Chapter 506: Is it such a waste?

This group of people all looked at Lin Feihang all of a sudden, and they couldn’t help being stunned.

Because… Is this kid so courageous? since

After they came here to sit down, but no one dared to walk in, all the guests who came this afternoon stopped as soon as they entered the door, and then went out with their heads bowed, so they didn’t dare to spend here. .

Is this young man so courageous?

Dare to go inside?

Are young people like this now?

On the west side, near the wall, there is a four-person deck, one with a bald head and very thin, middle-aged man with sunken cheeks sitting on the inside. He was looking at the phone, and he used it at the moment. Yu Guang also noticed someone coming over.

He couldn’t help but feel a little curious at the moment, and then glanced over.

I saw a young man in a suit, very handsome, but he was also taken aback for a while, and then he frowned slightly!

This young man is really not afraid of death!

Do young people nowadays really have such courage and fearlessness?

This person also thought that Lin Feihang was a customer who came to buy coffee. He seemed to be looking for someone’s place, or he might be preparing to go to the second floor!

But he did not expect that this young man walked directly to the table where he was, and immediately pulled the opposite chair, then sat down, lifted Erlang’s legs, leaned back, and had one hand still in it. Suit pocket.

It looks so awesome!

Just listen to Lin Feihang say to him: “Have a long time.”

After Lin Feihang finished speaking, he smiled at this man.

When the bald-headed middle-aged man heard this, his face changed instantly…

Immediately there was a surprise, and then he stood up suddenly, slapped the table with an angry face, and roared, “Is it you? Are you calling me?”

The tone of the bald-headed middle-aged man was not a confirmation, but an uncertain suspicion.

Because Lin Feihang is too young, this young man can’t know his details at all, unless he is the son of a big man, but how can a big man pay attention to him! !

Although Lin Feihang’s voice on the phone sounded very young, the bald-headed middle-aged man did not dare to guess that Lin Feihang was so young.



After the bald-headed middle-aged man suddenly got up and patted the table, all the dozens of people on the second floor of the cafe pulled out their chairs and stood up. There was a lot of movement.

It feels like “full of people” in the cafe!

Only Lin Feihang sat calmly, everyone staring at Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang was very calm, looked at the bald-headed middle-aged man and smiled: “Yes, it’s me. Are you surprised?”

Lin Feihang said, then he turned his head slightly, glanced at the group of men in the coffee shop, and then at the bald-headed middle-aged man, then he smiled and said, “What do you mean? Bring these people to scare me? Are you? Want to let this group of people under you. Listen to me talk about your shameful mess? Let them know, so that they can help you publicize it, right?”

When the bald-headed middle-aged man heard this, the flesh on his face couldn’t help but tremble, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang’s calmness was beyond his imagination.

He put up such a formation, but he couldn’t stir Lin Feihang’s emotions at all!

Of course not!

Even if you step back ten thousand steps. Today is the fight!

With the number of people in the coffee shop today, the thirty-odd people in the coffee shop are open enough, and with enough terrain and enough facilities to use, they simply can’t beat Lin Feihang alone!

Besides, Lin Feihang is very confident, it is impossible to fight today!

Lin Feihang can be sure that the bald-headed middle-aged man in front of him at this moment dare not even hurt his hair!

He brought so many people out and put on such a big battle. Although it meant to be intimidating and frightening, the most important thing was because he himself was afraid of death!

He is already involved in something that shouldn’t be involved!

He is already transferring assets and planning to go abroad. People are really afraid of death!

“Who are you?” The bald middle-aged man stared at Lin Feihang in a low voice and asked.

Lin Feihang then mocked: “It’s been a few hours, you have my mobile phone number. Haven’t found out who I am? Is it such a waste?”

After Lin Feihang finished speaking, he smiled again, with some teasing in his smile.

The bald-headed middle-aged man instantly turned black and his eyelids jumped wildly.

Lin Feihang smiled and scolded him for trash, which made him suddenly wonder how to deal with it.

Get angry and do it directly? He dare not!

Because, he did check this mobile phone number, but this mobile phone number is a black number, there is no real-name system at all, even if you want to check it, you can’t find it!

Lin Feihang has two mobile phone cards, one for his work, and the other for handling dirty matters.

This phone number is the phone number for handling dirty matters!

At this moment, the bald-headed middle-aged man is totally unsure of Lin Feihang’s details, nor does he know who Lin Feihang is behind, or who sent it, and the secrets Lin Feihang holds are fatal to him. !

But if he doesn’t do anything, all the people under him will look at him. As the boss, he is too shameless when he is pointed at the nose and cursed at the waste. How will he manage his subordinates in the future?

At the moment, the bald-headed middle-aged man slapped his hand on the table again, leaned forward, supported the table with his hands, and asked angrily, “Who is it that you are so special?”

The bald-headed middle-aged man looks scary and oppressive!

So that Lin Feihang can stop a bit!

But Lin Feihang frowned slightly, and then said: “You know what? I’m really tired of someone swearing at me. It seems that you don’t want to talk to me well today. Forget it, I’ll send you on the road! ”

After speaking, Lin Feihang directly took out his mobile phone, dropped it on the table, opened the address book, directly found the number noted as Lu Yingyi, and dialed it instantly.

The bald-headed middle-aged man still looked at Lin Feihang coldly. He didn’t believe that Lin Feihang knew someone like Lu Yingyi at such a young age!

He felt that Lin Feihang was just pretending!


“Hey! Brother-in-law!”

The phone was connected soon.

Lu Yingyi’s voice is very enthusiastic, and his name is very kind!

Without waiting for Lin Feihang to say anything, Lu Yingyi said first: “What a coincidence, brother-in-law, I was still thinking about calling you. I didn’t expect you to call first.”

The cafe is a closed space, although it is crowded but quiet now. Lin Feihang did not turn on the hands-free mobile phone, but in this environment, he put the mobile phone on the table, which caused that other people in the distance could not hear or hear the sound in the mobile phone, but in the bald head that was very close. Young people can hear it.

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