Chapter 865: Meet

Most of the contents can be called commercial secrets, but Zhang Bingbing and Wang Longming were going to hunt for the assets of the Li family.

Zhang Bingbing really never expected that Lin Feihang would have this kind of content in the USB flash drive.

Zhang Bingbing was still thinking about what little gift Lin Feihang gave him!

Now it seems that what kind of gift is this, this is a big surprise!

Lin Feihang is petting her!

Zhang Bingbing finally understands now!

Why did Lin Feihang say that it was a gift before, but not a gift, because it was a business in itself and part of Li Yunlong’s work, but Lin Feihang gave her the document again, Zhang Bingbing! Let her do it.

So, everything is right!

Zhang Bingbing became excited. The feeling in her heart was beyond words, the more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and her face became a little red, and she even breathed a lot faster, and she was shocked!

Zhang Bingbing’s head was a little dizzy, and she even had one kind in a daze, Lin Feihang treated her like this, then she could do anything for Lin Feihang, even if she died.

The impulse to make her desperate for anything!

Emotionally, Zhang Bingbing is a special little woman now!

Zhang Bingbing thought, and suddenly stood up. She picked up the phone to call Lin Feihang. She wanted to ask Lin Feihang how he got it, even yesterday’s documents were available.

She wants to talk to Lin Feihang more, wants to meet Lin Feihang, have a good chat, talk.

After finding out Lin Feihang’s mobile phone number, Zhang Bingbing stopped suddenly.

Because Zhang Bingbing remembered that before leaving, Lin Feihang told her not to disturb him within two hours.

At this moment Zhang Bingbing also understood why Lin Feihang would specifically tell her, Lin Feihang calculated her reaction, holding the mobile phone and standing behind the desk, Zhang Bingbing’s face turned red and thought for a while, and finally she took two deep breaths. He pursed his lips again, and murmured softly: “Bad!”

She especially wanted to call Lin Feihang, but Lin Feihang refused to let her call, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Without expressing her emotions, she felt that Lin Feihang was deliberate!

Is playing with her mentality!

In the Zhongcheng District of Jiangbei City, Heilongqun Road Street. Jinghua Shuiyue Tea House.

This is a high-end but small-scale tea house opened on the corner of the street.

The geographical location is a bit remote in the Midtown area. It has been in business for a few years since it has been in business-it has been pretty mediocre, but it will not lose money.

The behind-the-scenes owner of Jinghua Shuiyue Tea House is a very low-key presence in Jiangbei City.

He doesn’t care whether this teahouse makes money, because this teahouse belongs to Jiang Handong!

3:28 pm!

A black Audi a8 galloped in, approaching Jinghua Shuiyue Teahouse and began to slow down.

In the car. Lin Feihang held the steering wheel in his hand and looked out of the window. He saw less than ten cars parked in a row of parking spaces in front of the Jinghua Shuiyue Tea House, and one of them was the car used by Li Yunlong and his men!

Li Yunlong has arrived. It is estimated that I have already seen Jiang Handong, but before Lin Feihang arrives, Jiang Handong will talk nonsense with him politely. The point is that Jiang Handong will talk to him only after Lin Feihang arrives!

Lin Feihang drove the Audi a8 around and stopped on the other side of the street corner.

After getting off the bus, Lin Feihang walked into the alley, through the back door of Jinghua Shuiyue Tea House, and into the tea house.

It’s time to “meet” Li Yunlong!

As long as Li Yunlong said one wrong sentence today, it would be very interesting!

“Lingzhi Pavilion” private room on the fifth floor of Jinghua Shuiyue Tea House.

This is the best private room in Jinghua Shuiyue Tea House.

The interior decoration of the private room is antique, but extremely luxurious. This private room has never been opened to guests, it is used by Jiang Handong himself.

Over the years, Jiang Handong has met many people and talked about many things in the “Lingzhi Pavilion” at the Jinghua Shuiyue Tea House. Most of the people he met were close friends, or people he trusted.

Jiang Handong would not meet with unfamiliar or untrustworthy people in Jinghua Shuiyue Teahouse.

Today, he made an exception!

In the private room, in front of a long tea table with a view of a small bridge and flowing water, Jiang Handong and Li Yunlong are sitting opposite each other.

The two of them drank Kung Fu tea, the fragrance of the tea overflowed, and the fragrant Dong lingered. Both of them were drinking tea with smiles and talking “gossip”.

“I heard that Boss Jiang, who has lived in Jiangbei City as a secluded life for these years, are you really willing to live in Jiangbei City?” Li Yunlong held the teacup in his hand with a smile on his face, saying something in his words.

Li Yunlong had already taken off his jacket and set it aside. He was wearing a white shirt and gold-wire glasses. His hairstyle was meticulously combed. At first glance, it turned out to be full of gentle and elegant temperament.

Jiang Handong is also very formal today, with a big back in a suit and leather shoes. Although he is fat, he still has the temperament brought out by his clothes!

“Reconciled? Young Master Li thinks I can be reconciled?” Jiang Handong grinned directly!

Although Jiang Handong’s expression was relaxed, the hand holding the teacup could not help clenching tightly, and the joints were slightly white.

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