Chapter 73 Cut off all business dealings with Gu Xu’s family

The plane rose slowly from the ground.

With bare feet, Yan Bing lightly stepped on the ground a few times.

Staring at the plane flying into space.

Slowly, disappear into the sky.

The moment the plane disappeared, the corners of her eyes became slightly moist.

But soon she cursed softly to herself: “The damn sand, always blows into the eyes when it shouldn’t come.”

Then she rubbed her eyes again, walked forward, picked up the suitcase, and walked forward quickly.

On the plane, Lin Rui looked at the clouds outside the sky.

I couldn’t help but sighed softly.

To say that he didn’t know Yan Bingru’s affection for him at all, that was false.

After all, he in his previous life is a veteran in love.

But right now, he was going to marry Gu Chenxi in three days.

At this time, he couldn’t break the slightly ambivalent relationship between him and Yan Bingru.

Some things can only be developed slowly.

One day, when both parties can’t restrain themselves, it will be the time for this relationship to mature.

Lin Rong didn’t want to be a scumbag.

But Lin Rui didn’t want to let down any unforgettable love.

After coming to this world, Lin Rong’s tenet is to live up to and not to abandon love, except for whatever is casual.

Jingcheng Yanjia.

Yan Bingru has returned home.

But at this moment, she was not in a beautiful mood. As soon as she entered her room, she lay down on the table, her eyebrows drooping, and she was in a daze.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

After Yan Bingru opened the door, he saw that the person here was his grandfather, Yan Dong.


Yan Bing-ru and the gray-haired Yan Dong came to give a courteous hug.

Yan Donglai patted her little head and smiled kindly:

“147 This time Fedal and his party were wronged.

Outside, Yan Bingru was a fierce Miss Yan Family, with a fiery temper, straightforward and strong, but when she came to her beloved grandfather, she became a coquettish and obedient.

I think of what happened to Fedar during this time.

Yan Bingru touched his sour nose and said, “Uuuuu!”

“Grandpa, your good granddaughter almost can’t come back this time.”

“If it wasn’t”

Yan Donglai looked at her pamperingly, haha ​​smiled: “If it weren’t for Lin Rong, my good granddaughter would almost be fooled by Luyol, and together with my grandfather, he would have a white-haired man and a black-haired man. , This Lin Rong is our savior. ”

“Hey, by the way, I didn’t ask you to take Lin Rui home, so my family should thank him very much?”

“What about people?”

Yan Bingru frowned slightly, his mouth slightly cocked.

“not coming!”

Yan Donglai wondered: “Why didn’t you come?”

Yan Bingru sighed and said: “I can’t move people, they are anxious to go home, and they said that I will visit again later, what can I do.

Yan Donglai’s eyes blinked twice.

Looking at the angry expression on the face of my granddaughter.

Just a little funny and said: “So there are still boys in this world that Bingru can’t invite.

Yan Bingru was taken aback for a moment, and then grabbed the old man’s white beard.

He hummed: “Okay, grandpa, even you make fun of me? See if I won’t pull your white beard off.

Yan Dong came to beg for mercy and said, “It’s alright. Grandpa won’t say anything, don’t say anything.

Yan Bingru sat back in the chair and sighed softly, “Actually, he is about to get married in three days (ahca), and he hasn’t returned home for nearly a month. He was worried that his family was in a hurry, so he hurried. Hurry home.”

Yan Donglai nodded.

“Grandpa heard about this. It is said that Lin Rong married Gu Qinghe’s granddaughter, and this girl passed away because of her parents a year ago. Now she has become a little crazy.”

Yan Bingru suddenly came out abruptly: “Yes, a crazy girl is better than me.

Even Yan Bingru didn’t know how he suddenly said this sentence.

How could Yan Donglai fail to see the thoughts of his granddaughter.

He pondered for a while and asked Yan Bingru, “Bingru, or else grandpa goes to Tianfu to meet Lin Rong’s parents, and goodbye to Gu Qinghe?”

Yan Bingru was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise, “Grandpa, what are you doing?’

Yan Donglai sternly said: “Of course I persuaded the two of them to cancel this marriage. I can’t watch my good granddaughter finally fall in love with a boy, and now this boy wants to marry another woman as his wife. Bar.”

“I can also see that this Lin Rui is indeed very good. I heard that Gu Qinghe spent two billion yuan in dowry to get such a good son-in-law.

“But don’t worry, my dear granddaughter, as long as Lin Rong agrees to give up the marriage with the girl doll of the Gu family, I can give twice as much gift as Gu Qinghe.

Yan Bingru’s face turned red.

Immediately shook his head and denied: “Grandpa, don’t talk nonsense, how could I like that shameless and nasty guy.”

“You stay at home well, and you are not allowed to go anywhere.

