Chapter 59 Misunderstanding

Tang Wu paused and said, “The local villagers, they said that you are the backer.”


“I didn’t instigate it. You wouldn’t even believe this, would you?” Shi Qinghai said.

I can’t see Tang Wu’s expression, but her tone has not changed, and she is still cold: “I know, so I called you just to hear your opinion.”

“I called Director Li, and he said he couldn’t handle it. Let me discuss it with you first.”

Although rural life is now quiet and simple, which is the envy of many urban children, there are also opposites in rural areas.

It is indeed groundless, not nonsense.

The evil nature of some rural people is even more difficult to deal with than ordinary bullies.

They are fierce and cunning, and they know how to take advantage of all kinds of loopholes.

Moreover, in such remote places, the restrictions of the rules are very small for these rural people, and many people even ignore it!

If it wasn’t that even Director Li felt troublesome, he would not shirk Tang Wu’s request, but would ask her to call Shi Qinghai and let Shi Qinghai handle the matter!


In just one or two sentences, Shi Qinghai has already thought of a lot!

Those local villagers are indeed right. Strictly speaking, these gangsters are indeed Shi Qinghai’s subordinates!

As the endorsement of “relenting” and “relentless”, it was obviously impossible for Shi Qinghai to be able to deter and defeat those opponents by dignified business methods.

It’s like this world can never become white.

Shi Qinghai also has some forces of his own!

But compared to the pure black forces underneath, the previous Shi Qinghai focused more on these unemployed vagrants, or organizations with real swords and guns!

Polarized and different people do different things!

The villagers in Yongtai County are just like a branch of the tree-shaped relationship diagram of Shi Qinghai’s forces!

When encountering ordinary things, Shi Qinghai will first use these soldiers to harass, probing and obscure.

When encountering difficult things, Shi Qinghai would call some black people who specialize in errands.

If it sounds good, it can be said that Shi Qinghai is their alternative umbrella. If it is not good, it can be said that Shi Qinghai used to be a business partner with this group of people!

The two are different in the same way, and both require a lot of money.


Of course, Shi Qinghai certainly couldn’t admit this in front of Tang Wu.

Even if Tang Wu really knew that he had been linked to these forces before, she couldn’t admit it!

This is not a matter of truth, but a social issue of interpersonal communication!

Recalling the plot, Shi Qinghai said calmly: “Those people are probably going to be a tiger’s skin. It has nothing to do with me.”

“Oh.” Tang Wu replied, noncommittal.

“The underground forces in Fushi are mixed with dragons and snakes. I have surveyed them a bit before. The people in this village are probably linked to the Xinzheng company. It really can’t be solved in one or two sentences.”

Shi Qinghai threw the pot to Xinzheng Company while asking, “What’s the problem with them?”

Tang Wu said: “They blocked the road, the group’s goods could not get in, and the people inside could not get out. There were all mountain roads, and there was no way to go out of the highway. They sent dozens of people to block the roads. The employee I sent detained two of them.”

“This way…” Shi Qinghai groaned: “You send me the location, and I’ll go look for them.”


Tang Wu instinctively felt a little worried about Shi Qinghai going there alone.

The corner of Shi Qinghai’s mouth raised a sinister arc, and said, “Otherwise, you will come with me. By the way, you will be calm and stable.”

“Okay, you come to my company to pick me up.” Tang Wu agreed simply now.

When she goes to the factory there, one can soothe the emotions of the employees, second, she can observe Shi Qinghai’s solution to the problem, and third, she can’t worry about Shi Qinghai.

Although Shi Qinghai has changed a lot in recent days, Tang Wu’s inherent impression of Shi Qinghai still made her hesitate at that moment.

Just right, Tang Wu’s hesitation was also in Shi Qinghai’s arms.

If Tang Wu didn’t follow, Shi Qinghai would lose a lot of fun on the road.

This is the same as Einstein’s theory of relativity.

If Shi Qinghai’s co-pilot seat was a dog, Shi Qinghai would find the road extremely long and boring.

If Shi Qinghai’s co-pilot was Tang Wu, even if Tang Wu kept his face cold, Shi Qinghai would not feel boring or even interesting.

Because Tang Wu is really good-looking.

Shi Qinghai wants to see her.

So, drove Shi Qinghai to the Tang Wu Group Building after a long absence.

This is the first time Shi Qinghai has come to such a place after crossing.

The security guard at the door is quite familiar with Shi Qinghai. Before, Shi Qinghai often stayed at the door of this building to wait for Tang Wu to get off work, doing some bells and whistles.

Without exception, these were rejected by Tang Wu.

Now, coming to the door again, perhaps because of memory, Shi Qinghai has a rare memory.

As soon as he walked in, Shi Qinghai attracted the attention of everyone in the office building.

Yes, it’s all!

Without him, Shi Qinghai is so handsome!

Although she was only wearing casual clothes, this ordinary dress couldn’t conceal the extraordinary temperament of Shi Qinghai’s body!

Shi Qinghai walked leisurely, his slender fingers and long body, no matter where he was, they were all perfect!

Especially his bright and energetic eyes, which seemed to carry the galaxy blue ocean, fascinated everyone.

Under the world, why is there such a handsome person?

Many people recognized Shi Qinghai, and then they were deeply shocked!

Although Shi Qinghai’s appearance in the past was pretty good, he was not only very different from the present, but he also always revealed a vicious atmosphere that was thousands of miles away.

How has Shi Qinghai changed so much now…

Seeing Shi Qinghai’s arrival, the general manager of the hall wished that his two legs became four, and he flew to Shi Qinghai’s side.

“President Shi, do you want to see Mr. Tang?”

The general manager of the lobby is a young woman who is over 30 years old. Her plump body is particularly obvious when running, and she is really unspeakable sexy.

Looking at Shi Qinghai, the young woman felt dizzy, and she could hardly stand still for a while.

Really, she was so handsome in her heart.

Shi Qinghai gently supported her. Seeing her awkward expression, Shi Qinghai smiled faintly, smiling like a spring breeze. The willow trees by the lake seemed to be in full bloom and it was truly beautiful.

“Are you okay? Take me to see your President Tang.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Being supported by Shi Qinghai in this way, the young woman’s mood was extremely agitated, and a huge sense of happiness rose up, making her face instantly red.

But when she turned around,

The great sense of happiness hasn’t been realized, it disappeared completely, and even panic occurred.

In the entire building, there is only one person who can make this change in a person’s mood quickly.

Tang Wu.

Wearing a black suit, she looked extremely capable, glamorous and charming.

She looked at the lobby manager,

Looking at Shi Qinghai with a slight smile,

Looking at Shi Qinghai’s hands, he supported the shoulders of the lobby manager.

Her black pupils were motionless, looking at the two of them, as if thinking about something.

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