Chapter 23 Big stupid pig, come with me to get the certificate

The next day, Lin Rui received a call from Gu Chenxi before he got up.

It’s still a call from a public phone booth.

Gu Chenxi didn’t say a few words on the phone, but Lin Rui could hear her tone a little worried.

Gu Chenxi just gave Lin Rui a park address.

Then he told him to bring his household registration book and immediately go to this park to find her.

Lin Rui felt that things were a little strange when he heard about the hukou book.

I thought that although the two elders met and basically agreed to the marriage, the marriage hasn’t been decided yet. Isn’t it?

Cheng, this girl now wants to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate with herself?

What’s more suspicious is, why did Gu Chenxi run outside the park to call herself?

Thinking about it this way, Lin Rui can almost conclude that something must have happened.

He didn’t dare to delay too much, and an hour later, he arrived at the location designated by Gu Chenxi on the phone.

At the entrance of a small park in Tianfu City.

A relatively simple car was parked.

Lin Rui had seen this car when he went to Gu’s Garden before. It looked like Uncle Chen’s car.

After he parked his car, he walked over and knocked on the window.

After the man in the driver’s seat rolled down the car window, it was Uncle Chen as expected.

Gu Chenxi was naturally sitting in the back seat.

After seeing Lin Rui, Gu Chenxi immediately got out of the car, then waved to Uncle Chen, and smiled innocently and said:

“Old head Chen, you are waiting here, I want to go out to play with Big Stupid Pig.”

Uncle Chen was stunned, obviously a little surprised.

Because his lady hurriedly pulled him to this park, saying that she wanted to relax. Originally, Uncle Chen didn’t dare to make her own decision. After all, every time Gu Chenxi goes out, he needs to report to Gu Qinghe in advance. With his permission, he can take her out to play.

But this lady of my own family is too domineering, she has been holding on to his beard, and making a lot of noise to ask him to take himself out quickly.

In the end, Uncle Chen was really helpless, and only then drove her out of the house without authorization in his antique car.

As a result, after coming to this small park, Gu Chenxi has been sitting in the car stupidly. Uncle Chen did not expect that she was in the car waiting for Lin Rui.

Although the marriage of Gu and Chen’s family has basically been negotiated, Uncle Chen is relatively trustworthy of Lin Rui’s character, but because of his own lady’s situation, Uncle Chen specifically told Lin Rui a few words.

Finally, I watched Gu Chenxi get into Lin Rui’s car.

After getting in the car, Gu Chenxi rolled down the window again and said threateningly to Uncle Chen:

“Old head Chen, just wait for me here. Big dumb pig and I will be back in at most two hours. You are not allowed to tell this to home.”

Chen Bo was slightly stunned.

He nodded soon.

After Lin Rui’s car drove forward, Bo Chen couldn’t help but wonder.

How do you feel that Miss today seems a bit unspeakable “normal”?

Lin Rui knew that Gu Chenxi was a bit abnormal today, and something must be hidden.

Although he didn’t follow up at first, when he drove the car on Liuhu Road, Lin Rui turned off the fire on the side of the road.

Gu Chenxi, who was sitting in the back seat, questioned: “Big stupid pig, continue to drive forward. Our destination is Shuangxu Road.”

Lin Rui looked at his face from the driver’s seat, shook his head and smiled.

“Let’s talk about it, you can leave Uncle Chen aside, and let me bring the account book, what is your idea? If you don’t breathe with me in advance, I can’t continue driving this car.”

“Can’t I tell you when I get to Shuangwei Road?”

Gu Chenxi pouted slightly.

Lin Rui shook his head directly: “No.”

Gu Chenxi gave Lin Rui an annoyed look, and then sighed lightly, “Idiot, the street next to Shuangwei Road is the Tianfu Civil Affairs Bureau. I will ask you to bring your account book, and let you go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. , What do you think I can do?”

Lin Rui was slightly surprised.

I thought this girl really wanted to get a certificate from herself in private.

But something is wrong. Even if Gu Chenxi’s personality has changed a lot now, he wouldn’t have changed so much, so open?

There must be something strange.

Lin Rui asked patiently, “Isn’t our marriage going to be settled? I guess our family should go to the bride price in a few days. After the bride price, we will be engaged in almost a month. Although we are not conservative people, at least we should wait until we get engaged before getting a certificate, right?”

Gu Chenxi said casually: “Can’t wait, I really can’t wait.”

Lin Rui was a little dumbfounded.

Subconsciously asked:

“Gu Chenxi, when did you become so hungry?”

“Although I Lin Rui has unlimited charm, you can’t indulge your thoughts so much.”

(Please ask for a fresh flower evaluation ticket, rush to redeem, today’s guarantee for six changes, if there is a fresh flower evaluation ticket, I will add more.)*

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