Chapter 875 She is a good woman


“I just ran into you, sorry.”

This Tang Menghan is also a wonderful person, she rushed directly to Sun Yihao’s side and hugged Sun Yihao’s arm. With his full softness, he squeezed Sun Yihao’s arm.

Cast a wink at Sun Yihao.


Sun Yihao sneered and raised Tang Menghan’s chin.

“Shao Sun.”

Tang Menghan blinked his big eyes and looked at Sun Yihao very seductively. He said in a sweet voice: “Master Sun, or let’s go to your office for a chat. He is versatile and can not only sing, but also play a musical instrument.”

Tang Menghan personally opened her red lips and gave Sun Yihao a look that a man understands, and slowly seduce: “Whether it is a long seven-hole flute or a short five-hole flute.”

“Everyone will blow it.”

“I have no time to play with you.”

Sun Yihao, who only has Yan Chunxue in his heart, naturally wouldn’t like Tang Menghan, and said coldly: “Forget what happened today, remember, don’t reveal my identity with Xiaoxue.”

“No, I definitely won’t.”

Watching Sun Yihao enter the Jiangbei Film and Television Group, Tang Menghan’s eyes are full of excitement.

She vowed to get Sun Yihao, sugar daddy!

At 5:30 in the afternoon, after the meeting in Jiangbei Film and Television Group, he had a preliminary grasp of Sun Yihao of Jiangbei Film and Television Group, and he rode back to the Yan’s villa happily.

“Xiao Xue should be very hungry when she comes back from get off work?”

“I should make Xiaoxue her favorite fried rice with vegetables and eggs.”

After washing some emerald green Shanghainese and finding out the leftover rice from yesterday, Sun Yihao picked two more eggs that might be double yellow.

“Should be close to get off work, right?”

Sun Yihao called Yan Chunxue, but Yan Chunxue hung up without answering.

Five minutes later, Sun Yihao called Yan Chunxue again.

This time Yan Chunxue picked it up.

“Call, call, call.”

“Sun…Sun Yihao.”


Yan Chunxue panted heavily and made a low voice from the phone.

“Xiaoxue, what are you doing?”

Sun Yihao couldn’t help but frowned, and asked suspiciously, “Why are you out of breath?”

Yan Chunxue said: “I’m running!”


Sun Yihao was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes were full of suspiciousness: “Xiaoxue, what steps do you run at night?”


Yan Chunxue’s exclamation suddenly came from the phone.

“Xiaoxue, what are you doing?”

“Did it accidentally knock?”

“Did you bleed?”

Sun Yihao asked Yan Chunxue very anxiously.

“I’m fine, who said that I can’t run at night?” Yan Chunxue said in a hurry, “Can’t I run at night?”

“Then why is there a popping, popping sound?”

Sun Yihao was very puzzled and frowned, “Is anyone in the park applauding for you?”

“Can’t I run in slippers?”

“How can you talk so much today!”

Yan Chunxue’s voice became even more hasty, and she scolded: “If something is okay, I’ll hang up if it’s okay!”

“Why are you running in slippers?”

Three ‘s popped out of Sun Yihao’s head? “Question mark, he said suspiciously: “Will you come back later, I will make you your favorite egg fried rice.”

“Not going back.”

“Ah, it hurts!”

“What are you doing?” Sun Yihao said anxiously; “Knock there, I will bring band-aids and Yunnan Baiyao to pick you up.”

“Be careful, don’t bleed anymore.” Sun Yihao was very anxious, and said like a nanny: “In the future, don’t run at night. It’s easy to bump into, and it’s easier to encounter bad people.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it.”

“Why are you so annoying.”


Yan Chunxue’s impatient voice came out on the phone!


Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Sun Yihao furrowed his brows deeper and realized something was wrong.

However, he was reluctant to think about that.

“Xiaoxue will definitely not let me down.”

“She is a good woman.”

Sun Yihao took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and began to hypnotize himself!

In the end he chose to believe in Yan Chunxue!

At the moment, in the Riverside Hotel.

Lin Feihang wiped the sweat from his forehead with toilet paper, looked at the sheets, and listened to the patter of water in the bathroom, a smile flashed across his mouth.

It was Yan Chunxue who took a shower in the bathroom!

Just now Yan Chunxue was naturally not running in slippers.

As for what they are doing, everyone knows what they are doing.

Lin Feihang thought of the moment he succeeded just now, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Thinking of Yan Chunxue who said that he disagreed at first, he finally compromised after Li Xue used the trick of crying, making trouble and hanging himself. He found it very interesting.

This Li Xue is really a good mother-in-law of Sun Yihao.

Sure enough, this son-in-law has a good mother-in-law who is cheating!

“This Yan Chunxue turned out to be the perfect body.”

Lin Feihang frowned suspiciously, shook his head slightly, and secretly said: “I have been married for a year, and I haven’t even pulled my hand. I haven’t pulled this little hand. This Sun Yihao is really a talent.”

“Could he really be an eunuch?”

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