Chapter 867: I can help you

That is to say, if Liang Jingru’s endorsement is suddenly lost, or a moth comes out at the press conference, it is likely to cause Lu Xuanying to fail to the point where there is no room for maneuver. The final word!

However, Li Yunlong didn’t think Jiang Handong could understand so deeply, so this gave him room to negotiate “price reduction”!

Just playing with Jiang Handong’s psychology!

Jiang Handong was silent for a while, thinking, looking at Li Yunlong and said: “Let’s not talk about the value of endorsement, Li Gongzi, I think you should be clear that you are the grandfather of the Li family! Miss Lu, the Lu family. The eldest granddaughter, if the value of the two of you is really to be compared, to me, no one is higher or lower!”

“And now I have a good relationship with Miss Lu.” Jiang Handong grinned and slowly said, “If I really do it for you, offend a friend, offend such a connection, I might even get revenge from that guy Lu Yingyi. , Li Gongzi, why do you think I have to do that?”

After Jiang Handong finished speaking, he paused again. Before Li Yunlong could say anything, he opened his mouth and said: “I have been in Jiangbei City for the past few years. ”

“Lv Xuanying, what is the status of Lv Yingyi sister and brother in Jiangbei City? I think Young Master Li, you know better than me! You let me offend them? What’s more, Lu Xuanying is already talking about the relationship between men and women with the Lin family. I can’t act rashly!”

“Prince Li. It’s not that Jiang Handong doesn’t give you face, I hope you can understand my difficulties! At home, I can’t go back, if I can’t stay in Jiangbei City, I won’t live anymore?” It can be said to be extremely straightforward and full of “techniques”!

The matter of endorsement is small, but the offense is big!

Li Yunlong looked at Jiang Handong, smiled and picked up the tea cup again, taking a sip slowly.

The two looked at each other. despair! Li Yunlong put down his teacup and said: “Then I will help you send Jiang Tianyou to jail, or let him have an accident, what will happen to him! You decide, I can help you whatever you want him to die, what do you think of this? ”

Li Yunlong said it straightforwardly!

These have also been photographed! Audio and video!

In the private room on the fourth floor. Looking at the computer screen, Lin Feihang smiled and had to say that Jiang Handong was really good at acting. He gave people the feeling that the matter itself was not big, but it offended people and made the problem serious.

A feeling of asking “the lion to speak loudly” about conditions.

Li Yunlong would not think that Jiang Handong was rejecting himself. If he wanted to reject him, he would just not meet.

Rejecting after meeting and talking is even more offensive.

Jiang Handong’s tone and demeanor are very good!

And Li Yunlong himself is a dare to say, he said on the phone before!

Anyway, just say it!

Actually, the dialogue between Li Yunlong and Jiang Handong was filmed, and even if it was made public, it actually didn’t make much sense.

After all, as long as Jiang Tianyou doesn’t have an accident, Li Yunlong is bragging at best!

And if something happens to Jiang Tianyou, then this video will also become Jiang Handong’s handle.

Jiang Handong will naturally not let the video be published.

But what if you let this video be seen by Jiang Tianyou himself? Let Jiang Tianyou know that after Li Yunlong contacted him on the front foot, he promised himself many benefits and asked himself to help, and then went to his brother Jiang Handong on the back foot. If he wanted to help Jiang Handong harm himself, that would be a bit shameless!

Jiang Tianyou is a cruel person!

He can even play with his own brother!

And even if Jiang Tianyou cared about the Li family, he didn’t dare to mess around.

Then Li Yunlong wanted to help Jiang Handong kill Jiang Tianyou and Jiang Tianyou himself knew about it. What if Li Yunlong knew about this again?

With Li Yunlong’s style, it is very likely to be the first to make the best!

In this case.

No matter what happened to Li Yunlong or Jiang Tianyou, both sides have sufficient reasons to doubt each other!

Then this will become very interesting!

On the fifth floor, inside the “Lingzhi Pavilion” private room.

After Jiang Handong listened to Li Yunlong’s words, he was silent and seemed to be thinking about it.

“I know that what Boss Jiang is considering is to offend Lu Xuanying and Lu Yingyi. You can’t gain a foothold in Jiangbei City.”

Li Yunlong looked at Jiang Handong and spoke again: “You even think that after you offend them, your elder brother Jiang Tianyou may come into contact with Lu Xuanying and Lu Yingyi, make friends with them, and jointly suppress you.”

“All of this is because of your elder brother Jiang Tianyou. You need to establish a foothold in Jiangbei City. You can’t go home, you can’t inherit the family business, and even the seven years of worry and fear, and the loss of energy. All of this is because of Jiang Tianyou. !”

“Don’t you hate him? Think about your dead wife.”

“I can help you, as long as Jiang Tianyou is dead, you will be the only heir! Your father has no choice, can call you back to inherit the family business!”

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