Chapter 57 80% of Lin Rui can’t come back

Lin Rui went abroad on the fifth day.

When he drove to the city of Puyol this day.

Xia Guo.

Tianfu City, Gu Family.

Gu Boming is sitting in the pavilion in the garden, enjoying the delicious watermelon.

Standing next to him was a maid with an enchanting figure.

The maid held a small electric fan in her hand and gently blew the wind on Gu Boming’s face.

The weather has just entered summer, and it is actually not too hot.

Gu Boying stretched out his hand and lightly patted the maid pg.

The surprised maid glanced at him angrily.

Gu Boming smiled and said, “What are you afraid of.”

The maid’s face reddened and said: “Master, don’t forget that you and Miss Xu are already engaged, and the wedding will be held next month.”

Gu Boming smiled and said, “Master, even if I forget my father, I can’t forget Xiaolan, you, and Xu Bingbing that bitch, do you think I really like her? It’s just to borrow some of their Xu family’s strength. Help me and my father get rid of Gu Chenxi and Gu Qinghe. By the way, there is also Lin Rui that stupid boy.”

The maid was slightly surprised.

But as a servant, she didn’t quite understand these conspiracies, let alone dared to listen more.

Gu Boming simply pulled the maid Xiaolan and sat on his lap.

“Master, am I handsome?”

Xiao Lan chuckled: “Of course, Master, you are a mixed race. Although I haven’t seen the wife, but I heard from the old housekeeper, the wife turned out to be a beautiful blonde woman in a foreign country.”

Gu Boying reached out and touched her face, then took a piece of watermelon and stuffed it into her mouth.

“The little mouth is so sweet, come on, take a bite of the watermelon.”

Maid Xiaolan didn’t dare to go too far, because it was in broad daylight after all.

At this time, an elderly housekeeper hurried over.

Waved to Gu Boming and said, “Master, Miss Xu is here, waiting for you in the lobby.”

Gu Boming stood up abruptly, his face shocked.

The maid Xiao Lan suddenly fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Boming said nothing, and hurriedly walked towards the hall.

The maid, Xiao Lan, who fell to the ground, frowned in anger.

“I just said that I like people and that marrying Miss Xu is just for profit. Now that I hear Miss Xu coming, are you so scared?”

When I came to the hall, I saw Xu Bingbing was already sitting on the sofa.

Gu Boming hurried over.

Sit down beside her.

There was a smile on his face.

“Bingbing, why did you spend your time coming home today?”

Xu Bingbing said to him anxiously: “Have you heard that, five days ago, Lin Rui secretly disappeared. This news was heard by my father. It is said that both Gu Qinghe and Lin Entai blocked the news.”

Gu Boming smiled slightly.

“That’s it, I knew it yesterday.”

Xu Bingbing was taken aback for a moment, and a little guilty said: “Now that you know, are you not in a hurry? I always feel that Lin Rui has changed a lot now. He is much more cunning than before. He disappeared mysteriously this time. I always feel that It’s not normal.”

Gu Boming nodded and said: “It’s really not normal. The kid Lin Rui has gone abroad. He wants to go out to invest and improve the economic strength of the Lin family. He wants to fight us in the future, but he really underestimates my father’s strength. , I’m afraid he won’t be able to come back this time.”

Xu Bingbing was shocked suddenly.

“What’s the meaning?”

Gu Boying hesitated and said:

“I’m not particularly clear about the details. Anyway, my father told me that he has united my foster father abroad. This time he is going to let the kid Lin Rui die abroad. At that time, the wedding scene between him and Gu Chenxi It will become a funeral scene.”

“The plan can’t keep up with the changes, and everything is blamed. Lin Rui found his way to death. By coincidence, it happened that he ran into the hands of my foster father.”

Xu Bingbing was shocked again.

“Who is your foster father? How come I don’t know at all?”

Gu Boming smiled bitterly: “Don’t say you don’t know, even I don’t even know that I have such a foster father. If it weren’t for my father to tell me yesterday, I don’t remember such a person at all, but it is said to be a Foreigners, very rich.”

“You know, my father spent several years abroad when he was young. My biological mother is a foreigner. I think my adoptive father should have been recognized by my parents at the time.”

Xu Bingbing felt suspicious, but what Gu Boming seemed to know was really limited to this.


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