I really want to hit the street

Chapter 157 Han Ruyan (additional update, 14/118)

Chapter 157 Han Ruyan (additional update, 14118)

Han Ruyan.

Female, 24 years old, a Beipiao ethnic minority who graduated one year ago.

She came to Kyoto not to pursue her dream, but to make money.

The wages here are high.

After she gets the money, she can send it back to her father to keep him alive.

Her father was diagnosed with uremia last year and has reached the point of kidney failure.

Currently, he can only rely on dialysis to maintain his life.

She talked to the hospital and found out that the disease would not be cured unless she had a kidney transplant.

But her father has yet to find a matching kidney across the country, so he can only rely on dialysis and other medical methods to temporarily maintain his life.

The doctor said that in this case, if the patient takes active treatment and pays attention to all aspects, he can live for many years.

Perhaps after a year or two of dialysis, a matching kidney will be available and a transplant can be performed.

There is a high chance that the patient will survive and extend his life by many years.

However, dialysis, treatment, maintenance, and kidney transplant all require a lot of money.

Her family comes from a rural area, her parents work in farming, and their conditions are relatively poor.

This heavy burden is placed on the family, which is simply unbearable.

This makes families who are not already wealthy even worse.

Her father was ready to jump off the building the night he was diagnosed so as not to be a burden to the family.

He was stopped by Han Ruyan, who had expected it.

She knows her dad.

When we were having dinner, her father had said that if he got any serious illness in the future, he would not need treatment. He would just find a place to get to know him, and he would never add a burden to the family.

She remembered it, so she never left.

Currently, the state still provides subsidies for this disease, and even a rural family with relatively poor economic conditions like hers can barely survive for a few years.

But if you want better treatment and longer maintenance, you need to spend more.

Not to mention a kidney transplant.

That was a huge amount of property, and her family simply couldn't afford it.

She also has a younger sister who is in high school.

All the burden of the family fell on her, a young girl who had just graduated.

Seeing that her father was only 45 years old, his face was already covered with vicissitudes of life and there were many wrinkles. She felt that her father should not be allowed to die like this.

He has been thinking about this family all his life and has not enjoyed a single day of happiness.

He shouldn't have died like this.

She had to keep her father alive.

Han Ruyan originally came to her hometown's small county town after graduation and found a class in a public institution, where she lived a happy life.

However, a monthly salary of 2,500 is not enough at all.

She wants to make money, go to Kyoto to make money.

The doctor said that her father's condition could be maintained for 3 to 5 years with dialysis, and 1 to 2 more years with other auxiliary treatments.

Before leaving, she told her father: "Dad, dialysis is subsidized by the state and it doesn't cost much. The money I earn is enough for our family. If you live well, even if you live for a few years, just treat it as living for us. You are not Do you want to see your sister go to college? Don’t you want to see me get married? If you can do it in two years, you’ll be relieved, right?”

Her father cried and agreed.

The man who had always wanted to be strong was as fragile as a child in the face of illness.

When her mother gave her away, she touched her beautiful face and said, "Nier, earn as much as you can, and don't do stupid things."

"Find a good family, get married, and let your father fulfill his wish."

"Teacher Erni has applied for poor students, free of tuition and accommodation fees, so they can afford to go to school."

"I have taken care of your father at home for a few years and let him have a good rest. Don't worry. Everyone in the village is doing well. We will take care of us no matter what happens."

As they talked, mother and daughter hugged each other and started crying.

After arriving in Kyoto, Han Ruyan directly started selling real estate.

People on the internet say this is a quick way to make money.

However, due to national policies, real estate prices in Kyoto have fallen sharply in the past two years, and the market has been sluggish.

So she didn't make much money after she came.

After a month of frugal living and expenses, I could have more than 10,000 yuan left over to mail home.

She is the only source of income for the family.

Then, she felt that she was making too little money, so she worked during the day and became a driver at night.

If you do it for one night, you can earn almost 200 yuan.

You can make more money every day.

Her father also received better treatment, but the money for a kidney transplant was not enough.

She inquired about it and found out that it would cost 500,000 yuan to get it done!

The money is still far behind.

The two things Han Ruyan fears most every day are: one is that her father cannot find a matching kidney source; the other is that she is afraid that a matching kidney source has been found now.

She takes her brightly dressed clients to and from various neighborhoods in Kyoto every day.

I'm envious that they have so much money.

Give her a fraction from the price of the house, which is enough for her to treat her father's illness.

Unfortunately, not only could she not get it, she couldn't even negotiate the deal.


Han Ruyan picked up a young customer who paid more for a driver.

