Chapter 98: Touching Porcelain

The night just passed.

On the second day, Qin Feng came out of the Internet cafe with a cigarette in his mouth.

Although he hasn’t played the game for a long time and the League of Legends has updated many versions, Qin Feng quickly adapted to it and achieved a wave of ten consecutive victories, positioning himself as Platinum One.

Especially his Yasuo, who walked his own way, swears to death, looks like a pit, in fact, it is very showy.


Carry alone!

“As long as I am fast enough, my teammate’s question mark will not catch up to me.”

Qin Feng finished his last cigarette, pinched it out, and threw it to the trash can exactly fifty meters away.

Today, I’m going to apply for a job!

Said that he was going to be a security guard. This was not Qin Fengwu’s goal. The Tang Group had to recruit him as a security guard in the past, but when he went to the Tang Group before, Qin Fengzeng saw the word “recruitment” at the gate!

One of them is a security guard!

Holding the temporarily printed resume, Qin Feng leisurely walked on the road and walked towards the Tang Group.

“I am a security guard. I like to eat bear biscuits. The salary is only enough for breakfast. I go to work only to get off work. I am depressed all day long. Love has nothing to do with me. I am just a naïve looking at the door.”

After speaking, even Qin Feng couldn’t help but laugh.

Tangtang’s strongest mercenary, the Supreme Soldier King, if those old acquaintances in the West knew that he was going to be a security guard, he would definitely laugh them out loud!

“Everything is impermanent, and no one knows what will happen in the next moment.”

Qin Feng sighed and became addicted to smoking again. He drew a seven-dollar white seven wolves from his pocket, and swiftly clicked on it.

“Hi…whee, comfortable.”

Qin Feng was walking leisurely, but a “car accident” on the side of the road suddenly attracted Qin Feng’s attention.

From Qin Feng’s perspective, one can clearly see that a man with wicked eyebrows suddenly ran out of the alley and plunged into a BMW car that was slowly driving over!

“Bang!” With a sound, the man hit the front of the BMW car exactly, and then fell down softly!

There was a car accident! This is everyone’s idea. The accident site soon surrounded a group of melon-eating people who watched the excitement and did not think it was a big deal!

The owner quickly got down, the BMW door opened, and the first thing I saw was a pair of black strappy high heels, followed by black silk wrapped in tender and slender long legs, and the long legs were tightly wrapped under the black silk. The calf has a nice curve!

Damn it!

This leg looks good!

Soon, the woman bent down and got out of the car and appeared in the sight of the crowd!

Qin Feng’s eyes lit up, this is a beauty!

She is wearing a gray-white ol uniform, with delicate features, bright eyes and white teeth, and a Cartier key watch worth more than 60,000 on her wrist. She is tall and charming with delicate eyebrows!

Looking at her charming face at this time revealing helplessness and panic, she couldn’t help but aroused the man’s desire for protection, and Qin Feng couldn’t help swallowing.

This is so beautiful!

Some people may not be able to see clearly, but who is Qin Feng, and how can the “car accident” in front of him be hidden from him?

This is simply a long-planned encounter with porcelain!

Our soldier Qin Feng has returned for so long, and he can finally put on a cup! And the other party is still a long-legged beauty!

Hahaha, God treats me not badly!

At this moment, Qin Feng’s long-suppressed mood was released instantly, his thoughts were clear and hearty, and even the martial art realm that had been difficult to pass for a long time was slightly loosened at this time!


Seeing that it was a beautiful woman getting out of the car, and then observing her expression, the bastard lying on the ground screamed louder!

Years of experience tells him that this time he touched porcelain and it was done!

He wailed, screamed fiercely, and revealed despair. He didn’t know he thought he was killing pigs.

“Big brother, how is it? Are you okay?” The beauty asked nervously.

She was also surprised that she drove so slowly that even if she bumped into someone, she should have said nothing would happen.

How this man is called is a little bit irritating.

“I… my leg hurts, it’s broken! Can you afford it!” Hunk convulsed in pain, gritted his teeth.

“I finally went to the city to work with my brothers, but I encountered this incident on the first day. Why am I so unlucky!”

“You say! To be a public or private!”

As soon as the bullshit finished speaking, a figure suddenly ran out of the crowd with a worried and angry expression.

“Big brother, what’s wrong with you, big brother?”

The tall man pointed at the beauty, his face flushed, and angrily said: “It’s you! You are a female driver! What kind of car you can’t drive! You have hit people now, how do you accompany you!”

The bastard on the ground continued to scream: “Ah, my leg is broken, it hurts me to death.”

Beautiful women have been out of society for several years, and they are no longer those young people who don’t know anything. At this time, she quickly reacted, that she had met Bangci!

At the moment, she paled with anger and said, “This is not my problem at all! I drove to the right according to the regulations, and never exceeded 50 per hour from start to finish. He ran out and hit my car!”

“I have a driving recorder, call the police, I’m not afraid!”

There was a fierce light in the tall man’s eyes, and he said fiercely: “Come on, call the police! Our brother is not easy to bully!! My eldest brother has a physical problem now, and he must go to the hospital for a full body check immediately. Is it right!”

“If you call the police, call the police. We have time to waste with you. Justice may be late, but you will never be absent!”

“Oh, my leg is broken…” The bastard on the ground still screamed.

There was a pain in the beauty of the beauty’s head. Recently, the group wanted to sell the company to sell assets, and the personnel department worked overtime every night. Originally, she was complaining about it, but she didn’t expect to encounter this thing when she went to work!

Go to the government to investigate with them. If there is anything to do with them, and you are dragged for a while, it is estimated that the anger of the president will burn to his side.

It’s really Hades so troublesome, the kid is hard to deal with!

She made a quick measurement in her heart, and the beauty gritted her teeth and said angrily: “Then you said, how much do you want to check your body?”

“Twenty thousand! My brother has broken his leg and has been injured for a hundred days. How can this kind of thing be sloppy!” the tall man said loudly.

“Yes! I will pay the BMW to transfer it to you!”

The beauty agreed, and 20,000 yuan was just her one-week salary, and it was regarded as feeding the dog!

Hearing that the beautiful woman in front of him agreed so simply, the tall man couldn’t help but feel a little pity, this should be a rich owner, maybe it was a rich man like Xiaomi, he was still too young, and the asking price was too low.

But this is the end of the matter, and the man doesn’t want to have more troubles.

Take it when you see it!

Stay on the sidelines and see each other well in the future. This is the truth left by the ancestors, and he does not want to be excessively greedy and cause unnecessary changes in things.

A woman is a very scary creature. It won’t be good if you really push her into a hurry.

“Okay! You turn around quickly, I’m going to take my eldest brother to the hospital!”

The man urged that there were more and more people around him at this time, and the man didn’t want to have more troubles. If any stunned youth wanted to act as a justice messenger to call the police in advance, then they would feel uncomfortable behind.

“You will be punished if you do this!”

The beauty yelled, picked up her mobile phone, and prepared to transfer the money without any muddle.


At this time, Qin Feng finally spoke out.

The protagonist, always has to appear at the last minute at a dangerous moment.

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