Chapter 577: Being Surveilled

After reading the data for a while, Lin Feihang turned off the computer.

Go to sleep.

Lin Feihang’s mouth turned up even more, to see how far the data will explode tomorrow!

On a new day, the old Lin Feihang got up because there was still something in his heart.

Lin Feihang got up to wash and wash through the farmers. Lin Feihang, who had just taken care of him and was about to go out for breakfast, stopped subconsciously when he entered the passenger.

Lin Feihang scanned the luxurious living room of this villa.

Suddenly found something wrong!

Someone has been in this living room!

And after he went to bed last night.

Lin Feihang’s memory is unforgettable under the blessing of the system.

Before going to bed yesterday, Lin Feihang clearly remembered the situation in the living room. All the details were like photos, printed in his mind.

So he found something wrong now.

The first is the decorated vase on the coffee table next to the sofa. It has been moved. Although the position has not changed much, the pattern has changed in the direction of the inside, as if it had been slightly twisted by someone.

It is also possible that someone moved the vase and then placed it back. It was placed in the right position, but not right.

No one will actually notice this kind of detail.

After all, no one can remember such small details!

There are also cushions on the sofa, which are not in the right position, and they have been moved, as if they were picked up by someone and put a little to the side.

Although there are no other marks on the sofa, Lin Feihang can be sure that someone has definitely sat down on the sofa!

Someone sneaked in here yesterday.

Lin Feihang scanned the living room’s expression, only for an instant that something was wrong, and it became natural immediately, as if he was looking for something, then he entered the living room on the small cabinet next to the wine cabinet and picked up the TV remote control.

What is certain is that the person who sneaked in was sent by Li Yunlong.

Lin Feihang could even guess that the other party might have installed a pinhole camera or a bug in his home.

The person who sneaked in must have never been in the master bedroom. Otherwise, even if Lin Feihang slept too much, it would be impossible for him to be awake without noticing it.

It is estimated that the other party is also afraid of getting rid of the grass! Pinhole camera or bug. It should be in the living room. To be more precise, Lin Feihang thinks it should be in the decorative vase on the coffee table!

There may be other places too, but Lin Feihang has no intention to observe carefully for the time being.

Lin Feihang secretly warned himself that if he went to bed late, there would be a kind of excessive sleep.

It seems that in the future, you must pay attention to your own time difference!

But since the other party wants to play like this, Lin Feihang will give the other party a chance!

Originally, Lin Feihang was going out for breakfast, but now Lin Feihang has changed his mind.

At the moment, Lin Feihang turned on the TV. Lin Feihang sat on the sofa directly opposite the TV, then first ordered a takeaway with his mobile phone, and then made another call.

Called Lu Xuanying.


“I got up early today.” Lu Xuanying’s voice was sober after the phone was connected, she had already gotten up.

“It’s early than you.” Lin Feihang replied with a smile.

Then Lin Feihang said again: “My dear Miss Lu Xuanying. Are you looking for me today?”

“What’s the matter?” Lu Xuanying was surprised, and then asked.

What can I ask Lin Feihang for?

“I’m asking you, are you okay today?” Lin Feihang said again.

“You!” Lu Xuanying thought about it for a while and realized that, indeed, two days ago, she called Lin Feihang early in the morning to ask him to go to the company, and she said in a good tone: “Are you tired of me? Nothing today? matter!”

“Are you sure?” Lin Feihang asked back.

“I’m sure!” Lu Xuanying replied immediately.

“Then I won’t go to your company today, and I will do my own business.” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“Do you love it, eh? You wait…”

As Lu Xuanying spoke, her voice suddenly changed, and Lu Xuanying regretted it.

Lu Xuanying said helplessly: “Come on! I think we have to talk about Tian Sizhu.”

“Sure, then I will be at your company before nine o’clock.” Lin Feihang also agreed very simply.

He made this call on purpose!

The words are also deliberately said!

Not long after hanging up the phone. The takeaway arrived. Lin Feihang ate the takeaway and drove out of his villa.

On the way to Lu’s Group. Lin Feihang was driving when the phone rang suddenly.

After Lin Feihang picked up the phone and glanced at it, he frowned slightly, then answered the channel: “Say!”

Lin Feihang’s tone was a little impatient!

Points are deducted for calling by car!

“Mr. Lin and they are going to do it to you! You stop right away and find a place to hide first! You have to be careful!”

The other party’s voice was very low, and the tone was very tense, it was Pan Yuanlong who came over.

Although Lin Feihang told him, he did not need to notify Pan Yuanlong in advance.

But Pan Yuanlong was too scared, the more he thought about it, the more scared he was. The pressure he was under was too great!

He knew that if Lin Feihang had any accident, he would die too, so he couldn’t help it in the end.

Lin Feihang frowned and said coldly, “Didn’t I say, don’t you need to notify me? Do your business.”

Lin Feihang driving with one hand was a little unpleasant.

“I…I know, Mr. Lin, then…” Pan Yuanlong stammered a bit and wanted to say a lot, but in the end he didn’t say anything at all, but asked: “Mr. Lin. Then how can I…I Do you want to notify Master Lu?”

This is the accident of Lin Feihang that Pan Yuanlong is most afraid of, but Lu Yingyi did not receive news from him in advance, and he would be dead!

“No.” Lin Feihang directly replied.

Lin Feihang then asked again: “Will I make fun of you with my life?”

“That…then I…”

Pan Yuanlong wanted to say something, but Lin Feihang didn’t listen to Pan Yuanlong’s words, so he hung up.

Lin Feihang put down the phone and stepped on the accelerator, and the car hurried to the Lu Group to leave.

Lin Feihang’s mouth was slightly raised at this moment, and killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Lin Feihang knows very clearly that it seems that there is a great possibility of “an accident” in his own day.

The tracking he discovered yesterday and the anomaly in his home today made Lin Feihang understand, and even the information about his whereabouts when he was driving to the Lu Group was exposed by him on his own initiative.

Just after Pan Yuanlong’s phone call, it was also proved that the person sent by Li Yunlong had installed the monitoring device in his own home!

But all this is under Zhuge Feihang’s control, don’t panic!

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