Chapter 76: A Different Tang Wu

“Zhang Ailing said that if you like someone, you will humble into the dust and then bloom.”

“Zhang Ailing also said that the greatest happiness in life is to find that the person she loves just loves herself.”

Shi Qinghai touched Liang Ruoxue’s forehead and whispered, “What then?”

Liang Ruoxuehuan held her hands tighter behind Shi Qinghai: “I feel like this now.”

Shi Qinghai smiled: “That’s great.”

In the setting sun after four o’clock in the afternoon, a girl with a ponytail was standing quietly in the corridor outside the gate of the villa. Rows of camellia trees were planted on both sides. Cicadas were singing, insects flew by, and the summer breeze carried the residual heat, quietly paddling. The hair passed over the girl’s forehead and dissipated among the flowers and grass in the garden.

The girl didn’t move. After a while, she looked up at the sky with white flowers on the blue background and whispered: “I never wanted to be your girlfriend.”

She retracted her head into Shi Qinghai’s arms again, and said, “I’m very strong. I can grit my teeth and make money. I can only sleep for five hours a day. I can chat while in class and learn well. I don’t need to do homework at night. Working part-time as a tutor, I, I can already support myself.”

“Brother Ching Hai, I don’t want to be the shining woman by your side. I’m like a wild cat. You just need to come and feed me some cat food sometimes, or you don’t have to.”

“You are the cinnabar mole in my heart, and I am your eternal white moonlight.”

“if you are willing to.”

Shi Qinghai hugged Liang Ruoxue and wanted to say something, but he felt like something stuck in his throat.

The girl in her arms is almost dreamlike.

Teenage children don’t know what love is love, but the love of teenagers is beyond the reach of adults.

Everyone has only one chance in his life.

When I grow up, I lose it, and I can’t come back again.

Shi Qinghai is not a dedicated and innocent man, but Shi Qinghai is a brave and responsible person who is still very stable in doing things.

At least he thinks so.

So Shi Qinghai also said something.

“I do.”

Looking down at Liang Ruoxue’s exquisite joyful face, looking at the clearly visible light in her eyes, feeling the soft body in her arms, Shi Qinghai almost blurted out with an impulse to accumulate in her body.

“I want to sleep with you.”


Tang Wu, who came home from get off work, did not go home directly, but turned around and came to Wufeng Town, a dozen kilometers away.

This is the place where her grandfather Tang Yuan lives, and it can be regarded as Tang’s old house.

Because of the different living habits, Tang Yuan was not accustomed to living in big cities outside in his early years. Wufeng Town has good mountains, good water, and good air. In Tang Yuan’s opinion, it is much better than outside.

In addition to Tang Yuan, Tang Mansion now only has a simple servant left, that is, the previous steward of the Tang family. When Tang Wu came in, Tang Yuan was bending over and spreading fertilizer in the vegetable field.

Spreading fertilizer is a more elegant way of saying that, correctly speaking, it should be pouring manure.

Tang Wu hesitated, still wearing high heels, walked in cautiously.

“Grandpa, I’m here!” Tang Wu shouted loudly as she walked.

The old man’s hearing is not very good, and Tang Wu always raises his voice by two decibels every time he talks to him.

“Hey, girl, come and come, I’m so worried that I can’t do anything, go and dig out my two radishes, and take them back to stew a radish rib soup for your dad!”

Tang Yuan looked back and yelled when he saw his granddaughter was here.

His voice was full of anger, and he couldn’t tell that he was in his seventies.

Tang Wu sighed, his grandfather is good with everything, that is, every time he sees her, he likes to let her come to plant or pick vegetables, and then he always gets dirty.

“Hurry up, I don’t exercise much at a young age, and I’m old and sick!” Tang Yuan urged seeing Tang Wu’s reluctance to move his feet.

Tang Wu had no choice but to roll up his trousers, take off his high heels, walk into the vegetable garden barefoot, bend down, dig the soil, and then work hard to pull out the radishes.

At this time, Tang Wu always felt that the difficulty of pulling a carrot by himself was more difficult than earning 10 million.

After being instructed by Tang Yuan for a long time, Tang Wu finally got his job done. A suit worth hundreds of thousands of dollars had already become dirty by this time, his fair face was reddish, and there was a lot of sweat on his face.


Follow my grandfather to the pool and stir up Gujing to wash his hands, face, and feet, and then it’s dinner time.

Sweet potato, sauerkraut, Shanghai green, white porridge.

Eating quietly, using chopsticks on the side of the porridge, and when Tang Yuan finally finished eating slowly, Tang Wu said: “Grandpa, this time I want to ask you something.”

Tang Yuan coughed twice, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit it slowly, and said, “Is it the bodyguard’s business?”

“Yes, how did you know?” Tang Wu asked in confusion.


Tang Yuan frowned, knocked Tang Wu’s head on his middle finger knuckles, and said fiercely: “People are suing me, I don’t know?”

Tang Wu felt wronged and explained: “The bodyguard is too lustful. I can’t walk when I see a woman. I can’t believe him.”


Tang Yuan took another puff of cigarette, his brows were soothed, and he smiled bitterly: “This is the greatest favor in my life. It was wasted like this. It’s really a pity!”

“But since that kid is not good enough, you don’t have to care too much, the past is over, don’t think about it so much!”

Tang Yuan waved his hand, and then asked, “By the way, didn’t the Shi family harass you? I heard that you broke the marriage contract some time ago. What’s the matter?”

Hearing the three words “Shi Qinghai”, Tang Wu had a strange feeling in her heart, but she replied: “He should have wanted to open it, he took the initiative to dissolve the relationship with me, and then it ended like this. NS.”


Tang Yuan was a little surprised. He squinted his eyes and said, “It’s okay for this kid to get his eyes open, otherwise he pesters you like this. If your parents don’t help you, I still want to find someone to clean him up!”

“My granddaughter of Old Tang is not bullied like this!”

As one of the few surviving figures of that generation, Tang Yuan had enough capital to say this.

Seeing Tang Yuan’s evil look, Tang Wu couldn’t figure it out, so she forced a smile and said, “Grandpa, don’t use it now…”


Tang Yuan nodded, looked at Tang Wu for a while, and suddenly said, “When you mentioned him before, you looked like you wanted to kill him, but today this has changed a lot, and you are still willing to speak for him! Tsk, follow me Look at Ali, this is a bit difficult.”

“But I don’t want to ask about you young people. You can hold the steelyard in your heart.”

Tang Wu: “…”

After the meeting, Tang Yuan added: “There are not many outstanding young people in Fushi. If Shi Qinghai really reforms, changes his mind, and re-behaves, you can follow him.”

Tang Wu: “…”

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