I really want to hit the street

Chapter 198 Pu decided to complete the work but failed...

Chapter 198 Pu decided to complete the work but failed to complete it

In Hengtai Dijingcheng Community.

A large bed in the master bedroom of an ordinary and luxuriously decorated house.

The sheets were messy and there were traces of moisture everywhere.

It looked like it had been a night of fighting.


Pu Jie slowly woke up.

He stretched out and looked at the bright sunshine outside.

"Phew—it turned out to be a dream."

Pu Jie felt better now.

He had just dreamed that he had woken up, and then saw that the first order of "Infinite Time and Space" exceeded 10,000.

I fainted from anger in my dream.

"I think about it day by day and dream about it at night. I must be too afraid of the results of my new book. That's why I have such a dream."

Pu Jie turned on his mobile phone.

Writer Assistant app, launch it, view data.

Total collection: 112386

Maximum subscriptions: 12210

Average subscriptions: 10289

Pu Jie: "."

After a while.

w(Д)w: “Ah!!!”

"Am I still dreaming? Where's my top! Let me spin it!"

Pu Jie found the silver-white metal top he bought online.


Turn on the table.

After a while, it stopped.

Pu Jie almost passed again.

After a while.

Pu Jie huddled in the corner of the bed in disheveled clothes, shivering while hugging the quilt.

There were a few sobs from time to time.

"I only knew that the new issue of this book was very strong, but I didn't know that it was so strong. I thought the readers were just stupid people who just collected it and ran away. But I didn't expect that they were scolding my book while reading it."

"This reader called 'Ya you are so sexy', didn't you say that my book made you feel very confused and that you couldn't read it at all? Didn't you post this in the first VIP chapter? I'm number one! What does it mean? What's the difference between your name and that great god's?"

"And you! 'Luna stuff', since the first day I published the book, you have been criticizing my protagonist, Madonna, supporting characters, idiots, and stupid plot. You complain about the new plot every day. Now go to the latest chapter and leave a message What does 'quick update, sleepless nights' mean? Do you like to be tortured? Have you opened your special xp?"

"The last one, 'You're a kid' is even more outrageous! When I was writing about the world of Alien, you said I wouldn't read it again if I changed the map. It doesn't matter who is the dog, but you just posted it directly in the world of "The Ring". "It's so sweet." ~Woof woof woof! What do you mean? Race is no longer important in your eyes, right?”

"Ah!!! Why do you have to subscribe!"

Pu Jie looked up to the sky and roared.

There are bad people among the crowd!

There are many traitors among the black men!

Pu Jie was numb.

So numb.

Things had gone far beyond his expectations.

The results of this book were 10 times better than he expected.

At this time, the book was clearly telling him: "Labor and capital are about to take off! Write quickly! The more you write, the more you will earn!"

12,000 first order.

As long as the plot doesn't collapse, with his amount of updates.

The monthly pure subscription fee is at least 100,000+.

If the performance improves a little more, maybe even more. Add in rewards, channel fees and other messy money, and a monthly manuscript fee of 150,000 is not impossible.

Pujie now updates 10,000 words a day.

If you want to write 2.5 million, it will take 250 days.

That is 8 months.

15*8=1.2 million.

This is a relatively conservative situation, and Pu Jie can still get 1.2 million yuan in royalties before completing the book.

"Hiss~~The fault tolerance rate is too low! If something unexpected happens, sell the copyright or something, just GG!"

The key is that this money will be injected into Duoyu Company every month, disrupting his money-losing plan.

By then, not only would he receive millions less in subsidies, but his company would also receive more than 1 million yuan more. If it was not spent in time, it would lose tens of millions.


Pu Jie smelled a hint of danger.

"No! I can't go on like this step by step. I have to find a way to do something. At least I can't let the results increase any more. This way, I can let Duoyu Company expand some new projects and spend all the royalties."

Pu Jie planned to do the whole thing himself to reduce the readability of the book and poison a group of readers.

We can't let them enjoy it so much!

Since changing maps has been immune to this group of readers, let’s go to the big swordsman!

Give the reader’s favorite characters a try!

Let you see!

Look at the chicken!

If the system hadn't allowed it, Pu Jie would have killed the protagonist Zheng Tuo directly.

