Chapter 13 Deep Night Thinking

After the hustle and bustle of indulgence is a quiet night.

Shi Qinghai did not fire anymore, because the body is the capital of the revolution. Shi Qinghai didn’t want to become a waste whose body was hollowed out by alcohol in the future.

Shi Qinghai, lying on the bed alone, was thinking about a question that was very important to him.

“This world has quietly changed because of my arrival.”

This is an indisputable fact, although Shi Qinghai is very reluctant to admit it.

I have only been in this world for two days, but many things that have happened in these two days have exceeded Shi Qinghai’s expectations, and have deviated from the original plot line of this novel!

Encountering Chen Bingsen is a trivial matter, and Tang Wu’s doubts about her retiring is a trivial matter, but it is a major matter that the land is bought back by his father inexplicably! Liang Ruoxue was in danger today and told Shi Qinghai even more clearly.

“I thought that as long as you retired from Tang Wu, you would be done. Now that I think about it, it’s definitely not that simple!”

Shi Qinghai muttered to himself while looking at the Rolex Shuigui on the windowsill.

“So in other words, no matter how I dodge, will it ultimately be linked to the formation of the soldier king Qin Feng?”

“Isn’t that, my destiny will once again be dominated by Qin Feng?”

“He eats meat and I drink soup? He is angry and I suffer?”

Shi Qinghai squinted, her face uncertain.

At this moment, he remembered that there was a system in his body that was shut down by himself within a few seconds of appearing.

This is my own Cheat, but also a bug in this world.

If you have a system, you will not be so embarrassed to deal with those two gangsters in the afternoon.

Thinking of this incident, Shi Qinghai felt pain in her whole body again.

The feeling of fighting is not good.

The feeling of being beaten is even more painful.

“Wake up the system?”

After a while, such an idea flashed through Shi Qinghai’s heart inexplicably.

In other novels, once you have a system, it is equivalent to the existence of the protagonist!

The world has no enemies, the world is invincible?

After a second,

This idea was severely rejected by Shi Qinghai!

He had such a feeling in the dark that if he awakened the system, he would stand on the opposite side of Qin Feng, the soldier king, and would completely let the system get what he wanted-he had entered its calculations after all.

“No, at least not now.”

Although avoidance is not the best way to solve the problem, it is currently the most comfortable way Shi Qinghai feels.

“I still have time, I can still make sure to see how the world changes.”

“Fu Second Generation has such a chic and leisurely life, I haven’t enjoyed enough yet, why do I have to fight and kill?”

“Then look at it again.”

“Everything is still in my plan.”

Thinking of some things in his mind, Shi Qinghai made a decision in his heart, and immediately turned off the lights, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

One night, quietly passed.

The next day, Shi Qinghai went to work early and held the group’s highest-level meeting.

Anyone on the list, regardless of anything, must arrive at the company’s conference room within two hours.

Latecomers, expelled!

Once this news was released, it caused an uproar within the group!

Except for the ordinary employees at the bottom, everyone else is in danger!

I want to know with my ass, this sudden meeting is definitely not easy!

Shi Group is a large group that Shi Shisheng has been working hard for decades in Fu City before gaining a foothold and becoming a giant in Fu City.

Because of Shi Qinghai’s astonishing talent and pervert-like self-discipline, Shi Shisheng officially transferred the position of group president to Shi Qinghai two years ago.

Normally, the highest-level meetings of the group are held once every six months and are scheduled at a certain time. The sudden advance this time made everyone smell an extraordinary breath.

The senior staff are puzzled. The group has been booming recently, and there is no major problem!

But the workplace is like this.

Sometimes, no problem is the biggest problem!

Huge conference room.

Shi Qinghai sat in the main seat, with Erlang’s legs folded, his hands tied, and he stared at the scene blankly.

One after another, the shareholders in suits and shoes came in, the valuable watches in their hands, and the potbellied belly.

An icy and dull breath spread silently throughout the conference room, almost silent.

At this time, Shi Qinghai was like a different person, and he did not have the cocky temperament of playing League of Legends in the Internet cafe last night.

Rather than saying that today’s Shi Qinghai is a different person, it is better to say that today’s Shi Qinghai is the original Shi Qinghai!

And the purpose of this meeting.

It’s very simple.

Eliminate all the people Tang Wu has inserted in his group!

As for knowing who is undercover, isn’t that simple?

Just think about the plot of the novel.

Looking down at his watch, Shi Qinghai nodded in satisfaction. All the people present were there, and none of them were late.

It seems that he still has the prestige that he has accumulated in ordinary times. ,

Dozens of senior executives of the group are all sitting in chairs, just like students in a primary school classroom listening intently to Lao Shi’s teachings.

It is hard to imagine that dozens of people who seem so well-behaved, in front of others, are also a big boss.

This feeling is inexplicably refreshing!

In the entire conference hall, there was probably silence for about a minute.

When Shi Qinghai did not speak, no one dared to speak.

After gently blowing a breath next to the microphone, Shi Qinghai smiled inexplicably after confirming that there was no error in the facility, and slowly said:

“The meeting was held this time very suddenly, and I unreasonably asked you to arrive in the meeting room within two hours, otherwise you will be expelled. If you don’t say anything, there must be a little bit of dissatisfaction in your heart.”

“The group is thriving and has officially become one of the largest industrial groups in Fushi. It is currently going smoothly and there are no flaws in the macro-commercial direction.”

“I am very pleased with this, because our high-tech secret Douren is increasing day by day, and our ability to cultivate talents is gradually increasing!”

At this point, Shi Qinghai’s tone paused slightly.

“Yes, after a long time of research, I found a new business opportunity in another place!”

“Next, I will select a few outstanding talents and form a professional team, as the first echelon of our Shi Group, to carry out short-term market development for the target place, calculate investment risks, and find the Pareto optimal !”

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