Chapter 872: Brother Jiang worked hard

Li Yunlong smiled.

“That’s OK, then let’s do this for today” Jiang Handong said and stood up. Li Yunlong also stood up. The two shook hands.

In the private room on the fourth floor. Lin Feihang looked at the screen with a smile on his earphones. Watching Jiang Handong shaking hands with Li Yunlong, bid farewell, then Li Yunlong left and Jiang Handong sent it off.


Lin Feihang took off the headphones and stood up. Habitually gathered up the suit. Then, with one hand in his pocket, he walked to the window facing the street.


Standing by the window on the fourth floor, Lin Feihang saw that Jiang Handong personally sent Li Yunlong out. She shook hands again outside the teahouse.

Jiang Handong did not return to the teahouse until Li Yunlong got on the bus. The attitude can be said to be in place!

Zhong Lin Feihang retracted his gaze. He took out his cell phone to check the time, it was already close to 4:30 in the afternoon. Lin Feihang was Zhang Bingbing who saw him a little after three o’clock in the afternoon. Two hours were about to arrive, so I wanted to come. Zhang Bingbing is about to call.

I don’t know what she has been “holding” in these two hours, the energy in her heart is like a cat scratching.

One minute later. Click, the private room door opened. “Brother!” Jiang Handong called in, and motioned for the bodyguards in the room to let them all go out.

A few bodyguards all walked out.

“Brother Jiang has worked hard.” Lin Feihang turned around and smiled and said, walking towards Jiang Handong.

“What are you talking about. You two are still polite to me!” Jiang Handong said.

The bodyguards went out, and both of them sat down! Start “secret talk”! What Jiang Handong talked to Li Yunlong, needless to say, Lin Feihang was watching the whole journey, so what I’m talking about now is what to do next is how to let Jiang Tianyou know about it.

It’s actually very simple, let Zhang Weilin do it!

Jiang Handong can tell Zhang Weilin about the matter and ask Zhang Weilin to tell Jiang Tianyou, saying that Jiang Handong has wooed him and wants to do big things, and revealed to himself that he has joined forces with Li Yunlong to kill him Jiang Tianyou.

He also said that in order to convince himself, Jiang Handong also showed himself a video clip of the conversation between the two. From the perspective of Jiang Tianyou. He felt that Zhang Weilin had a closer relationship with him and a deeper friendship. He could not have known that Zhang Weilin was already a firm supporter of Jiang Handong.

The relationship between Zhang Weilin and Jiang Handong is pretty good. He also has a lot of business dealings with Fortune Group. Therefore, it is reasonable for Jiang Handong to woo Zhang Weilin.

Zhang Weilin informed Jiang Tianyou, and Jiang Tianyou would also feel reasonable!

Jingle Bell……

Ringtones. It was Jiang Handong’s cell phone that suddenly rang. Jiang Handong took out his cell phone and looked at it, then connected and smiled: “Dabao, are you done?”

It was Liang Jingru calling.

Jingle Bell.

This is not a telephone ringing, but an alarm set by Lin Feihang.

It’s half past four, and he still has things to do.

When Jiang Handong heard Lin Feihang’s phone ringing, he thought that Lin Feihang was going to answer the phone, so he got up and walked around. He went to the corridor so that they would not bother each other.

However, Lin Feihang went out directly and made a gesture to Jiang Handong, indicating that he was going out.

At 4:40 in the afternoon, Jiangbian restaurant in Jiangbei City, inside the box of Tianzi.

“Shao Lin.”

After Lin Feihang took Liu Xinya, the little boss, and Ma Bo into the box, sitting in the box, Yan Chunxue, who was a little restless, and Yan Chunxue’s father Yan Chun and mother Li Xue, all got up immediately and welcomed them respectfully. Feihang to Lin.

“Sorry everyone, there is something wrong, I’m late. You don’t have to be polite, sit down, sit down.”

Lin Feihang smiled and waved to Yan Chunxue and the others, and took a seat directly.


“Don’t hurry up to pour Lin Shao?”

Li Xue stretched out his hand to push Yan Chunxue, winked at Yan Chunxue, and reminded him.


“Shao Lin.”

Yan Chunxue got up immediately and poured a glass of wine for Lin Feihang very respectfully.


Lin Feihang took a sip of wine, and looked at Li Xue who was flattering to him and Yan Chun, who was only innocent, a smile flashed across his mouth.

The family of this son-in-law, the son of luck, will always be the same model.

A very realistic mother-in-law who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. And a stubborn father-in-law.

Lin Feihang could tell at a glance that Li Xue, like Chen Tongnai’s aunt, was obviously the kind of snobbery who liked to indulge in the rich and wish his daughter would marry the rich.

If Lin Feihang was a son-in-law, he would naturally dislike such snobbery.

But at this moment, for a villain like Lin Feihang, Li Xue’s snobbery is a wonderful assist!

“Lin Shao, this is the plan of our group.” Yan Chunxue respectfully handed a piece of information to Lin Feihang and asked: “What do you think of the cooperation between our two families?”

Li Xue and Yan Chun also looked at Lin Feihang very urgently.

“It’s all easy to say.”

Lin Feihang didn’t read the information, but waved to Liu Xinya and slowly said, “Xiaoya, take Miss Yan to the next door to discuss the details of the cooperation.”

“Miss Yan, please here.”

Liu Xinya took Yan Chunxue out of the box.

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