Chapter 526 Where am I young?

At this moment, Lu Menghan really didn’t know how to say it all at once.

She said what she said, and she was looking for the fault. If you dare to ask “who you sleep with”, you can say that it is free.

Girls are not reserved at all!

But in the end, Lu Menghan did not expect that Lin Feihang and Wu Bingyu were less “reserved” than her!

What do you do now?

Recognize counseling. Say go home?

In fact, this is not confession, but Lu Menghan is a child who has a temper.

In honest people, she also has a temper.

She said everything, what else can I do?

Lu Menghan stood there thinking for a long time, before suddenly a flash of inspiration, said to Lin Fei: “No! You can’t be together, you can choose one!”

Lin Feihang immediately smiled and said, “You don’t agree with this. Then I can only choose Bingyu.”

“Then don’t blame me…” Lu Menghan pouted and said in an angry and threatening tone. Then she stopped again, and she realized that something was wrong.

What else can she do? Entering Lin Feihang and Wu Bingyu’s room to make trouble, then Lin Feihang is afraid that she will directly pull her together, Wu Bingyu doesn’t mind, wouldn’t it be together again?

“Don’t blame you?” Lin Feihang asked Lu Menghan.

Lu Menghan wanted to understand this at the moment, so he didn’t speak any more and just sat down, but he still looked very angry…

But at this moment, Lu Menghan couldn’t say a word.

Lu Menghan is eating at the end!

Wu Bingyu suddenly tilted his body and whispered to Lin Feihang: “Husband, this is not so good…”

Lu Menghan raised her head suddenly, with an expression of opportunity, she knew how could Wu Bingyu not mind at all?

This is her idol, goddess!

How could it fall to this level!

“Huh? Why is it not so good?” Lin Feihang tilted his head and approached Wu Bingyu, looking at her with some doubts.

“It just doesn’t feel good.”

Wu Bingyu whispered: “She’s too young, she’s just a child, if she participates, isn’t it broken by us? From now on…”

Wu Bingyu is kind after all.

She knows her situation.

Moreover, she and Lin Feihang are both in their twenties, so they can do anything, while Lu Menghan is still a student.

It is a kind of fear of “teaching children to learn badly”.

Hearing this in Lu Menghan’s ears, that’s not the case!

It’s the feeling of being seen as a child. The girl who is in the rebellious period, the most annoying is the child who is considered to be ignorant!

After hearing Wu Bingyu’s words, Lin Feihang felt that something was wrong.

Xin said that this is not a kind of “bad thing”.

It’s not that Lu Menghan can’t hear it.

Lu Menghan is angry now, he will definitely be angry!

“You shouldn’t say such things.” Lin Feihang tilted his head and whispered in Wu Bingyu’s ear again.

“Huh?” Wu Bingyu didn’t understand what Lin Feihang meant, and was a little confused.

At this time, Lu Menghan’s angry voice suddenly came over: “Who do you think is young?”

“Huh?” Wu Bingyu snorted and looked at Lu Menghan ignorantly.

Lu Menghan’s momentum declined, and he didn’t dare to continue speaking loudly!

In fact, Lu Menghan didn’t dare to provoke Wu Bingyu, and didn’t dare to argue with Wu Bingyu!

Among the four major families in Jiangbei City, Wu Bingyu is the most special one among the younger generation!

Because Wu Bingyu is outstanding!

Outstanding makes people of the same generation dare not compare…

Although she is only twenty-five years old this year, she can already represent the Wu family and the Wu Group.

Go and negotiate business with the bosses of other big groups!

And Wu Group’s industry volume was also driven by Wu Bingyu.

She is the spokesperson of the Wu family, and even her effect is not worse than the star effect!

This is just Wu Bingyu’s current status in Jiangbei City’s business community.

It can be said to be on an equal footing with the billionaires in Jiangbei City.

These are often reported on TV.

Lu Menghan also knew that Wu Zhonghao’s body was not very good.

Wu Bingyu is likely to take over as Chairman Wu within these few years, or before the age of 30…

At that time, she will be the head of the Wu family of the four major families in Jiangbei City!


She is just a little girl from an ordinary family, how can she compare with her!

Lu Menghan whispered: “Where am I young? I obviously grew up…I can have children!”

Lu Menghan didn’t dare to play sideways with Wu Bingyu, but Lu Menghan still muttered to himself after his momentum declined.

Not convinced.

This made Wu Bingyu a little bit dumbfounded.

Lu Menghan is really childish.

Wu Bingyu also understood why Lin Feihang said she shouldn’t.

Because it aroused Lu Menghan’s rebellious heart.

The more she is not allowed to do it, the more she will do it

“Let’s eat.” Lin Feihang said.

Turn off the topic first!

“Good husband.” Wu Bingyu immediately turned to Lin Feihang with a sweet smile.

Harmony again.

Have a meal.

Not for a while.

“Brother eat this.” The chopsticks were suddenly handed over. Xiang Lin Feihang put it in the bowl = fried

It was not Wu Bingyu, but Lu Menghan.

She suddenly started to learn from Wu Bingyu, and even the words were what Wu Bingyu had said before.

Lin Feihang looked up at Lu Menghan, who blinked at Lin Feihang, but didn’t even look at Wu Bingyu.

Lu Menghan was deliberately angering Wu Bingyu in this way.

I don’t believe Wu Bingyu doesn’t mind at all 1

Wu Bingyu glanced at Lu Menghan, then smiled, a little helpless.

Lu Menghan’s careful thought, she could see through it at a glance.

And she really didn’t mind that Lin Feihang had other women. The only thing she worried about was that Lin Feihang would be snatched away, such as Lu Xuanying.

In case Lu Xuanying suddenly thought to monopolize Lin Feihang, it would be too troublesome for Wu Bingyu.

But the rest does not matter!

After dinner

Wu Bingyu rinses the bowl.

Lin Feihang sits on the sofa and watches TV.

While Wu Bingyu was in the kitchen Lu Menghan played rogue to Lin Feihang again, but it was useless.

After Wu Bingyu washed the dishes and came out, Lu Menghan stopped making trouble, but she lay on the sofa, resting Lin Feihang’s legs, and watching TV with Lin Feihang…

And deliberately angry with Wu Bingyu.

Wu Bingyu ignored her and sat with Lin Feihang on the TV for a while, said something for a while, and then went back to the bedroom first.

Unconsciously, it was past eleven o’clock in the evening.

“Husband… rest early, I have to get up early to go to the company tomorrow.” Wu Bingyu appeared at the bedroom door and said

Lin Feihang smiled and promised: “Okay.”

Lu Menghan, who was resting on Lin Feihang’s legs and flipping the phone, sat up and looked at the door of the master bedroom.

Lin Feihang got up and walked over and entered the bedroom with Wu Bingyu, before closing the door directly.

There was no one to pipe Menghan, and Lu Menghan, who was sitting sideways on the sofa, suddenly looked upset.

She was unhappy at first, and then a little uneasy! Then there was a hint of excitement, and then he became uneasy again!

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