Chapter 844 Are you wronged?

Greet people.


No need to follow other people!

Zhao Minggang will stay to deal with the scene, his little brothers who were scrapped by Lin Feihang. It must also be sent to the hospital, and Zhao Ziqiang’s car must also be towed away for repair!

Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru got into Lu Yingyi’s car.

Lu Yingyi got in, Lu Xuanying’s car.

Lin Feihang naturally drove his own Lamborghini with Meng Xiaodie.

Set off.

Soon after departure, Lu Xuanying was in the Maybach car.

After making another call, Lu Yingyi put down the phone and turned to look at his old sister. He pondered for a moment and asked, “Sister, that Meng Xiaodie, what is she…”

Now, Lu Yingyi still remembers this.

In fact, in his opinion, this matter is more important!

If the relationship between the old sister and the brother-in-law goes wrong, many, many things will change!

Lu Xuanying glanced at her younger brother.

Lu Xuanying glanced at her younger brother, expressionless and silent.

“Sister, what…what’s wrong?” Lu Yingyi was a little hairy when she was seen by her old sister. Every time Lu Xuanying showed this attitude to him,

There will be a feeling of fear in his heart, which is already a kind of “instinct.”

In fact, Lu Xuanying still didn’t think about how to say it.

Everyone thinks that it is impossible for her Lu Xuanying to allow her own man to have other women.

Normal women are like this!

Besides, she is Lu Xuanying. But Lu Xuanying just allowed it. Telling this matter, let her brother know, it can be said to be “destroying the image”!

However, it is precisely because she is Lu Xuanying.

“She is your brother-in-law’s woman.” Lu Xuanying said, she was extremely straightforward after silence.

Lu Xuanying is this character. If it wasn’t for her brother who asked her, she would either not say it or say it straight, and she would not hesitate.

“Sister…brother-in-law’s woman?” Lu Yingyi was shocked. It was not the relationship between Meng Xiaodie and Lin Feihang that he was shocked. He had seen it before but couldn’t believe it.

What he was stunned was Lu Xuanying’s attitude.

That’s it, did you say it?

Lu Yingyi looked at her sister’s expression, Lu Xuanying’s expressionless and cold feeling.

This is not special, because Lu Xuanying is used to it.

“Sister, sister, then… are you allowing your brother-in-law to have other women?” Lu Yingyi stammered.

His shocked brain is not enough, and it has almost subverted his understanding of his old sister.

Lu Yingyi knows her old sister.

He knew that the old sister Lu Xuanying was especially strong, especially independent, and especially assertive.

Lu Yingyi also knows the elder sister’s talent in business.

After the old sister took over the Lu’s Group, in just four years, the total revenue of the Lu’s Group has increased by a full 2 ​​billion.

Moreover, she did not rely on any resources at home, she was completely alone, operating step by step, and establishing business contacts step by step.

Two billion. It’s a height that many businessmen can’t reach for a lifetime.

This is a number enough to make people cross a large class!

Lu Xuanying did it!

And this is only four years, this is just the beginning.

In the future, Lu Xuanying’s own cosmetics company will also be listed, and it will become bigger and stronger!

In terms of personal ability alone, Lu Yingyi has long understood that she is inferior to her sister Lu Xuanying!

Lu Yingyi has always admired her elder sister, and admired it in her heart! Humbled!

He also knows! The old sister’s view of marriage and love is unique. The old sister likes men with strong personal abilities. She hopes that her partner is a strong one!

And Li Yunlong, he is actually very strong!

But the old lady doesn’t look down on it, when Li Yunlong is rubbish!

This is not only because the old sister hated him very early, but also because the old sister felt that Li Yunlong was not strong enough!

I’m not worthy of myself!

To put it bluntly, the old lady is high-spirited! But it’s not that the eyes are above the top, because the old sister Lu Xuanying herself, she is good enough!

Lu Yingyi knows exactly how harsh her old sister’s eyes are!

She does not depend on the family to make money, nor does she want to depend on men. She believes that a man must be strong enough, even stronger than her, to be worthy of her!

How can such a maverick and excellent woman allow her man to have other women? !

Lu Yingyi couldn’t understand how to think.

Is my old sister changed?

Or is it about brother-in-law Lin Feihang? Is it strong enough to be that incredible?

Is so strong that the old lady doesn’t care if he has other women?

The Maybach car continued to be quiet.

Lu Xuanying turned her head and looked out the car window, saying nothing, and no one knew what she was thinking.

for a long time.

“Sister…” Lu Yingyi suddenly turned to look at Lu Xuanying, and asked seriously: “Are you wronged?”

His question contains too many possibilities.

Lu Yingyi really didn’t understand, so he could only think badly. Was the old sister caught or threatened? What’s wrong?

Lu Xuanying turned to look at her younger brother, her eyes faint.

She knew that her younger brother had already started thinking about things, and might even make things happen. If they really make things happen, it would be pure trouble!

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