Chapter 512: Boss Zhong Misunderstood

There is a feeling that… whether you can live or not depends on Lin Feihang’s mood!

Except for listening to Lin Feihang, he has no choice at this moment.

“Jingle Bell……”

Just when Pan Yuanlong was thinking wildly, Lin Feihang’s cell phone rang.

It’s Zhong Dahai.

At this moment, Lin Feihang turned his head and looked out the window. Zhong Dahai’s motorcade was already here, and Zhong Dahai had already got off the bus. There were more than a dozen bodyguards behind him, right in front of the Sakura Rain Cafe.

“Brother, I’m here.” Zhong Dahai said.

“On the second floor.” Lin Feihang replied.

Lin Feihang hung up after speaking.

On the first floor of the coffee shop, after Zhong Dahai put down the phone, he led people in, and was stunned as soon as he entered the door!

Then Zhong Dahai frowned, and the dozens of people in the cafe could tell at a glance that these people were not guests.

“Boss Zhong?”

At this moment, someone has recognized Zhong Dahai, they are doing security work, and they are always undertaking big events. I’m quite familiar with the characters in Jiangbei City.

Zhong Dahai, a dozen bodyguards, entered the door with him.

In the comparison of the number of people, it is a lot worse.

But none of Zhong Dahai’s bodyguards is ordinary, and the security company’s people are not necessarily. The aura of both sides is obviously not the same grade.

The faces of the dozen or so people in the coffee shop have become a bit wrong. I don’t know what to say, the most important thing is whether to speak or not.

Zhong Dahai glanced at these people coldly, but didn’t say anything. He just frowned, and then led the people directly to the entrance of the ladder.

These dozens of people didn’t know what was going on. They knew that their boss was talking to people upstairs, but they didn’t dare to stop or even say a word.

Zhong Dahai led the people directly upstairs.

The second floor was empty, with only two people sitting by the window.

As soon as Zhong Dahai came up, he saw Lin Feihang at a glance. At the moment, Zhong Dahai approached with a smile and said: “Brother, are you talking?”

After Zhong Dahai finished greeting Lin Feihang, his face sank again, and he gave Pan Yuanlong a sideways glance.

Zhong Dahai knew Pan Yuanlong. They were all famous figures in Jiangbei City. Basically, he could meet one person at a certain banquet, one who wanted to make friends, the other pretending to know each other, and it was impossible not to know each other.

It is the question of familiarity and unfamiliarity.

Pan Yuanlong looked at the approaching Zhong Dahai, his face began to become very awkward, he quickly stood up, his voice was slightly trembling and said: “Zhong…Zhong boss…”

Pan Yuanlong persuaded.

Of course, Pan Yuanlong didn’t persuade everyone when he saw it.

If Pan Yuanlong and Zhong Dahai met normally, then they must be smiling and shaking hands.

But now it is obviously abnormal, Zhong Dahai went upstairs to call brother Lin Feihang, and he still looked at him with a gloomy face!

The look in his eyes seemed to have enmity.

Zhong Dahai didn’t talk nonsense. As he walked over, he pulled the chairs of other tables in his hand, and threw them toward the table with a little domineering, then he sat down, leaned back, and didn’t look straight Pan Yuanlong said: “Boss Pan, you called and threatened my brother before, right?”

When Pan Yuanlong heard Zhong Dahai’s words, he was stunned for a moment. Zhong Dahai’s attitude at the moment was as if he was his father-killer enemy, as if he was about to chop him!

Lin Feihang immediately said: “Brother Zhong, don’t…”

Lin Feihang raised his hand and gestured, a little bit to stop the clock.

Pan Yuanlong looked at Zhong Dahai as if he wanted to leave. He panicked and said quickly: “Boss Zhong, I…I didn’t, you misunderstood…”

Pan Yuanlong was a little flustered. He is messy enough now. If a big man like Zhong Dahai is worried about it, then he won’t have to live.

Zhong Dahai asked with eyebrows, “Is it a misunderstanding? When you called my brother, I was there? What did you say?”

Zhong Dahai’s speech was not fast, but his voice was heavy.

Pan Yuanlong was really panicked, and then turned his gaze to Lin Feihang and sent out a distress signal.

Pan Yuanlong really couldn’t explain it.

Zhong Dahai turned his head and asked Lin Fei Channel again: “Brother, he threatened you, do your younger siblings know about this?”

Lin Feihang, who asked this question, was stunned, and then reacted, the younger brother and sister Zhong Dahai said. It’s the brother-in-law, which means Lu Xuanying!

Zhong Dahai really knows how to support people.

The Lin family can deal with Pan Yuanlong alone, but Zhong Dahai has to add Lu Xuanying and Lu family.

When Pan Yuanlong heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his face changed drastically!

Pan Yuanlong thought that Zhong Dahai was called Brother Lin Feihang because Lu Xuanying was very much like Lu Yingyi.

He also heard about the conflict between Lu Xuanying and Lin Feihang in the hotel a few days ago.

I heard that there was almost a conflict, but it got better afterwards.

Zhong Dahai is always good at making friends.

Everyone knows that he has a close relationship with Lu Yingyi. It is also good to have a personal relationship with Lu Xuanying, and he likes to be called an acquaintance brother. He is a bit of a quagmire, so Pan Yuanlong didn’t think much about it before.

Lu Ying Yineng is now called Brother-in-law Lin Feihang, and Zhong Dahai’s call to brother is normal and familiar!

But as soon as this “brother and sister” was spoken, the relationship changed!

Zhong Dahai is called Brother Lin Feihang, not because Lin Feihang is Li Ruobing’s man and Lu Yingyi’s brother-in-law, but he can take these two out! He has a “brother relationship” directly with Lin Feihang

more importantly!

The woman Zhong Dahai called “younger and younger sister” is Lu Xuanying, the eldest son and eldest granddaughter of the Lu family.

Zhong Dahai’s so called, it shows that Lin Feihang is more important in his heart. Both the Lu family sisters and brothers have to lean back!

In his heart, among the three of Lin Feihang, Lu Xuanying, and Lu Yingyi, Lin Feihang is directly related!

It’s him!

What brother is this? Brothers of life and death?

Pan Yuanlong’s complexion instantly became like a colorful rainbow, and it changed a bit like a marquee.

Pan Yuanlong, who was afraid of death, felt like he was going crazy at this moment!

Lin Feihang immediately smiled and said, “Brother Zhong, you look down on me too much. What do you tell Hyunying about this little thing?”

Lin Feihang smiled back to Zhong Dahai, and then persuaded him: “Brother Zhong, don’t come, it’s so angry. Everyone is a friend.”

Pan Yuanlong immediately agreed: “Yes, yes, they are all friends, boss Zhong, you have misunderstood. There was some misunderstanding between me and Mr. Lin. We all talked about it. Really, we have all agreed…”

Pan Yuanlong began to explain very quickly, for fear that Zhong Dahai’s fist would come up before he spoke. This is still good, if you can’t explain it clearly, you really have to run away.

“That’s it?” Zhong Dahai frowned, then looked at Lin Fei’s channel with a questioning look: “Brother?”

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