Chapter 842: Lu Xuanying is very scary

Although this is the case, Lu Xuanying, who got out of the car, did not look sloppy at all. On the contrary, she felt a little fairy. Her skin was really good. When she got out of the car, the breeze blew and her hair fluttered, she was simply beautiful. NS!

After getting off the car, Lu Xuanying scanned the situation.

At this time, everyone had gathered near a commercial vehicle. The door of the commercial vehicle was open. The injured Zhao Ziqiang sat sideways with his legs on the outside of the car. Cui Xinru was by the side and was applying medicine to Zhao Ziqiang’s forehead with a cotton swab.

There is a small medicine box, which was kept in the car of Zhao Minggang’s men, and was kept in the car of the people on the road.

Lin Feihang, Meng Xiaodie, Lu Yingyi and others were also outside the car door.

Zhao Minggang stood a little further away on the side.

Cai Xifa was not here. He broke his son Cai Mingyang’s leg, and then Cai Mingyang passed out into a coma. He took his son back to his car and has not come over.

When the car came, Lu Xuanying got off, and everyone looked in Lu Xuanying’s direction.

“Sister.” Lu Yingyi raised his hand and gestured, then smiled.

Lu Xuanying walked over quickly with her bodyguards, her face was cold, her aura was very scary, she first came to Lin Feihang’s side, took Lin Feihang’s arm, and looked up and down Lin Feihang.

“What are you doing?” Lin Feihang asked with a smile.

“Isn’t it hurt?” Lu Xuanying asked.

“No.” Lin Feihang smiled.

Lu Xuanying just ignored Lin Feihang!

Turning to look at Zhao Minggang, he said in a cold voice: “Does your people move their hands?”

“Yes, yeah…Miss Lu, this is actually a misunderstanding, I…” Because Lu Xuanying’s aura is too scary, Zhao Minggang opened his mouth to explain, but Lu Xuanying didn’t let him finish, she just stepped and raised her leg. !

Lu Xuanying had practiced. She just kicked up and kicked Zhao Minggang’s heart, and Zhao Minggang fell straight out.

Zhao Minggang was also miserable today, Lin Feihang kicked Lu Yingyi and Lu Yingyi kicked Lu Xuanying.

This is not over yet!


Lu Xuanying finished kicking, staring at Zhao Minggang fiercely, stretched her hand to the side, palm up, and said coldly.

Following Lu Xuanying’s bodyguard, he directly took out a handful of the May Fourth Movement from the back and patted Lu Xuanying’s hand.

Lu Xuanying took the May Fourth Movement and pulled the holster, loaded the bullet directly, fired the pistol to protect her, and then stepped forward two steps, raised the May Fourth Movement and aimed it at Zhao Minggang’s head, who fell on the ground.

Very sudden feeling!

A few seconds? All of a sudden, I was dumbfounded.

Lu Xuanying was about to collapse Zhao Minggang!

“Huh? Sister! Don’t!” Lu Yingyi exclaimed.

Lu Yingyi was standing on the other side of Lin Feihang. He exclaimed, and went to pull Lu Xuanying’s gun hand. He didn’t expect the old sister to be so impulsive.

boom! ! !

The May Fourth Movement rang, and the gunshots of the May Fourth Movement were very short and crisp!

In a city full of tall buildings, generally speaking, one block cannot be heard, and the gunfire imitating the May Fourth Movement is very similar to the sound of some firecrackers, and similar to the sound of a car puncture. Most people cannot immediately Distinguishable.

Gunshots echoed through the streets.

Lv Yingyi grabbed Lv Xuanying’s wrist, and Lv Xuanying held the May Fourth slanting towards the sky.

This shot hit the sky.

Lu Xuanying really shot!

It seems. If it weren’t for Lu Yingyi’s quick response, he would promptly stop her direct sister Lu Xuanying. Then Zhao Minggang had to headshot with this shot.

Zhao Minggang was lying on the ground, his face pale and shaking.

Everyone around looked at Lu Xuanying with a stunned expression. They were all shocked, even Lin Feihang looked a little surprised.

He was very surprised.

However, after thinking about what Lu Xuanying said when she came, and her current behavior, Lin Feihang figured it out.

“Remove your hand!” Lu Xuanying turned her head to stare at Lu Yingyi, and scolded.

“Sister, why don’t you do this! You have to give the Gangzi a chance to explain.” Lu Yingyi clasped Lu Xuanying’s wrist! He feels really difficult!

What Lu Yingyi considers is not only Zhao Minggang’s “not dying”, but also not only what will happen to the road afterwards.

He also thought about not letting the old sister kill people in the street!

So many people are watching, including Zhao Minggang’s people, Cai Xifa’s people, as well as Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru, they are not even “owners” now.

Because there are too many people, and they are not all the same, if Lu Xuanying really kills Zhao Minggang like this, this matter will spread, it will be very detrimental to Lu Xuanying, and it will be very detrimental to the Lu family!

Even Li Yunlong’s eyeliner in Jiangbei City will know.

It will be very troublesome!

“Let go!” Lu Xuanying glared at Lu Yingyi again.

“Xuanying.” Lin Feihang came up from behind, called out, raised his hand, and took away the imitation May Fourth from Lu Xuanying’s hand. After closing the insurance, he handed it back to the bodyguard.

Lu Xuanying turned to look at Lin Feihang.

“Go.” Lin Feihang took Lu Xuanying’s hand again and dragged Lu Xuanying away.

Lu Xuanying was very angry and angry when she came, as well as her brother.

Lin Feihang dragged her away, although her face didn’t ease, her body was quite obedient.

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