The 538th chapter is unkind

Lin Feihang pretended to be grandiose, and said quickly: “Brother Ye Fan don’t need to apologize to me.”

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan, and then smiled without a smile: “Sit down, everyone. Sit down and talk.”

Faced with Lin Feihang, he once messed up with himself, and couldn’t help but said: “Are you teaching me to do things?”

Although Ye Fan can tolerate Chen Tong in various ways, Ye Fan is not polite to others.

Right now, Ye Fan sneered again, looked at Lin Feihang disdainfully, and said coldly, “Are you worth it?”

“Ye Fan! Enough of you! Dare to talk to Lin Shao like this?”

“I abolished you!”

The angry little boss roared, and couldn’t help it anymore, he just picked up a wine bottle and smashed it on Ye Fan’s head without saying a word.

“Damn it.”

Lin Feihang’s mouth twitched, he knew it was bad, but now he wanted to stop the little boss, it was too late.

At this time, the little boss shot Ye Fan, this is giving the head away.

Ye Fan had already seen that Ye Fan’s body at the moment had recovered as before, and his momentum was even stronger than before.

Ye Fan broke through again!


As expected by Lin Feihang, Ye Fan directly waved his hand and slashed the little boss’s face with the dagger he carried with him!

The blood overflowed from the face of the little boss in an instant.

“Do you dare to hurt me?”

The little boss couldn’t help but feel a pain on his cheek, and then there was a smear of blood on his face, completely angry.

Ye Fan’s eyes were fierce and said: “If you dare to do it again, I will not hurt you, but kill you!”

Ye Fan’s eyes were full of cold light, and the aura of a master was fully revealed.


The little boss clenched his fists in anger. He looked at Ye Fan’s fierce appearance, and couldn’t help being a little scared. Although he was angry, he didn’t dare to do anything to Ye Fan again.

“I left this scar.”

Ye Fan slowly wiped the blood on the dagger with a white cloth, and said lightly: “This is your lifetime glory!”

After everyone looked at Ye Fan’s move, they were shocked instantly!

“Ye Fan turned out to be a master?”

“What’s the situation?”

“Ye Fan, this trash, turned out to be an advanced warrior?”

Chen Yunhai and Chen Kexin, as well as the Chen family members and guests, were all stunned at this moment.

They never thought that Ye Fan, who has always been a waste, would turn out to be a hidden warrior!

“Shao Lin?”

The little boss gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Fan very angry.

“Don’t panic.”

Lin Feihang winked at the little boss and said lightly.

At this moment, Ye Fan’s strength is stronger than before, and the gap with Lin Feihang is slowly widening. If Lin Feihang wants to be a strong action player now, he can only deliver food.

A small leak will sink a great ship!

Chen Tongnai even scolded, “Ye Fan, you are really too much!”

Although everyone in the Chen family was shocked, Chen Tongnai didn’t care.

Chen Tongnai glared at Ye Fan angrily, and scolded, “This is grandma’s birthday banquet, how can you do this!”

“Ha ha.”

Ye Fan sneered and said: “Tong Nai, I didn’t want to have a showdown so quickly, but now, I don’t pretend, I’m going to showdown.”

“My identity is the apprentice of the genius doctor on the mountain, but the contacts in my hands are connected to many big people. I can’t tell you. But I can tell you that I, Ye Fan, is definitely not a waste.”

“What do you mean?”

Chen Tongnai couldn’t help but was taken aback, then asked.

Right now, Ye Fan spoke even more: “Tong Nai, think about it, how did these people in the Chen family treat you, you still don’t know?” Ye Fan sneered and said, “Go with me and leave the Chen family.”

“You can start a company if you want, I’ll help you!”

“I will make you the richest man in the Black Sea, the most dazzling queen of the Black Sea!”


Ye Fan’s words filled Chen Tongnai’s heart with hesitation and a complex expression.

Chen Tongnai has feelings for Ye Fan. Even though they spend very little time together, how can one or two sentences of feelings be clear!

However, let Chen Tongnai give up the Chen family now, she really can’t do it.

What Chen Tongnai wants to do most is to make the pharmaceutical factory bigger, prove her ability to everyone in the Chen family, and improve her family’s status in the Chen family!

Let the Chen family dare not put pressure on her again!

Now Lin Feihang gave her hope.

Ye Fan told her to give up like this, she was really reluctant to give up.

Lin Feihang directly opened the mouth and said, “Ye Fan, you’re over now.”

Lin Feihang slowly said: “A woman marries you because she wants to be blessed by the whole family, rather than being cursed by the whole family for betraying the family.”

Lin Feihang knew that his strategy had already succeeded.

To let the Chen family continue to do this, Ye Fan can really follow the routine and take Chen Tongnai, who is disappointed in the Chen family, to leave the Chen family.

Then naturally everyone in the Chen family knelt and licked the vulgar plot of Chen Tongnai and Ye Fan.

But now because of his appearance, Ye Fan has been exposed too early, and Chen Tongnai has not been completely disappointed with the Chen family.

Ye Fan’s goal to take Chen Tong away from the Chen family was obviously impossible!

Ye Fan said with a cold voice to Lin Feihang: “Lin Feihang, you don’t need to teach me to do things now.”

Ye Fan looked at Lin Feihang with ferocious and chill eyes, and he sneered with his mouth tilted and said, “You have to dare to give me a sneer.”

“I will do it today.”

“Kill you!”

Ye Fan knows that Lin Feihang is a master, but now he is not only well wounded, but also has increased skill. He believes that he will kill Lin Feihang.

only need to.

one second!


“Lin, Lin Shao?”

Seeing Ye Fan’s icy eyes staring directly at Lin Feihang, Ye Fan’s coercion directed at Lin Feihang, and the little boss was stunned.

The little boss wanted to help Lin Feihang, but he was weak.

You can’t get close to Ye Fan’s body at all!

It can be said that if Ye Fan directly shrouded all the martial artist’s coercion on his body, let alone close to Ye Fan’s body, he would even be forced to kneel down by Ye Fan!


Ma Bo stepped forward with a grim expression, and quickly said: “Boss, you go first.”

“I will block him for you!”

“Ha ha.”

Ye Fan glanced at Ma Bo with disdain, then sneered even more: “You are just an ant, you want to stop me?”

“I can run you to death with one finger!”

At this moment, Ye Fan was very domineering and extremely powerful.

It’s completely different from the previous person-in-law.

Ye Fan surprised the Chen family and many guests.

“The visitor is not kind.”

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan in front of him with a solemn expression.

“Lin Shao, he is in Black Sea City, and we are the ones who came.”

The little boss stood beside Lin Feihang, already panicking, and asked quickly, “Shao Lin, what should I do?”

“To shut up.”

Lin Feihang directly yelled

Although Lin Feihang was not Ye Fan’s opponent for the time being, it was not that easy for Ye Fan to kill him.

After all, he still saves his life!

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