I really want to hit the street

Chapter 57 What good things can come out of a script written in two days?

"I want to ask you a question: What would you think if a person survived from the Paleolithic era to today?"

When Wang Wen asked this question, a conflict broke out.

There are 6 people present, including 5 teachers and 1 student.

These include: teachers of sociology, natural sciences, Chinese, archeology, and history.

There was another student who came to see him off.

The six people were attracted by Wang Wen's words and began to listen to what he said.

Among them, the sociology teacher said that if there really was such a person, his knowledge must be very profound.

The natural science teacher said that the maximum lifespan of the human body is about 190 years. However, if cells have experienced any special mutations, it is possible to reproduce indefinitely. As long as the process does not go wrong or mutate, then theoretically it is possible. There may be humans who have lived for 14,000 years.

The Chinese teacher thought Wang Wen was writing a science fiction novel.

The archeology teacher began to show his erudition and talked about many things from ancient times.

The history teacher is a beautiful woman who works in the same office as Wang Wen and has a crush on Wang Wen. She is Wang Wen's admirer.


"Is there still this matter?"

"Can you tell me?"

Something like this.

As Wang Wen described human life in the Paleolithic Age and the climate at that time, everyone gradually became serious.

The archaeologist smiled and said: "You wouldn't say that you are a caveman who has lived for 14,000 years, right?"

Wang Wen smiled and did not answer.

After everyone continued chatting on this topic, they talked about Columbus's voyage.

Wang Wen said: "Actually, as early as the Qin Dynasty, our country had completed a long voyage. The fleet led by the alchemist Xu Fu discovered Africa and America on the second voyage. He did not die at sea, but sailed for a year. He didn’t find the elixir and was afraid of punishment from the First Emperor, so he hid back in RB.”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then started discussing.

The archaeologist snapped his fingers: "Wonderful story. Wild historians should be happy to pay for your story, but we believe in evidence more. What evidence do you have to prove that Xu Fu sailed and achieved such great achievements?"

In official history, Qin Shihuang sent the sorcerer Xu Fu to lead thousands of boys and girls out to sea in search of elixir. They returned without success for the first time, but soon reorganized the fleet and sailed again with a large number of sailors and supplies.

Qin Shihuang had great confidence in Xu Fu and waited for three months at the place where Xu Fu went to sea. He did not see the returning fleet before leaving in disappointment.

Later, Xu Fu's whereabouts became an unsolved mystery.

There is no unified argument so far, but Xu Fu may have stayed on RB Island for a period of time and passed on local writing, grain and medical technology, bringing a generation of "Yayoi culture" to RB which was backward at the time. He himself was also praised by the RB people. Called the "God of Agriculture" and "God of Medicine".

The teachers present didn't quite believe what Wang Wen said, but they all found it interesting.

Wang Wen said calmly: "Because Xu Fu and I are friends. He found me as soon as he came back from overseas. He told me that he had found the hometown I mentioned, that is, Africa, where there are people with dark skin. But he didn't find the elixir. He hoped that I could give him the elixir of life, but I didn't know why I was like this, and I couldn't help him. He knew that after spending so much manpower and material resources, he got nothing. , Qin Shihuang would not let him go, so he ran to RB."

Everyone: "."

After a long silence, he burst into laughter.

Chinese teacher: "Interesting story. I will definitely read the novel after it is published."

"Wow, I almost got fooled by you just now."

Then Wang Wen smiled and continued to talk about how he once worked under Qin Shihuang. After Qin Shihuang discovered his secret of immortality, he firmly believed that there must be an elixir of immortality in the world and ordered Xu Fu to go to the place where he was born (Africa) to find the elixir.

In the middle of the journey, Wang Wen was afraid that Qin Shihuang would torture him, so he ran away early and remained anonymous, only occasionally contacting Xu Fu.

After hearing his story, everyone present raised a lot of doubts, but Wang Wen easily handled them.

