Chapter 831 Don’t call your second uncle?

What happened was that the couple drove to Jiangbei City to play. Mainly this young man with short hair, he is a car player.

Recently, I heard that Jiangbei City Racing Party is very powerful, so I came to Jiangbei City in a modified gtr sports car.

We will meet the drag racing party in Jiangbei City and compete.

The two arrived in Jiangbei City today, and they haven’t found someone to make an appointment, so they come to the bar to play at night. Experience the nightlife of Jiangbei City.

Then the two met the first punk gang in the bar.

While chatting with his girlfriend, the young man with short hair next to the card seat said how good he had modified the car, and then shared with his girlfriend the rumors about the Jiangbei drag racing party.

That punk head is one of the core members of Jiangbei City Drag Racing Party.

When he heard it, he took the initiative to speak up and talked about how to modify the car, and who was the topic. Those who disagree with others quarreled.

The punk head just put it down and told the short-haired young man to go out sooner than anyone else’s car, who persuaded who was the dog!

The young man with short hair said that he had to drink tomorrow.

The punk head started taunting.

After that, the two sides scolded, patted the table and stood up and scolded.

This short-haired young man is not afraid that there are many people on the punk head, and he has practiced, and he is not afraid of fighting!

However, the two sides did not fight in the bar and were both persuaded.

The girl in the black dress persuaded her boyfriend.

On the other side of the punk head, friends around him also pulled and whispered to persuade him. Because that was Zhao Minggang’s place, the punk head was afraid to fight with people in the place, which would have a very negative impact on the bar.

that’s all. Just noisy in the bar. Did not fight.

This is the situation until the short-haired young man and the black dress girl finished drinking and left when they were blocked by the punk head.

Very common verbal conflicts eventually become violent conflicts!

In Lin Feihang’s opinion, it was obvious that punk was wrong for this, because whoever quarreled so much would know it in the end!

Directly called a group of gangsters to block people, and smashed people and cars and beat them. This can only be said to be bullying.

Lin Feihang had his own judgment in his heart, but he didn’t say anything.

The short-haired young man said in great detail, because he felt that he was reasonable and what he was afraid of.

And his GTR sports car, which has spent millions of refitting, is his heart smashed like this?

He feels a little distressed when he speaks.

The short-haired young man took a few minutes to finish talking and making gestures.

Lin Feihang didn’t make any comment after listening. He just spoke slowly to the short-haired young man: “I will deal with it.”

“Big brother, I have to thank you. Thank you very much. If it weren’t for you, what would happen to Ruru and I today!” The short-haired young man thanked Lin Feihang very excitedly.

Lin Feihang smiled, turned his head and looked at the alley again, kneeling, lying down, holding arms, and dare not say anything.

Lin Feihang looked at the short-haired young man and smiled: “Don’t call your second uncle?”

“Ah yes, I have to?” The short-haired young man was reminded by Lin Feihang, he took out his phone and found that the phone screen was broken.

I was about to turn my head and ask my girlfriend for a mobile phone, but suddenly stopped. Then he suddenly raised his head to look at Lin Feihang!

The short-haired young man stared at Lin Feihang blankly. He didn’t know Lin Feihang, and today’s incident was clearly Lin Feihang’s “righteousness” to save him, but Lin Feihang just mentioned his second uncle. He knew that he was okay. Looking for his second uncle. Naturally someone who knows him!

“I also have some friends in Jingjiang. I heard that your 1000-horsepower modified GTR is quite famous in Jingjiang. You just called her Ruru.”

Lin Feihang said, taking a look at the girl in the black dress, and then said: “Is it called Cui Xinru?”

Seeing Lin Feihang looking at herself, the black dress girl nodded in a daze.

“Your name is Zhao Ziqiang, right?” Lin Feihang asked the young man with short hair again.

The young man with short hair also nodded dazedly

Zhao Ziqiang, 21 years old, is the third-generation direct line of the Zhao family in Jingjiang City.

The Zhao family in Jingjiang City is a much stronger family than the Wang family, and the Zheng family. In Jingjiang City, although the Zhao family is not the strongest family, it is also one of the best.

The Wang family and the Zheng family in Heihai City, which is affiliated to Jingjiang City, were able to break their wrists with the Lu family and the Li family because of their regional relationship.

Looking at the position outside the family members alone, it’s actually a little bit worse.

On the other hand, the Zhao family can stand on an equal footing with the Lu family and the Li family by looking at the position of the older generation in the family alone, and even stronger in terms of connections.

However, compared with the big families such as the Lu family and the Li family, the Zhao family is still a little special!

In other words, the “type” is different!

The Zhao family has been in the army for four generations!

The earliest generation, in the war years more than half a century ago, was soldiers, and the one who made it out was the current generation of the Zhao family.

The old man of the Zhao family was not originally from Jingjiang City. His ancestral home was in South China. He was rooted in Jingjiang City after the victory of the war because of his long-term employment in Jingjiang City.

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