Chapter 42 Two ferocious Tibetan mastiffs subdued by their eyes

Jingcheng Yanjia.

That is the home of Xia’s nobles second to none.

Yanjia’s industries in Xiaguo spread all over the country, and now it is in a leading position in the domestic industry in terms of new energy development.

Even though Yan Bingru is only twenty or two years old, he has already made certain achievements in the commercial field.

Speaking of which, Yan Bingru can be regarded as a business prodigy.

At the age of eighteen, she has obtained a master’s degree in economics overseas, and has entered an MBA to study management at the age of nineteen.

At the age of twenty, her grandfather, Yan Donglai, the head of the Yan family, directly handed her a parent company that was about to go bankrupt.

Yan Dong’s move turned out to be just for Yan Bingru to take this opportunity to practice his hands, and to withstand some hardships and blows. After all, this child has gone too smoothly over the years.

But no one expected that in more than a year, Yan Bingru not only revitalized the parent company, but also increased the output value of the parent company by three or four times.

This made Yan Donglai, who has always loved this granddaughter, more convinced of his granddaughter’s business talents.

It was from the beginning of last year that Yan Bingru began to formally participate in the core industry of the Yan family.

Yan Bingru, with such a face, family background, and talent, is obviously the first time he has suffered such a blow. He used to be dealers from all over the world, and various wealthy second generations begged to see her.

And now I have collected information for more than a year before I found the little prince Luyol of King Fedal, who holds the magnetic perpetual motion machine project.

I thought I could spend huge sums of money to persuade him to sell the development technology of the magnetic perpetual motion machine, or cooperate to develop this project, but I never thought that I had already visited the cottage, and the meeting ceremony alone had cost millions, but now He didn’t even see Luyol’s shadow.

In this situation, Yan Bingru, who had not always had a good temper, could not bear it.

“Two people are fighting dogs. I am a member of the Yan Family of Xia Guo. If you dare to let a dog bite me, let alone you can’t eat, even your poor prince may not have a good life. .”

“I want to see, dare you?”

Although Yan Bingru’s tone was a bit arrogant, what she said was not entirely intimidating.

Although the economic conditions of the Fedal Kingdom are good, it is a resource-poor country. Nowadays, the Fedal Kingdom has to rely on imports to maintain many living materials. Xia Guoyan’s family is one of the most dependent importers of the Fedal Kingdom. family.

Obviously, the Jingcheng Yan Family is a huge force that King Fedal is unwilling to offend.

If Yan Bingru had something to do in his country, then those who offended her would be severely punished by King Fedal.

But even though Yan Bing could figure this out, the two doglegs in front of Luyol couldn’t see these doorways.

Coupled with the fact that Luyol is not effective in restraining his subordinates, most of his subordinates have developed some arrogant and domineering problems.

When Yan Bingru let out a furious rage, he stepped forward again.

The guards holding two Tibetan mastiffs in their hands glanced at each other, and then loosened the reins in their hands.

“Woo Wang…”

With two dull shouts of Tibetan mastiffs, Yan Bing was so frightened that he took a dozen steps back in an instant.

With a slightly pale face, she really didn’t expect that these two people’s dog-like things would actually release dogs to herself.

Apart from anger in her heart, it also made her realize that it seemed really impossible to push hard.

“Miss Yan, I told you that the little prince can’t be disturbed while sleeping. You should go back first.”

The two guards looked at Yan Bingru, who was pale with fright, and there was a fleeting smile on the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, for their level of subordinates, being able to surpass Yan Bingru’s noble and beautiful bubbling wealthy daughters, this greatly satisfies some of their deformed psychology.

Yan Bingru was still unwilling to leave under his anger.

Both eyes stared coldly at the two men’s domineering things outside the door, but they were thinking about how to see Luyol.

When the two guards saw that she didn’t speak, they didn’t want to leave, so they didn’t pay attention to her anymore.

The scene was deserted for a while.

About ten minutes later, Lin Rui walked out of the fence on the other side.

When he appeared outside the door of this mountain villa.

The beautifully dressed Yan Bingru looked at him with an arrogant and curious look.

But Lin Rui didn’t look at her, even when he passed her by, never looked at her.

He just went straight to a position less than one meter away from the two guards.

He looked at the two vicious Tibetan mastiffs with a sharp look.

In the next second, something puzzling happened.

The two fierce Tibetan mastiffs only looked at him for a few seconds before lowering their heads in silence.

Not even a shout was made.

(The flowers have not broken 10,000, and the evaluation votes have not broken 2,000, ooh, sad and sad!)*

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