If you don't stop, aren't you afraid that Dongfang will find out?"

He asked what he had said before again, just to persuade Tamamo Mae to retreat. Even if he could stop Tamamo Mae's supreme power, he did not want to start a war with Tamamo Mae.

However, his words had no effect.

"I found out? I just want them to find out."

Tamamo's words were cold and ruthless, containing boundless indifference.

This world that nurtures new life is like an ice age and the arrival of winter. Flowers, plants, trees, rocks, and even the stars on the earth are covered with thick frost, and winds, snow, and winds sweep across the universe.

What you say is law.

The sound caused changes in the world!

This scene is shocking.

Abe Nakamaro did not change due to the sudden changes in the world, but was shocked by Tamamozamae's words.

"Strange, if Tamamozen is Su Daji, then Tamamozama should be afraid of what Abe Nakamaro said." Professor Nakata frowned, his face full of confusion.

Professor Beishan nodded in agreement.

According to ancient records, when he was still Daji in front of Tamamo, he committed a heinous crime during the Shang Dynasty of China and was eventually beheaded. The Chinese side obviously wanted Daji to die and not give him a chance to survive.

So now she appears in Japan and has left the East, but if the East knows that she is still alive, someone from the East will definitely come to kill or capture Daji.

But why was Daji not afraid at all?

She even said that she would let Dongfang discover it.

Is there any hidden secret in it?

Even Professor Kitayama and the others wanted to get it. How could Abe Nakamaro not think of it? He immediately turned his attention to the heroic man, Master Saicho.

Withstanding the supreme power of Tamamo Mae, Abe Nakamaro conveniently saved the heroic man and Master Saicho and other ancient supernatural beings. These are the backbone of Japan and cannot die in vain.

The heroic man saw the meaning in Abe Nakamaro's eyes. He was asking himself, how did you provoke Tamamo Mae, what happened, and he needed to know the cause and effect.

Obviously, the reason why Abe Nakamaro did not take action before was not out of fear or anything else, but because he was not in Japan. If Tamamo Mae hadn't erupted with supreme power, he would not have noticed that the war was breaking out in Japan. At his level, it would be very difficult for him to take action. There are few things that catch their attention and they are too lazy to pay attention.

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