I'll just change the protagonist!

But apparently, he was warned.

"Then I'll kill the new smart guy from the last world. It seems like everyone likes him."

Just write.

Faced with the life and death issue of making money, Pu Jie is no longer lazy.

Turn on the computer and it’s code.

[The world of "Midnight Ring". 】

[Chu Dake picked up a video tape in the B\u0026B room where he stayed. A strange thought tempted him to open the video tape. The content inside must be very interesting.]

[After Chu Dake opened it, it turned out to be a collection of small movies from the island country, so he watched it with great interest, and unconsciously put his hand into his waistband.]

[No one thought that this was actually a trap! 】

【the next morning. 】

[Chu Dake’s body was discovered by Zheng Tuo and others in the B\u0026B. He rushed to death. 】

After writing this, Pu Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay to kill a passerby. At most, you can introduce a background and then kill him for the plot. Readers can accept it. Some people even think that the writing is very interesting. The characters are not all stereotyped paper figures.

But the character of Chu Dake is different. He is an important figure in the world of the first "Alien", and even overshadowed the protagonist for a time.

He killed off an important supporting character that he originally planned to write more about, and readers will definitely go crazy.

When the time comes, everyone will scold him, and his reputation will be ruined.

No one wants to read this author.

I tolerated it this time, what if I do it again in the future? Who can stand this kind of sword technique? So they abandoned the books one after another.

That’s it. Great!

Poisoning completed!

[Didi Didi~ Warning! 】

Pu Jie's face fell.


The system saw it!

Pu Jie is a sad group.

He usually writes normally, forgetting that the system also supervises his writing.

Delete and rewrite.

[The world of "Midnight Ring". 】

[Chu Dake picked up a video tape in the B\u0026B room where he stayed. A strange thought tempted him to open the video tape. The content inside must be very interesting.]

[Chu Dake looked around warily and asked his bodyguard to insert the video tape into the old VCD. The picture inside flashed with snowflakes, hissing sounds came from the TV, and the lights on the roof flickered. dark.】

[With a pop, the light bulb shattered. 】

[Only the flickering light of the TV is left in the whole house, the snowflakes disappear, and the picture is a well. 】

[Chu Dake opened his eyes wide, trying to see clearly what was in the film. 】

[At this time, there was a movement in the well, and a woman in white clothes with disheveled hair crawled out, crawling closer and closer. Crawling closer and closer]

[There was a splashing sound in the room, and water seemed to be dripping on the ground. 】


[That woman came out of the TV! 】

[Chu Dake's eyes widened, his body seemed to be locked by a mysterious force, he could only watch the woman making strange noises, her hair entangled around his and the bodyguard's necks]

【the next morning. 】

[Chu Dake’s pale body was found in the B\u0026B by Zheng Tuo. He was killed by Sadako! 】

In the world of ghosts and monsters, it’s normal to have some unknown powers, right?

There was nothing she could do about it even if she was killed. Who made Sadako choose Chu Dake in the first place? I can only admit that I am unlucky and reincarnate.

[Didi Didi~ Warning! 】

[The main characters behave inconsistently, their deaths are too hasty, and their logic is illogical]

"Depend on!"

Pujie feels uncomfortable!

The logic of the two previous worlds he wrote is very good, because it is based on the plot in the original work, and some different characters are designed. They react to the plot according to their own personalities, so the interaction is very smooth.

In fact, this means that the world view and story are all there.

Pu Jie creates some characters and throws them in, and then different plots will automatically unfold based on their personalities.

For example, Zheng Tuo wants everyone to survive together and work together to face difficulties.

Chu Dake believed that some useless people could be sacrificed in exchange for the survival of most people.

The character has already been established, and the plot written at this time is too stiff.

Pu Jie knew in his heart that such a plot arrangement was definitely not his true level.

He has indeed improved.

He studied screenwriting, read the best online articles in this world, wrote adapted scripts, and wrote three popular books. He is stronger than in his previous life.

The system has noticed his true level and naturally does not allow him to deliberately insult readers with some mentally retarded plots.

"Hey, it seems I can only kill people with a knife consistent with logic,"

Pu Jie shook his head. It was not advisable to show off, and he could only write at his own true level.

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