Chapter VIII

Lin Feihang, Zhao Ziqiang, and Cui Xinru turned their heads to look out of the alley at the same time.

Lin Feihang took a look, then walked straight out, and soon reached the entrance of the alley, looking towards the street.

The car came from the south, and the convoy of ten cars was like driving a speed car. It took Lin Feihang a few seconds to reach the entrance of the alley, and they rushed to the roadside on the street opposite the entrance of the alley. A hard brake!

The car stopped, and then all the doors were opened. A total of more than a dozen people got out of the car.

One of the people who got on and off from one of the black Mercedes-Benz cars also held the village in one hand. It was Zhao Minggang!

He brought people over a few minutes after receiving the call, because he was living nearby.

Not only did he come here, but Zhu Houming’s eldest brother Liu Xiaoming also came.

Liu Xiaoming is right next to Zhao Minggang, in a business club, where Zhao Minggang usually lives.

“Mr. Lin. Misunderstanding, Mr. Lin…” As soon as Zhao Ming got out of the car, he saw Lin Feihang standing at the entrance of the alley, and he said hurriedly.

While talking, he still leaned on a walking stick, limping as quickly as possible, and approached Lin Feihang.

Zhao Minggang’s leg was interrupted when he was young, leaving him disabled.

It’s okay when you walk slowly, but when you walk faster, you can see that he is lame!

“Mr. Lin, I really misunderstood, do you remember me? I am Zhao Minggang. We met at the Red Rose boss that time! Mr. Lin!”

At this moment, Zhao Minggang has lost the demeanor of the old boss, shouting as he walks, looking particularly anxious to explain.

at the same time.

Just on the roadside, Lin Feihang’s Lamborghini was still parked there, Meng Xiaodie sat in the co-pilot and looked out of the car window with an uneasy expression.

Jingle Bell……

The phone rang.

Meng Xiaodie was holding the cell phone in her hand. When the cell phone rang, she looked at it immediately, and then it was connected all of a sudden.

“Hey, sister.” Meng Xiaodie said quickly, still looking out the window, and said anxiously.

“Are you done?” Lu Xuanying asked.

“No, it doesn’t seem to…A large group of people came again.” Meng Xiaodie said nervously.

“It’s not over yet? Another person?” Lu Xuanying’s voice couldn’t help being high.

Lu Xuanying felt that something was wrong.

Meng Xiaodie had actively called her before, and that was shortly after Lin Feihang got off the car, Lin Feihang went into the alley alone.

Meng Xiaodie heard some voices. She heard women shouting “Help, save my boyfriend”, and some people shouting “Don’t be nosy”, “Fuck him”, and some swear words.

Those shouts can make Meng Xiaodie judge that Lin Feihang is going to see righteousness and bravery.

There were so many people on the other side that they started fighting, and the screams that followed really scared her.

Lin Feihang let her stay in the car

She knew that there would be no positive effect if she went down to add chaos.

She is still very good.

But she was really frightened. She was worried about Lin Feihang’s accident. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t know anyone in Jiangbei City, so she called Lu Xuanying for help.

But Lu Xuanying’s reaction surprised her.

After listening to Meng Xiaodie saying that Lin Feihang went to see the righteous and courageous, and then started fighting, Lu Xuanying’s reaction was lightly said: “Oh, it’s okay!”

Because Meng Xiaodie was very scared and uneasy, Lu Xuanying also soothed Meng Xiaodie a few words.

Lv Xuanying knows how powerful Lin Feihang is and can play.

Lin Feihang is not a human being!

Unless it was something specially arranged by Lin Feihang, there was nothing to worry about.

This was just a coincidence and a courageous act of righteousness, and naturally it was not aimed at Lin Feihang.

Therefore, Lu Xuanying is not worried at all.

Lu Xuanying just comforted Meng Xiaodie. Say it’s okay, don’t worry, after a few simple words, I hung up.

This is the first conversation between Meng Xiaodie and Lu Xuanying in the car.

It was the second time that Lu Xuanying took the initiative to call.

Lu Xuanying felt that if she was brave enough to fight a group of swear words, it might be a small role as a gangster, and it should be over too, because the time is too long.

It’s almost ten thirty in the evening!

Lu Xuanying just wanted to ask, is it done, when will you get home?

As a result, Meng Xiaodie kept talking, and another group of people came?

This is a big trouble!

“Who are you here? Did you drive? How many people are there?” Lu Xuanying thought, hurriedly asked.

“They drove Mercedes-Benz or something. They were all luxury cars. There were a dozen people. There was a middle-aged man who looked like a boss. He was limping on crutches, as if he knew Mr. Lin and shouted when he got out of the car. What misunderstanding? I seem to want to explain something to Mr. Lin…”

Meng Xiaodie observed the outside and quickly said to the phone.

“It’s Zhao Minggang.” Lu Xuanying was relieved at once, and then said with a sigh of relief: “That’s all right, it’s all acquaintances.”

“Ah!” Meng Xiaodie suddenly exclaimed, startled.

“What’s the matter?” Lu Xuanying asked quickly.

Meng Xiaodie said: “Mr. Lin kicked that lame man down, and when it’s over, they took out their guns, it’s a gun!”

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