The driver's fee was only 40, and he increased the fee by 50.

She looks younger than her, drives a luxury car Audi A6, and lives in a high-end community like Hengtai Dijingcheng with an average price of 150,000/㎡.

All the clothes are famous brands.

Even though he is not particularly handsome, he has an extraordinary bearing!

And the most important thing is that this boss is not only magnanimous, but also generous. When he goes out to drink, he will wait for him in the parking lot and give him 100 yuan an hour.

She just took this opportunity to take a good rest.

At the same time, I am full of curiosity about this boss.

How did he become so young and so rich?

Rich second generation?

It doesn't look like much.

She has been driving for almost a year. She has seen some rich second generations, but none of them drove this black Audi A6.

They usually drive cars with exaggerated looks.

He doesn't talk or act like him, he is very low-key.

In short, her intuition is that this is not a rich second generation.

"If he earned his own money, how could he earn so much money?"

"He must be working hard to make money, right?"

"His car is enough to treat my dad's illness."

"Hey, it's true that people can't make money beyond what they know. Why can't I think of a way to make big money?"

In addition to doing sales, she can only make money by driving at night.

It's okay to run, but she doesn't have a car.

There is only a small folding tram.

Of course, she might have other ways to get money faster, but she's not there yet.


Han Ruyan, who was thinking about the phone screen, felt the back door opened, and the boss named Pu came.

"Go home!"

Drank too much.

She was used to the young people who came to the bar and drank too much every day.

Fortunately she knew where the other party lived.

Drive carefully.

Half an hour later, I returned to the Hengtai Dijingcheng Community.

Park the car in front of the building in your memory.

I looked at the time, it was already 12 o'clock.

She arrived at the bar at 9 o'clock, and it has now been 3 hours.

It's time to check out.

"Boss Pu, you are home, wake up, you are here!"

"Um~Which home is this? I have no home in this world~"

She saw Boss Pu open his eyes and say confusing words.

She helped Boss Pu out of the car and muttered softly.

"You don't have a home in this world. Did you come across from another world?"

"You big bosses are so disgusting. You live in a high-end community and say you have no home."

"My rental house in the basement leaks every day. Are you still living in it?"

"Hey, people's joys and sorrows are not the same. After I cure my father's illness, I will go to a better place to live."

She skillfully dragged the guest out of the car and then supported him against the car.

Holding the key in his hand, he said: "Boss Pu, I've sent you home, it's time to pay!"

Pu Jie felt that his head was a little big, he felt dizzy all the way, and he didn't know where he was.

Memories from past lives and memories from this life are intertwined.

He seemed to have arrived at the gate of the community where he once lived, where he stayed and wrote books every day.

Wrote 8 street books in 5 years.

And I feel like I am giving money to other street writers now.

My mind is a mess.

"Checkout? Royalty? Am I paying you? Have you written how many words? Don't worry, Mr. Pu is rich. The company still has millions to pay. After all, how many words have been written!"

What a mess!

Han Ruyan was speechless. This man looked like he had a bad drinking capacity.

However, he said the company still has several million?

So much money

“Boss, for the fee of 300 yuan, should I use WeChat or Alipay?”

"Haha~ It's only 300? I figured it's only 10,000 words. I finished it in one day! You guys, please be diligent! How can I spend all my money when I pay such a small fee every day? Okay, let's ask Assistant Qi. I’ll give you the money and give you 200 more as a reward for drinking with me!”

Han Ruyan was completely speechless.

This man is already drunk.

This situation is the most troublesome. This is a private order, because the order does not go through the platform and there is no way to automatically deduct fees.

Although you earn more, you will encounter such disputes, making it difficult to get money.

"Boss Pu, just take WeChat, scan this, and write 300, and that's it!"

"No! I want to leave. Company account! This is the company's money, you can't spend it on me."

Pu Jie felt that someone was tampering with his small treasury, and instinctively pushed the company out.

"Assistant Qi! Here's Assistant Qi, let her come, she has money to give you. I'll give you 1,000, I don't care!"

"Oh, bad luck. Sorry, boss, I'll do it myself."

Han Ruyan took out Pu Jie's phone, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and then scanned 300 yuan for herself on WeChat.

"Ding~ 300 yuan has arrived."

Move out your own electric car.

"Let's go, Boss Pu!"

She just turned her head and heard a thump behind her.

Boss Pu fell to the ground.

Ahem, the update is a bit late. In order to prevent you from staying up late, I won’t do it for a while! No more waiting! (It is possible to secretly add an update to surprise everyone, Schrödinger’s update)

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