Chapter 829: Face to the Wall

While the white-haired young man was speaking, he suddenly reached out his arms and took out something.


Because of shaking hands. What fell to the ground was a folded butterfly knife.

He picked up the butterfly knife again. This is a move that is easy for Lin Feihang to misunderstand. He even dared to take out the weapon now…

But he has a muscle now. There was a buzz in his mind, he could no longer do complicated thinking.

Throw the folding knife away.

Kneeling on the ground, Zhu Houming pressed his left hand to the ground, holding the butterfly knife in his right hand and slamming it down, taking advantage of the situation!

Huh! He cut his little finger directly.

But he didn’t scream, just the skin on his face trembled, and there didn’t seem to be much pain. Because of the excessive secretion of adrenaline, he was able to temporarily ignore most of the pain.

“Mr. Lin… I was wrong with Mr. Lin!” He said to Lin Feihang still trembling, looking up at Lin Feihang, eyes full of pleading.

Cut his fingers, but Lin Feihang didn’t let him cut, nor did he mention any rules.

He took the initiative, but it was not without reason, so he thought of it directly.

But this kind of thing must have an attitude.

This is the rule of the Tao.

Zhu Houming’s level is very low, he doesn’t know if he can do this, he can’t think of any way, he is afraid to die, so he chooses to extremes.

Lin Feihang looked at Zhu Houming in silence, thought for a moment, turned his head to him, and said, “Face to the wall.”

Zhu Houming immediately understood what Lin Feihang meant, and couldn’t help but relax. There was a kind of overjoyed emotion, but it didn’t show up.

Lin Feihang didn’t embarrass him.

“Good, good.” Zhu Houming promised to go to the wall, knelt down, facing the wall, holding his head in both hands, and began to think about it!

Lin Feihang turned his head and glanced at the other kneelings.

These young people immediately followed suit, and went to the wall and knelt down. Face in, hold your head in your hands.

On the Tao, this is a very symbolic gesture. The representative gave in unsuspectingly.

“Go, walk around.” A small voice sounded more than ten meters away.

They were all dumbfounded just now, what Mr. Lin, what did they kneel down? Just cut your fingers!

Then the punk-headed young man who took the lead seemed to have met someone, and greeted people in a very low voice, ready to run away!

The four of them just turned around, wanting to leave quietly.

“Did you let you go?” Lin Feihang turned his head and glanced at them, and said coldly.

The four of them stiffened, then slowly turned around and looked at Lin Feihang.

The two girls and the other brother-in-law were very upset. The punk head who took the lead was a little frightened, because he remembered who “Mr. Lin” was. His father mentioned it to him.

“You want to run if you get into trouble?” Lin Feihang asked them again in a very calm tone.

The other three people didn’t know what to say, so they looked at the punk head with an uneasy expression.

The punk’s head trembled, and then a smile that was uglier than crying squeezed out of his face, and he began to beg for mercy: “Mr. Lin…we…we didn’t do it…”

At this moment, he really didn’t know what to say, but after saying this, he immediately had an idea.

Yes, we didn’t do it!

“We passed by to watch the excitement, we don’t know them…” The punk-headed young man reacted quickly and said immediately.

Lin Feihang looked at him, just looked at him, and said nothing.

The punk-headed young man moved his Adam’s apple and he couldn’t hold it.

Lin Feihang’s eyes and aura caused him to directly turn his calf muscles.

In fact, Lin Feihang didn’t have any special aura, but because he knew who Lin Feihang was, he felt that Lin Feihang had an aura to suppress himself.

He looked at Lin Feihang, then immediately avoided Lin Feihang’s eyes, looked at Zhu Houming and others who were kneeling on the wall, and then at the man lying on the floor.


With his toes, Punk moved his feet for a while, and then accelerated his steps. He slipped up to the wall, knelt down, facing the wall with his hands in his hands.

The other three rich second generations reacted to the wall and knelt down with their heads in their arms.

The alley was silent for a moment.

Even those who were beaten and fractured by Lin Feihang lie on the ground and endure the pain, and dare not say anything. Pretend to be dead.

They have seen and noticed the situation. So they think it’s better to lie down.

“Let’s call.” Lin Feihang suddenly said, saying.

After leaving the words, he turned and walked towards the entrance of the alley.

Let them call because it’s endless.

Moreover, it will be particularly troublesome!

The key to the big trouble lies in the couple they chased before.

The short-haired young man and the black dress girl. Their identities are very, very unusual!

If they were seriously injured, it might be difficult for Lu Yingyi to settle.

This is also the reason why Lin Feihang will be “nosy”!

When Lin Fei was heading towards the entrance of the alley, Zhu Houming, who was kneeling by the wall and his hair dyed white, and the punk-headed young man who was also kneeling by the wall, all took out their mobile phones.

Lin Feihang asked them to call.

Naturally they can’t wait to fight!

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