Chapter 524 Is it so harmonious?

Lin Feihang smiled and said: “For the time being, you can do this for me first. For other things, I will find you again when I need it.”

“I still want to…”

Red Rose hugged Lin Feihang’s arm, her eyes were full of softly looking at Lin Feihang.

What Red Rose wants to do is already self-evident.


Lin Feihang couldn’t help but coughed a few times in embarrassment, and then said with a tired face: “Aren’t you afraid of exhausting me?”


The red rose snorted and said with a smile when she slept: “How can you feel tired when you are so powerful?”

Lin Feihang said helplessly: “Then I will be exhausted too.”

When Red Rose heard this, she chuckled, and gave Lin Feihang a glance, and then said, “That’s better!”

“It saves you dipping into flowers and grass!”

At the moment, Red Rose gave Lin Feihang a look again, and immediately began to take the initiative.

For the following details, please make your own Baidu, or make your brain association.

About half an hour later, Lin Feihang suddenly rang Lu Menghan who was still at home.

As a master of time management, he will never neglect other women for the sake of one woman.

Lin Feihang immediately got up and left.

Finally drove to the home of the champion mansion.

Lin Feihang directly took the key and opened the door.

The moment Lin Feihang opened the door and took a step towards the room, Lin Feihang could not help but stop, and was stunned.

At this moment, Lin Feihang saw a very strange scene.

What’s the situation at home now?

It’s night, and there are thousands of lights outside the window.

The living room under the dazzling lights.

The TV is on and the evening news is playing.

The aroma of the food has already begun to drift across the house.

Because the hair was washed but not combed, Lu Menghan, with a messy haircut, is just wearing a nightgown. He is walking out of the kitchen at the moment with a steaming plate in his hand. It is freshly cooked cooking.

But Wu Bingyu, who was only wearing blue pajamas and pajamas, followed Lu Menghan, holding a large bowl of steaming soup in his hand.

“Miss Lu, go slowly, and be careful not to fall.”

Wu Bingyu also reminded Lu Menghan.


Lu Menghan yelled, and could not help speeding up his pace, walked quickly to the table, put the plate down, and then lifted his hands and pinched his ears.

This is a very strange scene.

If it were any single person, it would not be so weird, but when did Wu Bingyu come?

Why are you still cooking together?

Is it so harmonious?

I feel something is going on here, but what is going on?

Lin Feihang couldn’t help but pause for a moment when he was about to close the door. He looked at the room in a daze, frowned slightly, but showed a smile of relief.

They can get along with each other in peace, I am very pleased, at least not the kind of fighting!

“Brother, you are back!”

When Lu Menghan turned around, he saw Lin Feihang and said with a smile.

It may be because the TV is too loud, and they didn’t hear the door opening when they were in the kitchen just now.

After hearing Lu Menghan’s cry, Wu Bingyu turned his head to look at the door, and said: “I just came back, and I will be able to start dinner soon.”

“When did the ice rain come? Why don’t you make a call in advance?” Lin Feihang closed the door and asked with a natural smile.

“It’s more than two hours.” Wu Bingyu replied with a smile.

After Wu Bingyu finished speaking, he hurriedly walked to the kitchen, and then said: “Husband, please wash your hands first. There is one more dish, which will be out of the pot soon.”

“Did you call your husband directly?”

Lu Menghan couldn’t help feeling sour when she heard Wu Bingyu’s words. She didn’t want to be like this to herself, but after hearing Wu Bingyu’s husband’s words, she felt strangely piercing her ears!

After Wu Bingyu whispered a word, he glanced at Wu Bingyu entering the kitchen.

When Lin Feihang was changing shoes at the door, Lu Menghan quickly walked over, and asked Lin Fei in a curious low voice: “Brother…what is going on…? When did you get involved with Miss Wu ?”

After Lu Menghan asked, he looked back at the kitchen door, as if he was afraid of being heard by Wu Bingyu.

Lin Feihang glanced at Lu Menghan.

Lin Feihang was able to imagine that on the premise that people met unexpectedly without conflict, Yi Lu Menghan’s character must have exploded with curiosity!

It is estimated that before she came back, she had already asked Wu Bingyu a lot of questions.

Judging from her cautious attitude now that Wu Bingyu would hear, Lu Menghan probably didn’t ask anything.

To deal with this kind of little girl, Wu Bingyu didn’t want her to know.

It would be impossible for her to know.

At the moment, Lin Feihang smiled and said: “What’s wrong, it’s so ugly. What are you thinking about in your little head!”

Lin Feihang smiled and said, and then knocked Lu Menghan’s head, now he changed his slippers and walked inward.

Lin Feihang maintained a confidential attitude.

“You just tell me?” Lu Menghan quickly followed Lin Feihang and asked in a low voice.

Lin Feihang immediately said perfunctorily: “If you ask Bingyu, see if she tells you!”

Lu Menghan pouted and said, “It’s because she doesn’t speak, her mouth is strict.”

When Lin Feihang heard this, he smiled again: “Then you ask me, isn’t it difficult for a strong man?”

The two talked and went to the table.

Lin Feihang glanced at the dishes on the table and walked to the bathroom again. When passing by the sofa, he took off his suit jacket and threw it on, and went into the bathroom to wash his hands and face.

Lu Menghan has been following Lin Feihang like a stalker, pursuing them in a low voice!

This incident shocked her a lot!

My brother has to work every day, to be with me and Lu Xuanying, how can I still have time to fix my idol?

“Brother… Good brother, dear! Just tell me…”

Lu Menghan’s face was so blushing that he was forced to act like a baby.

Because this is so shocking! It even gave Lu Menghan a feeling of “star super gossip”!

“Guess?” Lin Feihang smiled again and dealt with Lu Menghan.

He was washing his hands at the side of the sink, and Lu Menghan was beside him.

“Tell me…” When Lu Menghan saw that Lin Feihang didn’t say anything, he started to play rascals with Lin Feihang.

She directly grabbed Lin Feihang’s hand and prevented Lin Feihang from washing it.

Then he hugged Lin Feihang’s neck, kissed Lin Feihang’s face boldly several times, and shouted, “Good brother, tell me…”

The word “good brother”.

Lu Menghan used to call Lin Feihang very frequently, many times when the two were together, Lu Menghan would call out!

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