Yan Donglai looked at Yan Bing with disbelief.

“Bingru, you really don’t like Lin Rui?”

Yan Bingru knew that if she said she didn’t like it at all, her grandpa who was good at observing words would definitely not believe it.

So she was silent for a while and said: “Grandpa, tell you the truth, I do have a little affection for him. After all, he is really resourceful, and he saved me this time in Fedal, so I have a chance for him. A little bit of goodwill, that’s normal.

“But having a good impression doesn’t mean that I like it. What’s more, I don’t want to marry at all now. I have to help my grandfather take care of the business and continue to shine in our Yan family.”

Yan Donglai glanced suspiciously at his good granddaughter.

His eyes blinked slightly: “Really it’s just a little bit of goodwill?”

This time Yan Bingru nodded calmly.

Yan Donglai sighed lightly, and said nothing more.

There was a little silence for a while.

Yan Bingru suddenly came to Yandong and asked, “Grandpa, do you know about Gu Qinghe’s two sons?”

Yan Donglai thought for a while and said:

“The eldest son is called Gu Zhiyong. He has seen him once in the past two years. He looks simple and mature, but inside, he is a man who is good at playing power.

“The youngest son is Gu Hailin. Although I have never seen him before, I heard your third uncle mentioned that he is a very cunning and insidious person who is good at deceiving in business.

“To say that Grandpa I admire most is Gu Qinghe’s second son. He is a business wizard, but it is a pity that Tian is jealous of the talent and died young.

Yan Bingru said, “But grandpa, can you think that the people who murdered Gu Chenxi’s parents were actually her two uncles?”

Yan Donglai couldn’t help being surprised when he said this.

Then Yan Bingru told Yan Donglai all the hidden information Lin Rong had told her.

After Yan Donglai listened, he couldn’t help sighing deeply.

He said with emotion: “The family is unfortunate, and the Gu family is really unfortunate. Gu Qinghe worked so hard to raise two wolves and killed his own son. It is conceivable that he knew the truth almost every day. I’m suffering from my heart.”

Yan Bingru said, “Yes, this grandpa Gu is really pitiful, and this Gu Zhiyong and Gu Hailin are simply a pair of scum, and the Xu family’s father and daughter are not good things.”

“Grandpa, do our Yan family and Gu Xu family currently have business dealings?”

Yan Donglai was slightly taken aback.

Then he thought about it for a while and said: “The two families of Tianfu Guxu are both leaders in the rising trade world. We naturally have business dealings with their two families. Many of their industries rely on our Yan family to help them convey their benefits, and It should be a lot, but it is your third uncle who is specifically responsible for dealing with them.”

Yan Bingru said eagerly: “Then grandpa, can you say hello to your third uncle so that he will not do business with the Gu Xu family in the future?”

Yan Donglai was taken aback again.


Yan Bing said with great righteousness: “Because the Gu Xu family are now in charge of the business are bad guys, bad guys to the bones, our Jingcheng Yan family, who have always cooperated with people like Gu Zhiyong and Xu Lingtian, why do we bother? Cooperate with them and help them convey benefits?”

Yan Donglai narrowed his eyes slightly.

Smilingly said, “I’m afraid that you are just trying to help Lin Rong, so you can give your grandfather the pretense of listening to me.

Yan Bing was startled suddenly.

No way, her grandpa’s eyes are too poisonous.

After a slight silence for two seconds, Yan Bingru stuck out his tongue and said:

“Well, grandpa, you are right. I beg you to do this to help him. After all, he saved my life in Fedal, and we know that Entu will not return.

“Besides, isn’t he going to get married in three days? I think about it, and there is no new wedding gift to give him. If I can help him hit the Gu Xu family a little, use this as a new wedding gift, I think his newlywed wife will also be very happy.

Looking at Yan Bing’s little loneliness from his eyebrows.

Yan Donglai couldn’t help but sighed softly.

I thought that my granddaughter couldn’t pass the relationship after all.

He kept saying that he didn’t like others, but he always wanted to help them.

“Grandpa, you promise me, Quan is my granddaughter, please.

Seeing Yan Donglai fell silent, Yan Bingru thought that his grandfather would not agree to this, so he put his arm around him and acted like a baby.

Yan Donglai patted her hand gently.

Concerned: “Stupid boy, sometimes you can’t just think for others, you have to think for yourself, or you will be the only one who is poor in the end.”

Yan Bingru blinked slightly and said nothing.

At this time, Yan Donglai’s eyes trembled again and said:

“Since you want to help, then help thoroughly.

“I don’t think we should just cut off the business relationship between our Yan family and the Gu Xu family, but any big family that has a good relationship with our Yan family, or some companies that need to rely on our Yan family, will notify them and let them also Stop dealing with Gu Xu’s family anymore.”

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