Chapter 796: The Daughter of Luck

Lin Feihang reminded again: “Remember, the main points are the end.”


Under Lin Feihang’s gaze, the half-spirit puppet Lin Yi fought with Ma Bo.

The final result was naturally Lin Yi’s victory.

After all, the gap in realm lies there.

But, even though Lin Yi is a semi-spirit realm, the puppet is not a human after all. Although he is an intelligent puppet, he is a low-level intelligent puppet that only retains basic IQ and responsiveness.

Therefore, Lin Yi’s final strength was not in the semi-spiritual realm.

Almost at the top of the warlord.

Perhaps a slightly stronger warrior at the pinnacle of the warrior would be able to make a tie with Lin Yi.

“Not bad, after all, puppets are not the same as real people.”

“It is a dream to expect to retain 100% strength and IQ.”

Lin Feihang gave a wry smile, turned on the attribute probe, and scanned Lin Yi.

Target person: Lin Yi (puppet)

Fitness: 700

Combat power: 780

Level: Semi-Spirit Realm, Elementary Intelligence.

Power: The Lin Family.

“Fortunately, the combat effectiveness has been maintained until seven hundred and eighty points, which is already considered good.”

“Ma Bo, you arrange a room for him so that he will stay in the villa temporarily and take care of the house.”

The semi-spiritual Lin Yi is a great weapon in Lin Feihang’s hands. He would easily not let Lin Yi show up in front of outsiders and be seen through.

Lin Yi is one of Lin Feihang’s cards!

“I have successfully refined Ye Fan into Lin Yi, and the system has given me generous rewards. How much luck do I currently have?”

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Feihang’s eyes, he directly turned on the system and selected his own attribute interface.

Host: Lin Feihang.

Physical fitness: 650.

Combat power: 888.

Points: 405500.

Skills: Guqin skills (Grandmaster level), driving skills (Grandmaster level)…

Items: Free choice of opportunity


Seeing that his points were as high as 400,000, Lin Feihang was really excited at this moment, especially the points as high as 400,000, which really gave him a feeling of getting rich overnight.

Four hundred thousand points!

If this is changed to RMB, it is a full four billion.

“This time it really made a lot of money.”

Lin Feihang thought about it carefully. Although the system was not upgraded, Ye Fan, the son of luck, did bring him a lot of benefits.

In addition to this skyrocketing points, it is the improvement of overall strength.

He acquired Lin Yi, a puppet in the semi-spiritual realm, and then acquired some female assassins in the warlord realm.

In addition, there are two semi-war masters, Black Tiger and Black Shark.

In addition, he also received 3 billion in cash from the Zheng family and a gold mine worth 5 billion.

And also got the vassal of the Chen family!

If you think about it this way, it seems to be very complete this time.

But Lin Feihang frowned slightly, thinking carefully.

With Ye Fan’s completion, Chen Kexin, the heroine, has been dealt with by him.

But the Black Sea City is still not peaceful.

Heihai City is a subsidiary city of Jingjiang City, in which there is a hidden protagonist Liu Xiaotian.

In this case, according to the characteristics of this dog system, there must be a lucky child in the Black Sea City.

Who is this son of luck?


“Holy thief, it’s really endless, one after another.”

“When will this new son of luck in the Black Sea City appear?” Lin Feihang frowned and began to think: “What type is it?”

“It’s a terrible dog.”

“This feeling of thorns on the back, like the sword of Damocles hanging above the head, is really uncomfortable.”


Lin Feihang was more upset than he thought about it.

But there is no way.

He can only wait for the appearance of this mysterious son of luck!

“Liu Xiaotian hasn’t come to find the fault for the time being, I’d better fix Li Yunlong first.”

“Lin Yi is no longer the son of luck. He has no great sense of accomplishment when he is trained as a puppet.”

“But if you can take the next child of luck as a dog.”

“I should be the best villain, right?”

A smile flashed at the corner of Lin Feihang’s mouth, and he began to admire himself: “This is a must, of course I want to be the next child of luck.”

“Accept as a dog!”

“But now, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of victory.”

Lin Feihang looked at his 400,000 points and the opportunity to freely choose the son of luck, and decided to eat well first.


“System, free to choose the son of luck, I can choose anything?”

“The system will randomly provide the host with several types of children of luck, and then the host will choose.” The system began to say.

“It’s one of the three familiar choices again.”

Lin Feihang smiled and said, “Then you can provide it.”

“Congratulations, the host has been given the opportunity to freely choose the children of air luck. Please choose one of the children of air luck from the following choices.”

“One, the son of luck with the’sign-in and change-money system’.”

“Second, her father is the chairman of the Trillion Billion Group. She is extremely capable and possesses the most adorable pet system.”

“Three, the strength is the pinnacle of the spiritual realm, the daughter of luck with the martial genius and beautiful little junior sister.”

“Damn it.”

Looking at the three options provided by the system, Lin Feihang frowned and said a little uncomfortable: “System, why are there no twin sisters?”

“I want twin sisters to spend!”

“Host, the twin sisters are two people, if they are both children of luck, then two children of luck appear at the same time.”

“The skill acquired by the host is to freely choose a child of luck.”

“So it is impossible to get twin sisters flowers.”

The system answered Lin Fei’s channel coldly: “What’s more, I’m worried that the host’s body can’t bear it!”

“Depend on!”

Lin Feihang cursed secretly: “Then you let the twin sisters flower, one is the daughter of luck, the other is not the daughter of luck, isn’t that OK?”

“The host wants rain and dew.”


The systematic answer made Lin Feihang unable to refute.

“Well, you’re bull-breaking.”

“I don’t have the right to resist.”

Lin Feihang shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said helplessly.

The system then said: “The host can choose to protest with silence, or none of the three.”


Lin Feihang has an expression of a dog, this system deliberately, what about playing with him?


Lin Feihang secretly said, “Dog system.”

“Sooner or later I will play you!”

Without further ado, Lin Feihang carefully pondered these three options. Of course, Lin Feihang ignored the first option without even thinking about it.

Ye Fan, Lin Xiaowei, Liu Xiaotian.

The son of luck has already encountered three in a row.

It’s time for a change of taste.

The daughter of luck.

How interesting is this!

But the second or the third, which one should he choose?

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