Archaeologists feel that Wang Wen made it up using historical knowledge.

Several others were doubtful.

A debate broke out between them.

Here comes the breaking point of the plot conflict.

Pu Jie wrote this, and then also wrote the last two lines of the second act.

Encountered failure: Wang Wen was suspected by everyone, and then called a psychiatrist to determine whether he had a mental illness. The protagonist could not prove it except through words.

Clear goal: The protagonist tries to convince everyone about his mark on history.

"The plot is starting to get exciting. Now, it's time to throw your ultimate move!"

The story enters the third act!

Reveal the foreshadowing.

Natural science teacher: "Actually, we only need to take you for a physical examination to know whether you have lived for 14,000 years."

Wang Wen shook his head.

"I don't do any physical exams."

"During the Tang Dynasty, I was accidentally discovered by the magistrate of a southern county. He imprisoned me and wanted to get the secret of immortality from me. That time, I was imprisoned for a full 104 years. , the whole family survived until they were all executed. From then on, I knew that I could not stay anywhere for too long, and I had to leave before others discovered the secret of my immortality. This period is 10 Year."

Everyone: "."

"Actually, in addition to Xu Fu and Wang Yangming, I am also a close friend of Tang Bohu. He is a bohemian man with very avant-garde ideas. We drank and talked for a long time. The painting outside was given to me by him."

Everyone: "."

At this time, the archaeologist brought the painting in from the outside, carefully observed every detail with a magnifying glass, and found that it was actually the authentic work of Tang Bohu!

History has never recorded such a work.

Everyone was even more shocked, and even the psychiatry experts who came over were gradually convinced by Wang Wen.

At this time, the archaeologist suddenly asked: "You have lived in feudal society for so many years and have such a high level of knowledge. Have you never thought about becoming an emperor yourself? In history, there have been many opportunities to rise from the bottom, right?"

yes! Why don't you be the emperor if you are so powerful!

Everyone seemed to have found an argument to attack Wang Wen.

Wang Wen silently took out a cigarette and lit it for himself.

"Actually, before that incident, I had always been pretentious and thought that I was the most knowledgeable person in the world. My knowledge and knowledge far exceeded those of the great Confucians of my time. After witnessing the collapse of dynasties time and time again, I really wanted to establish A better country that puts its knowledge to use.”

"At that time, I wasn't so stable, I was rather reckless."

"You can call me by my original name: Wang Mang."

Everyone: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

The story has reached its climax here.

Then add some aftertaste to prove that the history teacher Wang Wen is actually Wang Mang himself, and then add everyone's reactions from shock to suspicion to silence to wonder.

He is familiar with this!

"By the way, let's polish the lines in the middle. For example, make an emotional scene and talk about the views of a person who has lived for 14,000 years on relationships. Finally, make an open ending. After all, this experience is all told by his mouth. No one else can falsify it, and he can’t prove that the script is complete!”

After Pu Jie finished writing, he looked at the document and found that the current first draft version only had about 10,000 words.

Then expand it to a length of about 25,000 words, which is enough for a 90-minute film.

"One more day tomorrow and we'll get it done!"

Monday, April 10th.

Yuan Hua, Zhang Yang, and Dachun were a little puzzled when they saw Pu Jie confidently handing the script to the study committee member.

Dachun: "Hey! Have you noticed that the study committee member is actually quite beautiful? When I just handed in the script, she even smiled at me, hehe~hehe~"

Two people:(*゜ー゜*)

It's a spring that makes people feel indifferent.

"I didn't expect Brother Jie to actually finish the script in two days. There are quite a lot of words!"

Yuan Hua shook his head: "It's not that I look down on Brother Jie. How can a script written in two days be good?"

Zhang Yang thinks so. Brother Jie doesn't have a ready-made movie in his head, so it's impossible to make it fast and well.

"It's good if I can hand in my homework. Besides, with Brother Jie at the bottom, I won't be picked out by the instructor."

Thanks Jack.

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