Chapter 698 Are you trying to get revenge on Li Yunlong?

“Sit, sit down and say.” Lin Feihang motioned to her again.

Jiang Yuanyuan just sat down.

“The room opening record will register the ID information of the two of us. This is the era of networking, and it can be obtained through relationships.” Lin Feihang smiled and said to Jiang Yuanyuan.

“Li Yunlong has been checking me. Although he cannot keep people staring at this part of the information, the information about me in his hand will not be updated in real time, but as long as I take the initiative to remind him, he You will find my room opening record, you will find me and you, today; come to this hotel!”

Lin Feihang slowly said again: “If he has the intention to arrange for people to come to the Black Sea City to check the situation, he will also get the surveillance video of the hotel today, so he will see it through surveillance video someday in the future. We are dressed appropriately. , Come to the hotel together, check in, go upstairs and I hug you into the room. In this case, what do you think he would think?”

Jiang Yuanyuan’s complexion instantly became particularly exciting!

Lin Feihang’s words were heard in Jiang Yuanyuan’s ears. First of all, Jiang Yuanyuan felt that Lin Feihang was framing her!

Jiang Yuanyuan knows Li Yunlong’s character too well.

How extreme is it!

Although she and Li Yunlong broke up a long time ago, they have been separated for more than ten years, and Li Yunlong does not mean that other people must not touch the woman she has owned.

After all, Li Yunlong had played with too many women, but he didn’t like it, so he didn’t care.

Should love fall in love, should marry someone, Li Yunlong would not care.

Only Jiang Yuanyuan is different.

She was not the kind of woman Li Yunlong got casually, but the goddess that Li Yunlong got through his life even at the price of murder!

The meaning is different!

Furthermore! Jiang Yuanyuan is the mother of Li Yunlong’s illegitimate daughter, and she raises Jiang Yueyue!

This is also extremely important!

No matter how Li Yunlong is, he no longer recognizes Jiang Yueyue, and he will never allow his daughter to call other men “father”!

Therefore, Jiang Yuanyuan must not fall in love!

Never marry a man!

A creature like Jiang Yueyue’s stepfather must never appear in this world!

These factors and Li Yunlong’s character!

As a result, Li Yunlong has not seen Jiang Yuanyuan for many years, but he will never allow Jiang Yuanyuan to have a man!

Because of Jiang Yueyue’s existence, Jiang Yuanyuan has become Li Yunlong’s “outside room”.

Jiang Yuanyuan knows this very well.

So after listening to Lin Feihang’s words, she subconsciously felt that it was framed!

If Li Yunlong knew that she had opened a house with a man, she would definitely not die. After all, after breaking up for more than ten years, there were men who pursued her before, confessed in public, and ate together. Jiang Yuanyuan has been very young, of course. To be in love.

Wanting to return to a normal life is also heart-warming.

Li Yunlong had never talked to her about this, just let the men who had pursued her suddenly left or disappeared.

Jiang Yueyue still needs Jiang Yuanyuan to take care of.

therefore. This matter was known by Li Yunlong, Jiang Yuanyuan judged that Li Yunlong would definitely not kill herself, but she would certainly not spare herself lightly.

Will cause great trouble to myself!

So, this is framed!

But when Jiang Yuanyuan thought about it, she couldn’t think of it again!

Because, after Li Yunlong knew about this matter, Li Yunlong, who was furious, would not kill her, but he would definitely kill the man who opened a room with her Jiang Yuanyuan! That is Lin Feihang!

Lin Feihang is framed here, it’s just looking for death by himself!


Very, very deadly behavior!

Women who sleep with others, or “wife” or “lover” are all afraid of being known, but Lin Feihang is the other way around, and he hasn’t touched Jiang Yuanyuan at all.

However, Li Yunlong was going to misunderstand him and feel that he was wearing a hat.


Jiang Yuanyuan was a little confused at the moment, she couldn’t figure it out!

The room was quiet for a while.

“Why are you doing this?” Jiang Yuanyuan said suddenly.

“What do you think?” Lin Feihang asked with a smile.

“You and Li Yunlong…” Jiang Yuanyuan thought and said her voice slowly. Then he said: “You have hatred with him?”

This is the most logical guess and the best guess.

“Yes.” Lin Feihang nodded and replied.

Jiang Yuanyuan was startled when she heard it, but her heart was inexplicably loose.

Because she is tired of all the people who are close to Li Yunlong.

Those are all part of Li Yunlong’s power. On the other hand, she does not hate people who have enemies with Li Yunlong. She has thought about it more than once in so many years, why is Li Yunlong not dead? How come no one killed him?

“Then who are you? Are you really called Lin Feihang? What on earth do you do? How do you and Li Yunlong…have an enmity?” Jiang Yuanyuan asked again.

“Do you know the Lin family in Jiangbei City?” Lin Feihang asked Jiang Yuanyuan.

“I know.” Jiang Yuanyuan nodded immediately.

She soon reacted.

The Lin Family…Lin Feihang…

Jiang Yuanyuan immediately remembered who Lin Feihang was! ! !

Jiang Yuanyuan’s eyes widened. Before Jiang Yuanyuan could react, Lin Feihang asked, “You know the Lu family, too, and what about Lu Xuanying?”

“I know.” Jiang Yuanyuan nodded again.

Jiang Yuanyuan didn’t know that the Lu family and Lu Xuanying had a conversation with Li Yunlong a few years ago.

Li Yunlong warned her, mentioned that Li Yunlong wanted to marry Lu Xuanying of the Lu family, and mentioned some information and names.

Jiang Yuanyuan knew at the time that the Lin family and Lu family were similar to the Li family, or even higher.

Although Jiang Yuanyuan didn’t even know what was going on inside the Li family, it was difficult for her to know what the big family was.

But she knows how powerful and powerful the Li family is, so she can judge what kind of family the Lin family and Lu family are.

I also know how Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying are!

“Lu Xuanying is my woman.” Lin Feihang smiled at Jiang Yuanyuan again.

Jiang Yuanyuan was taken aback again.

Lin Feihang began to briefly talk about the relationship between himself and Lu Xuanying, and also said that Li Yunlong would get involved, Lin Feihang said.

It doesn’t matter to let Jiang Yuanyuan know.

He had to let Jiang Yuanyuan understand his relationship with Lu Xuanying and Li Yunlong.

After a few minutes.

It’s almost the same.

Lin Feihang said: “Li Yunlong wants to get Lu Xuanying. He is crazy about it, just like he would kill for you back then. It is even more extreme, so he wants me to die, and after all, one of us is going to die, not to die. Endlessly.” Lin Feihang smiled after speaking.

“So… you are looking for me… to make Li Yunlong misunderstand?”

After listening, Jiang Yuanyuan slowed down, speaking very slowly, thinking about asking: “Are you trying to get revenge on Li Yunlong? Put a hat on him? Annoy him?”

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