Chapter 22 The Domineering Shi Qinghai

After get off work in the afternoon, Shi Qinghai drove the car and came to Yonghe Square again.

Despite discovering that cause and effect are irreversible, Shi Qinghai still doesn’t want to wake up the system so quickly.

He was still thinking about making the last two attempts.

If the result continues to reverse, it will confirm such a fact.

Soldier King Qin Feng can’t hide himself!

But before that, everything is still undecided.

Shi Qinghai didn’t want to make such a hasty decision on matters of his life.

There are two reasons for approaching Liang Ruoxue first.

The first is that Liang Ruoxue is not like Tang Wu, who has a highly subjective aversion to herself.

Although from the perspective of her own God, it is not a problem even to get to Tang Wu, but perhaps because of Liang Ruoxue’s life experience, her status as an ordinary girl makes it easy for Shi Qinghai to have a good impression of her.

Of course, Liang Ruoxue is also very beautiful.

Shi Qinghai felt that she did not lose to Tang Wu at all. The difference between the two is only the difference in status and type.

The two beauties have their own merits.

But for now, Shi Qinghai feels that Liang Ruoxue is better to get closer.

Yonghe Plaza is a square under his Shi Group. According to another story, it can be regarded as a private visit by his own microservice.

Walking at will, watching the crowds around him, but no matter how Shi Qinghai found this jewelry store, Liang Ruoxue could not be found.

After a while, Shi Qinghai later realized that it was Liang Ruoxue who was wearing a big headgear at the door of the shop and pretending to be a puppet!

After understanding this, Shi Qinghai was a little angry.

This store is owned by her own group. Liang Ruoxue was able to come in because of her own sake. She sent someone to say hello in advance to let her suffer less!

But maybe they are too low-key, so low-key that they have forgotten their existence!

At this time, the giant puppet also spotted Shi Qinghai, and saw her approaching obliquely, holding a stack of leaflets awkwardly in her hand, and then she carefully took out a leaflet and placed it in front of Shi Qinghai. Dangling back and forth, beckoning Shi Qinghai to accept it.

Seeing this lovely action, Shi Qinghai’s anger disappeared a lot, but his anger towards the store grew even more.

Such a cute girl, you even let her put on such a thick coat in the high temperature of more than 30 degrees to sell her cuteness and pretend to be stupid!


Lifting the headgear with both hands, Shi Qinghai smiled: “Why were you sent over to do this kind of thing today?”

Under the headgear, there was a flawless cheek. The girl’s eyes were smiling, but her cheek was flushed, because sweat was stained with a strand of hair.

“How did you know it was me? I didn’t even speak.” Liang Ruoxue asked suspiciously.

Shi Qinghai squeezed her nose: “I can’t recognize you even with your stupid appearance?”

This was Shi Qinghai’s first intimate action to her.

Her Qiong nose was slightly wrinkled, and she hid back: “Dirty.”

“I don’t mind.” Shi Qinghai looked at her dodging eyes, and the corners of her mouth slowly curved.

At this time, a bad drake voice quickly destroyed the ambiguous atmosphere at this time.

“Little Liang! What’s the matter with you? Didn’t I tell you, during working hours! Don’t take off your headgear! Don’t whisper to unrelated people! Are you itchy?!”

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came over menacingly, with full anger on his face. Without even looking at Shi Qinghai, he pointed at Liang Ruoxue and cursed:

“Do you still want to work? If you don’t want to, quit your job immediately! Now the least valuable are the students! You can’t bear this bit of hardship. What should I do if I leave the society?”

“Well, boss, I will continue working right away.”

Liang Ruoxue bit her tender lip and glanced at Shi Qinghai apologetically, before putting on her headgear again.

But how could Shi Qinghai let this happen?

Taking the headgear from Liang Ruoxue’s hand, Shi Qinghai looked at the subordinate who couldn’t even be named, and said indifferently:

“We haven’t even spoken for more than ten seconds, you just ran over in such a hurry, are you staring at her all day?”

The middle-aged man’s tone was stagnant, and then he sneered: “Young man, as the person in charge of the second floor of Yonghe Shopping Mall, it is my duty to supervise every employee. If you have any comments, just hold it back.”

“It’s you, who are young, and don’t work well, you won’t be able to marry a wife in the future.”

“I’m so handsome, how can I not marry a wife?”

Shi Qinghai was joked. These years, a person in charge of a floor can come out and pretend to be forced by this identity, which is really funny.

“You are so anxious to say your identity, do you want to go home quickly and get your lunch?”

Tightly squeezing Liang Ruoxue’s hand, Shi Qinghai’s smile narrowed down, becoming expressionless.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and re-examined Shi Qinghai.

The young man in front of him looks handsome. Although the things he wears are all miscellaneous, he is extraordinary, and maybe he really is some kind of character.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man’s frantic tone narrowed slightly: “Who are you?”

He didn’t know that all these “unknown brands” of Shi Qinghai were from the famous Italian designer Oden Williams, and one underwear was worth his.

Shi Qinghai didn’t have so much interest in hiding with him, and directly said: “I am Shi Qinghai, the president of the Shi Group. Now this Yonghe Mall is one of my properties.”

“In other words, I am your boss!”

Boss? !

The middle-aged man’s expression became stiff in an instant.

It took him three seconds to look at Shi Qinghai again, and finally the face in front of him slowly overlapped with his face in the company profile, becoming the same person!

He knew Shi Qinghai, the president of the Shi Group, and was no stranger to Shi Qinghai’s identity. But he never expected that a real Shi Qinghai would quietly appear in front of him like this. Not only did he not know, he had already offended him!

Thinking of a remedy in his heart, the middle-aged man’s face turned into a repentant and innocent look: “President, I’m sorry, my attitude is wrong.”

“Recently, the Yonghe District of the group is sorting out sales promotion. This little girl came first. I was thinking that it would be fine for young people to suffer more, just…”

“Didn’t I send someone to tell you before, don’t let her suffer?”

Shi Qinghai waved his hand and interrupted him.

The middle-aged man’s expression became rigid again.

There is indeed such a thing, but the supervisor just mentioned it casually and didn’t say too much. The middle-aged people thought it was just some incidental relatives!

Moreover, in the past few days, the middle-aged person has secretly investigated Liang Ruoxue’s information by himself. This is simply a helpless single-parent farmer family!

Why would you have a relationship with the president today?

The expression on the face of the middle-aged man changed Shi Qinghai’s eyes, and he only felt bored for a while.

There are many ugly people, and many ugly people make trouble.

If you don’t make trouble for a day, you will pervert in your heart.

No wonder.

“You are ugly, I don’t like it very much.”

“I declare that because you breathed the air in this mall, you were fired.”

Shi Qinghai pointed to the No. 1 gate of the mall: “Go to the Finance Department this month’s salary is settled, and you can get out.”

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