Chapter 851 How can I help?

Therefore, regarding the Zhao family and Zhao Ziqiang’s affairs, it is reasonable for Lu Yingyi to ventilate with Wang Longming, to ask Wang Longming to help reconcile, or to listen to the internal reactions of the Zhao family and the Cui family.

“No, I’m about to get up.” Lin Feihang smiled and said, “Yingyi called you?”

“Mr. Lin…” Wang Longming was a little weird at once, paused and asked with a smile: “Ying Yi told you everything?”

“No, I guessed it.” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“Mr. Lin, you are really…” Wang Longming suddenly didn’t know what to say.

In fact, Lin Feihang said it was a guess, and there is nothing unreasonable.

However, Wang Longming’s impression of Lin Feihang was metaphysical, and he would always have something to do with the “unexplored prophet”. Therefore, he would subconsciously think in that direction and feel that Lin Feihang is very divine.

“Yingyi told me everything, Mr. Lin, did you save Zhao Ziqiang yesterday? Then… it was Ying Yi’s people who beat him?”

Wang Longming asked again.

“Almost.” Lin Feihang smiled.

The Lin family has never been involved in underground affairs, so the lesser people know about Lin Feihang as the boss of the underground in Jiangbei City, the better.

Therefore, everyone thinks that Zhao Minggang is actually Lu Yingyi.

Then he listened to Lin Feihang’s voice and turned around: “However, he is not one of Yingyi’s men. If he doesn’t protect the people, he will be able to separate the relationship.”

“That’s how it is said, but Yingyi has been operating in Jiangbei City for so many years. If this is… alas!” Wang Longming sighed before he finished speaking.

Lin Feihang understood what he meant.

In fact, Lin Feihang just said that.

Indeed, as long as Lu Yingyi does not want to protect people, he can be removed, and Zhao Minggang will be investigated at most, but…If Lu Yingyi is not protecting people, he watched Zhao Minggang go to jail, the consequences will not only harm him, Lu Gongzi in Jiangbei City. Facial!

More importantly, his reputation, status and right to speak in Jiangbei City over the years will be affected.

Will shake Lu Yingyi’s foundation in Jiangbei City.

In addition, it may be used by others. This matter will definitely spread, and big families will hear about it.

And the Wu family, who is not good with the Lu family, is definitely going to engage in Lu Yingyi, and they can’t be inactive when that happens.

And because Zhao Ziqiang was not treated well after all, the consequences of dealing with this matter can be big or small!

It’s up to you!

“I will arrange this. It’s okay.” Lin Feihang smiled slightly at the phone.

“Mr. Lin, if you have these words, then there will definitely be nothing wrong.” Wang Longming immediately smiled, and then exclaimed: “Yingyi is really fate, there is a brother-in-law like you.”

In Wang Longming’s words, there was a feeling of holding Lin Feihang.

Not only because of his impression of Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang is still his “God of Wealth”.

The most important thing is that if his Wang family wants to go further in the Black Sea City, they must have Lin Feihang’s help!

“In fact, this matter is not that troublesome.” Lin Feihang smiled.

“Then Mr. Lin, can I help you? How about… I’m going to Jiangbei City?” Wang Longming thought about it and said.

“If you have time, it’s okay to give Ying Yi Zhuang the momentum.” Lin Feihang smiled and said: “If you don’t have time, you don’t need to make special arrangements. You can talk to Ying Yi for details.”

“Sure, then let me see the time.” Wang Longming said heartily.

The two chatted for a few more words and then hung up.

The brief chat is over.

I didn’t talk about anything substantive, it can be said that it is all nonsense.

But in fact, this is ventilation. Later, if Lin Feihang really needs it, he can greet Wang Longming to do business. Wang Longming’s call also means to contact Lin Feihang more and get closer.

Lin Feihang put the phone back, and turned his head, he saw Lu Xuanying looking at herself with the wrong eyes.

Lu Xuanying looked straight at Lin Feihang without blinking.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Feihang asked Lu Xuanying with an unnatural smile.

Lu Xuanying looked straight at Lin Feihang without speaking.

In fact, Lu Xuanying just felt that Wang Longming’s attitude towards Lin Feihang was called a cheer!

People who didn’t know thought he was talking to a big man who was more powerful than his Wang family.

Lu Xuanying’s mood is very delicate.

She knew how awesome and terrifying Lin Feihang was. She understood that regardless of who he was, as long as she had more contact with Lin Feihang, her cognition and attitude towards Lin Feihang would change.

However, knowing it is one thing, and feeling it intuitively is another thing.

Lu Xuanying has felt it twice today.

Just a feeling of “How can my own man be so awesome?”

“My face is blooming?” Lin Feihang asked with a smile when seeing Lu Xuanying not speaking.

Lu Xuanying reacted, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she blinked and said, “It’s nothing.”

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