Zhang San.

He came out of the police station as usual in the afternoon.

He took the first subway home.

Since he missed his stop last time when reading a novel, Zhang San thought about it and felt that he could not read novels before changing trains!

Otherwise, it would be easy to miss the subway!

He would wait for the second subway to read his favorite novel.

He got off at the terminal station on this subway, so he didn't have to worry about missing his stop.

After getting out of the subway, he took a bus and arrived at his home in the core area of ​​the 18th ring road in the city center.

So what should he do on the first subway?

Time can't be wasted!

Watch short videos!

This kind of short video with a duration of more than ten seconds will never be addictive.

Watch a few videos and then look at the station, it's very stable!

Zhang San has been experimenting for a while and has never missed his stop again.

He is very satisfied with this.

Having just rejected the "reasonable" request of a "delicate" girl with two big flower arms to give up her seat, Zhang San put on his headphones and started watching short videos.

The first one is hot news, with a serious face!

The second one, a silly joke, he wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh, his expression gradually became hideous.

The third one, a beautiful woman twisted her hips


Zhang San raised his phone a little higher to make sure that people around him would not see his anti-peep screen.

The fourth one. An advertisement.

The screen flashed to a restaurant where a classmate gathering was in progress.

"Long Aotian, he is just an unwelcome son-in-law. The people of the Lin family treat him like a dog."

"He is wearing a fake and fake clothes."

"I heard that he pursued our class flower Wanting back then. He doesn't even know to take a piss and look at himself, hahaha!"


"I heard that Wanting's new boyfriend is the young master of Wang Group. When will he bring him here for everyone to see?"

"Yes Wanting, when will you let Wang Shao take care of old classmates? A crack in his fingers will be enough for us to eat."


"Hey~Wang Shao is here, hurry up, please ask Wang Shao to take a seat"

"Long Long Wang! I didn't know that the Dragon King is here, please forgive me!"

"Did Wang Shao recognize the wrong person? He is just a small son-in-law of the Lin family. How could he be the Dragon King?"

"Shut up! How dare you contradict the Dragon King!"

"Victoria Hotel, Presidential Suite 888, I'll wait for you tonight."

At this moment, Wanting's expression was very rich!

Puzzled, shocked, humiliated, regretful, ashamed, wet.

The last shot: The Dragon King's mouth twisted.

The 1-minute short video came to an abrupt end!

Zhang San was still not satisfied.

"What's next? What's next?"

He clicked on the author's page and found that it was actually an advertisement! ! !

And there were 2 videos under the advertisement.

One was about the origin of the Dragon King, and the other was this.

"Nothing under the author?"

"Fuck! Are those who sell advertisements also chasing dramas?"

At this time, he saw the slogan on the advertisement: "The TV series "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" will be broadcast on Penguin Films on October 1st. Click to download the Qidian Reading App to read the original work first!

"Huh? Is this an advertisement for Qidian???"

"Hey, you're so funny!"

He was originally an old customer of Qidian, a senior VIP.

"Your advertisement is in vain, we use it more!"

"Is this a novel adapted into a TV series? So awkward? I haven't heard of this novel."

He glanced at the station and found that there were still 7 stations to go.

"I'll just watch for a while, I promise I won't miss the stop!" Then he opened the starting point following the advertisement and entered the reading interface of "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King". [Chapter 1: The three-year period has arrived!] [.] "Ding~" "The court at the terminus of Line 1 in the Magic City has arrived. Please prepare to get off the train. Welcome to Line 1" The announcement at the subway station sounded, and Zhang San looked up blankly again. The double image in front of him gradually disappeared and froze on the words "Terminus - Court" on the screen of the carriage. "." w(Д)w I missed the stop again! Zhang San hurriedly packed up his things and went downstairs. He glanced at "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" fiercely, and then was surprised to find that it was the author of the book "Star Legend" that he was chasing. "Damn! Pu Dingle's writing is poisonous, and people can't stop reading!" He recalled the plot he had just read. A blank! He completely forgot what happened, and only remembered that the protagonist was a dragon king named Long Aotian. Plot? What plot? I don't remember! "It's weird. I know he doesn't write well, but why do I keep wanting to read on?"

"Huh? This author also has a book called "Rural Rogue Doctor"?"

"Let me take a look."


The last subway car whizzed away.

Zhang San looked up.



"Come back! Come back! There are still people here!!!"


The number of likes on the two magical advertising videos is rising rapidly!

More and more users are attracted by this special advertisement.

This advertisement does not sell goods, does not force brainwashing to sell things, and most importantly, it does not make people think it is an advertisement at the first time.

The picture is good, the plot is awkward, and it makes people addicted!

There are many comments.

"I saw this before from a director's account, promoting a TV series, it's so fucking awkward! Congratulations on getting a hater before it even airs!"

"There's a sequel to this thing??? It's still so awkward! Who would watch this?"

"I admit I'm a douchebag, I love watching it."

"I love watching it too!"

"I feel uncomfortable if I don't watch this for a day, I feel uncomfortable the whole day after watching it!"

"Look, this person's mouth is so crooked! His mouth looks like this:√"


"Awesome! This is the first time I've followed an advertising account, and I'm still waiting for him Post the third one!"

"I've also closed it, and I'll tag my good brother to watch it together. I can't bear this torture alone."

"This drama is obviously rubbing our IQ on the ground! I want to see how the feature film is!"

"The feature film will take more than half a month to come out, I'm going to read the novel first!"

"I'll go and watch it too!"

"Since you're so sincere in your advertisement, why not download it for you?"

"Let's go, let's go read the novel~~"

Soon, 'The Crooked Mouth Dragon King' was sent to the Douyin hot search.

Qidian put two ads on Douyin. The first video was posted by Wei Fan, and other people may have seen it. The second video was edited from the content of the second season of the TV series.

A large number of users were stunned by the Crooked Mouth Dragon King!

Although everyone was embarrassed, they couldn't help but collect this advertisement video and share it.

One advertisement, millions of likes!

Unheard of!

The Douyin advertising department was shocked!

"What kind of magical advertisement is this? It didn't even cause users to be disgusted, and they are still liking and forwarding it???"

"Are advertisements so advanced now?"

"Damn, the people who shoot advertisements are so arrogant, damn it!!!"

More and more users paid attention to two pieces of news about the advertisement. A drama called "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" will be broadcast on Penguin Films on October 1.

There is also a Qidian Reading app where you can read the original novel first.

How to choose between the TV series and the original novel?

A Douyin user said that only children make choices, and adults want both!

Read the original novel first, and then watch the TV series on October 1, isn't it wonderful?

On the first day of the advertisement, a large amount of traffic poured into Qidian!

The number of collections of "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" increased by thousands every hour!

Pu Jie did not notice that his old book, which had little royalties, was about to have a second spring.

I have something to do today, so I'm a little late, and I'll have more later.

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