Chapter 508 Can we talk about it?

Pan Yuanlong felt that the mission Li Yunlong gave him was extremely dangerous!

This is not an ordinary trivial matter of tracking. Even if the death of tracking is discovered, you can run to get rid of it.

If you want to blame, you will also go directly to Li Yunlong, and will not pursue the intermediate links.

But if it were directly arranged specifically to put Li Yunlong’s cronies to Lu Xuanying and Lu Yingyi’s side, then the matter would be too big.

If caught, something will happen!

Pan Yuanlong couldn’t help but listen to Li Yunlong, because he had fallen too deep!

He complied.

It was through the unique contacts within the industry that Li Yunlong sent people to the community where Lu Xuanying lived as a security guard!

He also inserted another of Li Yunlong’s cronies into the community where Lu Yingyi lived!

After that, he knew that the two people of Li Yunlong had evaporated from the world, but he did not pursue him Pan Yuanlong.

There are still many things that haven’t been pursued to him!


Although I didn’t find it this time, I often walked by the river and didn’t have wet shoes.

In January last year, Pan Yuanlong was still asleep at his mistress’s house, and was sapped and taken away.

When Pan Yuanlong woke up again, he saw Lu Yingyi sitting on the sofa, banging bullets…

He didn’t know how Lu Yingyi found out about him, anyway, he found it!

To survive! Pan Yuanlong began to knelt down to Lu Yingyi and sold Li Yunlong all his brains.

It was really a snot and tears.

In the end, he promised Lu Yingyi that he could be an undercover agent for Lu Yingyi.

In the future, Li Yunlong will arrange what he is doing, or if there are other arrangements in Jiangbei City, he will inform Lu Yingyi as soon as possible.

This guy is really eloquent when he wants to survive.

It turned out to convince Lu Yingyi!

But when Pan Yuanlong turned his head, he sold Lu Yingyi again!

Li Yunlong’s entanglement is too deep.

At that time, he was even more afraid that Li Yunlong would attack himself!

But Li Yunlong didn’t kill him either. Instead, he used him to pass some false news to Lu Yingyi.

In this way, Pan Yuanlong became a “double agent”!

He walked between the two like a tightrope.

Below the steel wire, that is the abyss, if it is a wrong step!

It will be overwhelming!

Put it nicely…Pan Yuanlong’s this is called the right and the right.

If it’s bad, it’s called the rhythm of death!

It has been more than a year since I became a “double agent”.

Pan Yuanlong really couldn’t stand it anymore!

Because Li Yunlong’s movements are getting more and more, he is getting bigger and bigger. He knows very well that whether he has been known by Li Yunlong or Lu Yingyi about the things he has done in the past year, he will die!

It could be an “accident” or it could be a “suicide”!

Pan Yuanlong was so scared that he would die. He even wanted to abandon his family property and simply ran away abroad.

However, he was reluctant to part with his hard-earned savings, so he gave up!

There was silence in the cafe at this moment.

There were more than 30 people in the cafe, all of them staring dumbly at the boss, Pan Yuanlong, who was kneeling on the edge of Lin Feihang’s chair.

They didn’t even know what was going on, just like a sudden!

This makes people feel a bit inexplicable.

Because only Pan Yuanlong, who was close, could hear Lin Feihang’s voice on the phone on the desk, the other people simply couldn’t hear it, and even a vague movement was inaudible! :

Lu Yingyi began to urge: “Brother-in-law, tell me! Who is this person? Malgobi’s!”

Because Lin Feihang said “he” and stopped, Lu Yingyi asked cursingly again, very angry!

Lin Feihang looked at Pan Yuanlong, who was begging on his knees.

Then he smiled and picked up the phone… put it in his ear and whispered: “The job number is 998, it’s the person in your store.”

Lu Yingyi said directly: “Okay! Fuck! I’ll catch it now!”

Lu Yingyi said his hurried footsteps in the background.

Lin Feihang immediately smiled and said, “Okay, you can deal with it. Do it cleanly!”

“Don’t worry, brother-in-law. Thank you brother-in-law.”

Lu Yingyi thanked again.

Lin Feihang immediately said politely: “Thank you, family.”

Lin Feihang hung up after speaking.

Of course the traitor Lin Feihang told Lu Yingyi was true!

He even knew that there were other traitors or spies around Lu Yingyi.

But these are some marginal characters, it is impossible to directly contact Lu Yingyi…

It doesn’t matter whether you say it or not.

To clean it up once is to stun the snake.

For anyone, Lin Feihang would never show all his hole cards at once!

Lin Feihang immediately put away the phone, and smiled and glanced at Pan Yuanlong.

Pan Yuanlong looked at Lin Feihang who had hung up the phone. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with gratitude: “Thank you! Thank you Mr. Lin. You will be my brother in the future! No, you are my uncle! Thank you! Thank you! ”

Pan Yuanlong was still knelt down and looked excited, and he didn’t have the backbone to say anything!

And it is such a person who has the right and the left, which is also one of the reasons why he can live to this day.

And Lin Feihang also knew this guy’s attitude, and he absolutely couldn’t believe it!

If Lin Feihang gets Li Yunlong through him, he must be completely dealt with!

And this requires a little special means!

Lin Feihang asked, “Are you able to talk?” Lin Feihang still kept a smile on his face.

“Can you do it! Talk what you want to talk about!”

Pan Yuanlong stood up as he said, stepped back two steps, nodded and bowed in a please gesture.

“Mr. Lin, let’s go upstairs. Go upstairs and talk about…”

It is inconvenient to talk here, and the conversation between two people in the thirty-odd people must not be listened to by other people.

Lin Feihang smiled, got up to gather his suit, and walked to the stairs leading to the second floor. Pan Yuanlong crouched and followed Lin Feihang quickly.

The 30-odd people on the first floor of the coffee shop all looked dumbfounded, standing and watching, their eyes moved with the movement of the two!

“Jingle Bell……”

Just when Lin Feihang reached the top of the stairs, Lin Feihang’s cell phone rang.

Lin Feihang slowed down, then took out his mobile phone to take a look, and immediately answered the channel: “Brother Zhong, are things going well?”

Zhong Dahai seemed to be in a good mood, he laughed and said: “Smooth, smooth! Hahahaha!”

Zhong Dahai laughed, and immediately changed his voice: “Brother, where are you now? I’m going to find you…”

“I have something.” Lin Feihang said lightly.

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