Chapter 40 Amorous little prince (seeking monthly pass)

No one understands the role of perpetual motion machines better than Lin Rui.

Since the last time this word appeared in the data summarized in the God-level Investment Skills database, Lin Rui was surprised, so he searched carefully.

It turns out that this word appears for the first time in this world.

In other words, the little prince of Fedal Kingdom with super high IQ coined the term.

And the perpetual motion model made by the little prince Federer researched and manufactured according to the records in the magical investment skills database has very high value.

As long as the research is carried out according to the ideas he envisioned, the possibility of creating this perpetual motion machine in the future is very high.

Once this kind of perpetual motion machine is manufactured, it will produce a revolutionary change for the manufacturing industry.

It can be seen that the exploratory significance of this project is far from being measurable by money.

So Lin Rui made up his mind at that time, no matter what, he must find a way to grab this item.

“Why didn’t this project show up?”

After the summit, suspicious Lin Rui asked the person in charge of the association for a list of attendance at the summit and project information.

The results showed that the name of the little prince of the Fedal Kingdom did not appear in the summit, and the perpetual motion machine project did not appear.

Then Lin Rui directly asked the head of the association, asking him whether the little prince of the Fedal Kingdom was invited to the summit.

The person in charge was vague, saying that he had never heard of this person.

However, the alert Lin Rui saw a clue from his twinkling eyes.

This person in charge is most likely not telling the truth.

However, Lin Rui knew that he would ask the other party, but the other party would not say it. This also made Lin Rui feel that some other interests may be involved in the perpetual motion machine project, or that the angel summit deliberately erased the project.

After all, the perpetual motion machine is revolutionary for some people, but for some people it is just a taboo that will harm their interests in the future.

In the world Lin Rui lives in, there are several developed countries that strictly prohibit perpetual motion machines.

But intuition tells Lin Rui that the little prince of the Fedal Kingdom may have been to Dibai, or that the Angel Summit must know the existence of the perpetual motion machine project, but he does not want this project to appear in front of the world.

The next moment Lin Rui did not delay much.

Went to find Lucy and Linda.

If the little prince of the Fedal Kingdom had been here a few days ago, then Lucy and Linda might know something.

After finding Lucy and Linda, when Lin Rui asked about this matter he cared about.

Lucy couldn’t help laughing.

“What a little prince, it’s just a romantic little bastard who was abandoned by the royal family.”

Lin Rui couldn’t help being taken aback.

“Lucy, say that, do you know him?”

Lucy smiled to herself, Linda said: “It’s more than a acquaintance. That little bastard wanted to hit my sister and me. He came here two days ago, but he was very courageous. In the elevator he still wanted to treat my sister and me to bad things, but my sister and I scared him a little bit, so he didn’t dare.”

Lin Rui’s eyes shook slightly.

As expected, the little prince of Fedal Kingdom had come here in advance.

Lucy had a good impression of Lin Rui, and said before that she would help him.

At this time, seeing his eyes blooming, he asked directly: “Lin, are you looking for him?”

Lin Rui nodded and said, “Yes, this guy is a genius, I must find him.”

“He is a genius?”

Lucy and Linda couldn’t help but their eyes widened.

Obviously, in the eyes of both of them, that guy seems to be unable to touch the word talent.

Lin Rui then asked: “But he came a few days ago, why not only did I not see him at the summit, but I didn’t even see his project?”

Lucy and Linda looked at each other.

Then the two nodded at the same time.

There seems to be an agreement.

And Lin Rui also felt that the secrets might involve them.

“He was driven away by the vice president, and he just left Dibai yesterday.”

Sure enough.

Everything is as expected by Lin Rui. The perpetual motion machine project really violated the interests of Angel Summit.

And Lucy and Linda, as members of the Angel Association, may be troublesome for them to leak secrets.

After Lin Rui thought of this, he couldn’t help but feel a little sorry.

But both Lucy and Linda said they had a way to solve this problem.

At the time of parting, Lucy asked for Lin Rui’s phone number.

After Lin Rui left the skyscraper, he received a text message from Lucy.

It clearly records the position of the little prince after leaving Dibai.

Lucy explained in the text message that when the amorous little prince left that day, he confessed to her and gave her this address, saying that when she had nowhere to go, she could go to Fedal City to find him.


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